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De Badd Ass
Fooey is available via the Matrix.
MK Ultra
Some rolls

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P.S. Imagin the post-icon´s hair was white and it would almost look like my character.
MK Ultra
What´s it with that Chicken?
Yeah... I couldnt figure it out either...
QUOTE (MK Ultra)
What´s it with that Chicken?

It's a garbage mah jong hand. Like saying "Gin" in gin rummy.
Anyone waiting on anything from me?

It looks to me that if there's still interest, that advancing the plot requires either a more active PC Hacker/TM (we can look at recruiting another player), or finding a NPC hire/contact. The other avenue is pursuing the Feng Shui ritual angle.

Or sit in the apartment eating cake.
Hmm, as much as I love cake, I think we definatly need some help in pushing things along. biggrin.gif Either of the other two avenues are fine with me...
Cake IS cool and all but... I'm in for any leads I can reasonably have Hikaru look into.
De Badd Ass
QUOTE (Konsaki @ Mar 12 2007, 10:26 AM)
Cake IS cool and all but... I'm in for any leads I can reasonably have Hikaru look into.

Is Hikaru related to Johnny Wong? It occurred to me that one of his relatives could kinda leak that Johnny is still alive. See Fooey's IC. Meanwhile, the gunsels can stake out the hospital....
DR, what kinds of rolls would be necessary to "review" the celebration footage, both the specific section we knew we were "altering" and the overall display with the Feng Shui knowledge?

It's not like Willow's a master by any means, but some type of knowledge might provide some lead... I've been having her review the footage IC, but I've been lacking in making any rolls as I'm not quite certain *what* to roll for it.
MK Ultra
De Badd Ass, is the timestamp of your IC correct or a typo?
QUOTE (De Badd Ass)
QUOTE (Konsaki @ Mar 12 2007, 10:26 AM)
Cake IS cool and all but... I'm in for any leads I can reasonably have Hikaru look into.

Is Hikaru related to Johnny Wong? It occurred to me that one of his relatives could kinda leak that Johnny is still alive. See Fooey's IC. Meanwhile, the gunsels can stake out the hospital....

I highly doubt it, since Hikaru is half-Japanese/half-American and Wong is Chinese.
De Badd Ass
QUOTE (MK Ultra)
De Badd Ass, is the timestamp of your IC correct or a typo?

QUOTE (Vegas)
DR, what kinds of rolls would be necessary to "review" the celebration footage, both the specific section we knew we were "altering" and the overall display with the Feng Shui knowledge?

It's not like Willow's a master by any means, but some type of knowledge might provide some lead... I've been having her review the footage IC, but I've been lacking in making any rolls as I'm not quite certain *what* to roll for it.

Apologies, been very busy this week at work.

There have already been some checks to know if -something- has changed. Something very minor probably changed in the ceremony.

To analyze exactly what changed an Extended Test is required. It's a Threshold 12, Interval 1 week, Attribute + Feng Shui (Or other approriate skill).

If you have the original ritual plan, the interval is reduced to 1 hour.

You will note that this makes it impossible for the Governing council to actually know that everything went as planned, which they have announced.

It is possible that parties originally involved in the planning of the ritual fireworks ceremony will be able to identify the changes in Feng Shui influences much faster.

Or you can try and steal the original plans for comparison.
QUOTE (DireRadiant)
Or you can try and steal the original plans for comparison.

That sounds like some sort of Shadowrun!
Team, let's suit-up!
De Badd Ass
According to
In China, the natives greet each other on the occasion Chinese New Year by wishing Guo Nian Hao, which means Happy New Year. This can be used in the first five days of the Chinese New Year Festival.

Some of the common forms greetings that Chinese greet each other with are: Gōngxǐ fācái; Hokkien Keong hee huat chye which means, "Congratulations and be successful”.Niánnián yǒuyú is a wish for excess and abundant harvests every year.A night before the beginning of the New Year, the children in every household is given money in a red pouch or paper. This is supposed to ward-off evil.

People have their own amiable way of wishing one anther Happy Chinese New Year.Some do it by exchanging good words, some by sending Chinese New Year greeting cards, Chinese New Year e-cards and Chinese New Year cards. Forwarding each with Chinese New Year wallpaper is another way of wishing each other good luck on the auspicious occasion.
Public display of fire works by the government is how authority of the country extends their warm wishes to the citizens of China on New Year festival. People over the country wear color Red, which supposedly keeps the evil spirit at bay.

At every nook and corner of the country’s cities bright red banners are posted with the message of FU meaning Good Luck in Chinese. These banners are put up side down intentionally for this grand event of Chinese New Year.

People also invite their kith and kin over lunch and dinner and have a family reunion. During the Chinese New Year Eve and Chinese New Year Day the ancestors and deceased members of the family are prayed by the family to look over their well being.

What do I know? I don't speak Chinese.

Anyhow, the idea is not to flush out the killer. The idea is to get the owners of those comm codes to respond with their names. Saves Fooey from having to hack every single one.
I speak Mandarin + smattering of some Chinese dialects. Unless that message was sent to everyone, Cloud isn't going to reply.

Recommendations(in English but translated from Mandarin/Chinese)

During this festive and joyous occasion, may this message find you in good health and great happiness. I wish all my dear relatives and friends a prosperous and bountiful year ahead. Good fortunes during the Year of the Tiger!

(no need to sign off)

OK, the message loses quite in translation, but it is the best I can do. It has a more personal touch than the ubiquitous "gongxifacai" or "xiniankuale".
De Badd Ass
I like it!

QUOTE (toturi)
(no need to sign off)

Fooey will go with Cloud's recommendation except for one thing. He feels signing is important, as the whole point of the exercise is to get the recipient to sign a reply. Perhaps a lead in to the signature should be used - like the English "Sincerely yours,", "Yours truly,", "Best regards,", etc. Does that help?

It occurred to Fooey (me after googling Chinese New Year) that an e-card greeting format may or may not be appropriate. Perhaps with a picture of Johnny Wang. Think others might reply with pictures of themselves? I thought one of the relatives might have one.

(by e-card greeting, I mean a gif animation of a tiger morphing into Johnny Wang - or the reverse. The edit skill would let Fooey make one of those. Don't know if that would appeal to someone Chinese. The ones I saw on the net looked kind of wierd to me. That's because this is the year of the pig, and I have an American concept of pigs - Porky Pig, Three Little Pigs, etc. Tony the tiger is much more appealing.)

Anyhow, Fooey hands the project over to Cloud, as Cloud is at the safehouse with Wang's comm link, and Fooey is not.
The problem is that there is no universal signing off. If it is a relative, you sign one way and if it is a friend, you do it another way, if it is a colleague it is yet another.

By the way, nobody wants their children to be born in the year of the Tiger. It might seem like a auspicious sign to Westerners, but it isn't. Just like the dragon is good to the Chinese, but bad to Westerners.
De Badd Ass
QUOTE (toturi @ Mar 25 2007, 08:08 AM)
By the way, nobody wants their children to be born in the year of the Tiger. It might seem like a auspicious sign to Westerners, but it isn't. Just like the dragon is good to the Chinese, but bad to Westerners.

Hah! My daughter was born in the year of the monkey, and my son was born in the year of the pig. Westerners call this "Family Planning"; every year is the year of the bull. rotfl.gif

BTW: I was born in the year of the dragon. Pretty fortunate for me!
I am not sure if convenience stores would even be open on this holiday - from what everyone else has said, it would count as working, so probably most of them are closed. Still, I figure Blaze wouldn't know that, or would suspect that, even on holidays, people want to pick up booze and junk-food, and that somebody would dare keep their doors open. biggrin.gif
MK Ultra
No time to IC now (but I will). My PCwill be against any signing or pictur, because some of Jhonny´s contacts might not know his name and/or apearance and we´d like to keep it that way!
Agreed, anyone who knows Johnny would have him on their contacts as the persona that he uses and as it is a shot in the dark, we don't want to get into further entanglements.
De Badd Ass
QUOTE (toturi)

Then send it.
QUOTE (BlackHat)
I am not sure if convenience stores would even be open on this holiday - from what everyone else has said, it would count as working, so probably most of them are closed. Still, I figure Blaze wouldn't know that, or would suspect that, even on holidays, people want to pick up booze and junk-food, and that somebody would dare keep their doors open. biggrin.gif

You can probably find a street vendor several blocks off of Nathan Road.

Or an automated vending machine or two.
De Badd Ass
QUOTE (amra28)
Once on the street [Wu Xian] takes a quick look around to see if anyone is paying attention to them.

Don't forget to look up. When you do, wave to Jimmy Chan's Stormcloud. You could also use it to look around before leaving the safe house.
De Badd Ass
Who responds to the New Years greeting?
MK Ultra
Who sent it? AFAIK Cloud asked Fooey to handle that, so he could redirect the datatrail to make it look like Wang is at some more appropriate location, like a restaurant or something (on the way to such a location is probably best, so nobody wonders that he wasn´t seen where he is supposed to be according to his datatrail).
De Badd Ass
I read that, didn't understand it, and ignored it.

Are you saying that email is GPS tagged with the senders location? Is this also true in passive and hidden modes?

Fooey will spoof Wang's commcode address (using info provided by Gabe) and relay the transmission through his moving Stormcloud.

EDIT: I forgot that Wang had an internal commlink. I was thinking that someone at the safehouse was in possesion of Wang's commlink. I second guess not.
I believe you are all currently reviewing a draft message, and it hasn't been sent yet, however you end up sending it. Details of which will be important.
The Starred list is the current team btw. SO most of the PC have received a message. From a commcode identified as Johnny Wangs.
De Badd Ass
Yes. Hackers call this a "test". Corporate types call it "Peer Review". Whatever.... If y'all approve, then Fooey will send it to the rest of the distribution list.

This is the message you receive:

QUOTE (toturi)
During this festive and joyous occasion, may this message find you in good health and great happiness. I wish all my dear relatives and friends a prosperous and bountiful year ahead. Good fortunes during the Year of the Tiger!

Johnny Wang

QUOTE (De Badd Ass @ Apr 11 2007, 07:04 PM)
Yes. Hackers call this a "test". Corporate types call it "Peer Review". Whatever.... If y'all approve, then Fooey will send it to the rest of the distribution list.

This is the message you receive:

QUOTE (toturi)
During this festive and joyous occasion, may this message find you in good health and great happiness. I wish all my dear relatives and friends a prosperous and bountiful year ahead. Good fortunes during the Year of the Tiger!

Johnny Wang

And Donald Trump calls this "You're fired!" biggrin.gif

It's my message, I don't exactly approve but I can't think of anything better.
MK Ultra
The old man will imidiately send his demand NOT to sign the message with Jhonny Wang. The spooved comcode would have to do for the contacts, to know who is sending it and it should be sufficient.

Anyway, with us not in the posession of Wang´s com, the answerswould´t be send to us when we spoove his comcode, or would they? Fooey might have to do some hacking to get the answers - Exploiting a way into the call-distribution node of Wangs service provider and running a Sniffer on all incomming calls for his comcode.
Computer or Hacking 1 or better
[ Spoiler ]
De Badd Ass
QUOTE (MK Ultra)
The old man will imidiately send his demand NOT to sign the message with Jhonny Wang. The spooved comcode would have to do for the contacts, to know who is sending it and it should be sufficient.

You never explained how that would work. You send an unsigned message, and expect to receive signed responses?

Seeing how you are family, and it is your mianzi in jeopardy, you have the veto power. Can you think of anything better (inquiring minds want to know)?

The Hong Kong New Year lasts three days, and three days is how much time you have to come up with something to save your mianzi. Expect to do some work during this holiday if you want to see progress. If you are role-playing a personality, then you are doing fine - it will be up to the others to resolve the deadlock, and come up with something better. The problem is: I am also role-playing a personality. Fooey did a job, and got paid - no strings attached. He doesn't have a burning interest in solving this assassination. The rest of you also got paid, with a string attached - a string that looks a lot like a burning fuse.

OTOH: This game might die if everyone sits back waiting for someone else to do something.

Question for the GM: How did Fooey, a virtual stranger, learn that the victim's name is Johnny Wang if it is such a secret?
QUOTE (De Badd Ass)
Question for the GM: How did Fooey, a virtual stranger, learn that the victim's name is Johnny Wang if it is such a secret?

Prior till he was found in the hotel you may not have known, but since then there have been several IC opportunities, including the dump from his commlink, the hotel sensor footage, the interaction with Hilary Green, and some other interactions with both PC and NPC. Remember also that Fooey I believe was offered the task of investigating Johnny Wang's demise by the scream sheets as well.
De Badd Ass
QUOTE (DireRadiant)
Prior till he was found in the hotel you may not have known....

I'll buy that! Did Fooey know Wang by an alias, or just as Mr. Johnson?

DireRadiant - Just checking in - Hadn't seen a response to PMs. Just wanting to see if you had been getting them?
QUOTE (Redjack)
DireRadiant - Just checking in - Hadn't seen a response to PMs. Just wanting to see if you had been getting them?

Yes. Just haven't had time to do an in depth review.
QUOTE (De Badd Ass)
QUOTE (DireRadiant)
Prior till he was found in the hotel you may not have known....

I'll buy that! Did Fooey know Wang by an alias, or just as Mr. Johnson?

Also, and I think this was the original point, just as Fooey did not know, the other commcodes may be a in a similar situation where the recipient may not know the caller as Johny Wang. So an unsigned message may get a more revealing response.
MK Ultra

First, sorry, I intended to do an IC response but didn´t quiet find time to do so, even though I had planty of time in the last two days :-/
To answer your question, I don´t really have a better idea, but I have to admit, that given the way I see my character hadn´t given it that much time to think about, either. You are probably right, though, that we should use any ideas at this moment, even if they are OOC for the player who comes up with it sarcastic.gif


I thought I´d give that computer-roll a defaulting try and well it worked biggrin.gif (at first glance I thought it was a crit glitch and was allready salivating about a hillarious missconception)

[ Spoiler ]
QUOTE (Redjack)
DireRadiant - Just checking in - Hadn't seen a response to PMs. Just wanting to see if you had been getting them?

The moment has arrived, I am introducing a new player to the game, Redjack. Pending a final review of character.

[ Spoiler ]
MK Ultra
Wellcome aboard, chummer!
Thanks!! Glad to be aboard.
[ Spoiler ]
De Badd Ass
QUOTE (DireRadiant)
The moment has arrived, I am introducing a new player to the game, Redjack. Pending a final review of character.

Wekcome, Redjack!
QUOTE (De Badd Ass)
Wekcome, Redjack!

So who all is still active in this game?
It looks like De Bad Ass, MK Ultra, Amra28, Toturi, Vegas & Konsaki...

One thing I forgot to ask: What is the expected post rate for this game? (2/week; 1/week; 1/2weeks..?)
De Badd Ass
QUOTE (Redjack)
So who all is still active in this game?
It looks like De Bad Ass, MK Ultra, Amra28, Toturi, Vegas & Konsaki...

My list of active players includes all those plus Black Hat. I imagine Blaze can answer for himself once he gets back from the Stuffer Shack.
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