Oct 25 2003, 01:31 AM
Well so far I think it kicks however, because I have a full time job and I do a lot of shadowrun things, and running of my own I have not come close to beating it.
I'm wondering about the people who help you through missions. Like the cowboy, after a mission do they come back and help you in others.
Try not to give me any spoilers, I think he was a live at the end of the mission however I am not sure(the one in the new ragnarock, I think it is to be named Vodka, or some such silly thing.)
Oct 27 2003, 05:58 AM
"if you liked the first one, you'll like the second" seems to be the consensus. bullet time is cooler, the graphics are cooler, but it's the same game.
which pleases me immensely, i should add.
Oct 27 2003, 02:37 PM
Hopefully the 2nd one will not be as short as the first one. Seems to be it's only flaw.
Oct 27 2003, 02:53 PM
Unfortunatly it was just as short as the first one.
Oct 27 2003, 03:50 PM
QUOTE (Buzzed) |
Hopefully the 2nd one will not be as short as the first one. Seems to be it's only flaw. |
Only flaw? Now, granted, I liked Max Payne, and will certainly rent Max Payne II when it comes out for PS2/X-Box, but the first one had some pretty serious -- IMO -- flaws:
* The two levels where you hopped around on veins as if you were in some 80s platform game.
* The burning building level that was an exercise in frustration.
* The ending -- won't spoil for those who haven't played MP1, but it was exceptionally unclimactic.
There were a few more, but it's been awhile since I've played the game. Fun game, but definately flawed.
Oct 27 2003, 05:10 PM
Well yeah, I agree on first two.
On last part - it was OK, nicely complemented with the start.
So ending was fine.
Gonna see MP2 today, just about hour or two later.
Ahh, good old painkillers , I am coming
Oct 29 2003, 04:49 PM
Well Adam, you'll be glad to hear that they did away with that style of dream sequence, now they're more surreal then totally psychotic, and not drug induced. You should find the ending has a little more resolution. As for the burning building...
Again, if you liked the first one, you'll love the second. I've beaten it twice already (OK so the fact that I have no job and don't go to school helped
). I hear that something is supposed to be a little different in the next difficulty (can't wait to see what).
Oct 30 2003, 12:57 AM
I beat the first one on all the different levels besides the new york minute thing. I remember no difference in the game, besides the difficulty and the challenge. Basicly I mean you didn't get to see any difference in an end. I think this is more or less mainly a Nintendo thing, however I like to see games do that.
The whole burning building. I didn't see it as that difficult, I found the board to actual be one of the more easier boards. (I apologize in advance if this annoys anyone.)
So anyone know if this is any different in the second one. I have still not gotten any farther.
Oct 30 2003, 08:44 AM
No difference in the end? In the first max payne if you played it three times (one on each level of difficulty) you got a "secret bonus" level after the end of the game. I assume it is the same with Max 2, I have yet to know since I have only played it once so far.
As Solkari mentioned there are no drug levels like in the first one, they where really annoying, but there are a few blur levels when Max recovers from various injuries.
The burning building in Max2 was no way near as annoying as the burning building in Max1. At least in Max2 you can stop, stand a rest a while in Max1 you had to run and know where you where going before you got there. That level took a crap load of saves and much frustration.
This time around you also really need the Bullet Time, in Max1 that was just a cool extra that you only really needed a few times while in Max2 it makes the difference on many occasions.
Unfortunately the ending is just as annoying in Max2 as in Max1, running around shooting at objects, wires in the first bolts in the second, plus this time around you have to do it twice.
Oct 30 2003, 11:15 AM
Oh yes crap
I forgot about that ending. Oh that was a pretty sweet board at first I thought it was impossible, then I realized I was just thinking about it wrong. Plus my computer couldn't heck it with the amount of enemies, my frame rate went down the tiolet.
Still I don't see that as a different ending just a bonus board that gives a few "pictures"
I'm more talking about the actual ending, to me it was left a little open in the first one. And by beating it on more difficult levels, I at least felt they should have filled some gaps. Maybe they wanted to keep it open for a second one, and didn't know where that one would begin. So they needed a lot of openness.
Oct 31 2003, 10:42 PM
I beat "Dead on Arrival" difficulty yesterday, and the ending is different. There is no special level. If they make another Max Payne, they'll problably was the "Dead on Arrival" ending, so you might want to go through it that third time.
Thanks for the heads up, luckily I will only have to beat it twice. Friend beat it the first time. So now I have to claim it all. Man, I think the game has a much higher real factor. I mean things just seem to go right, maybe its the physics engine, maybe its the improved graphics of two years difference. I don't know, the story, so far kicks. I love it. I now know why I had to go through the original game three times.
I will finish off with the sweetness of it all!
the DOA difficulty is a bitch, for me--i'm a save whore. i often beat levels without ever using painkillers, because i reload every time i get shot.
Nov 3 2003, 11:10 AM
Four saves per level on DOA, that is a bit harsh on some levels so I probably won't bother doing it ...
The once I imagine would be really annoying:
Construction sniping with Mona
Mob War when you guide "captain baseballbat boy"
The running man in the morgue when you have no gun.
So Solkari was the ending cool ?
Nov 3 2003, 05:21 PM
Well, the ending was a bit better (for reason you have to find out on your own). The difference was more of a binary change (like, something that happened didn't), but was enough to significantly change any story that is to come afterward.
Keep in mind that DOA is supposed to be a major pain in the ass, you just have to find a way to conserve your saves. I'd say to go for it, even if it takes you a few weeks. But if you really want spoilers, I might PM you the one major change.
Nov 3 2003, 06:43 PM
so I get the impression that MP2 has the burning building level like the first one. I guess I'll just have to deal w/ that...
Does it have the "dream sequence" levels. Those were enough to make me put the controller down for a month. Sometimes I still hear the screams in my sleep...
And, for the record, I agree w/ most people that the ending (MP1) was rather anti-climactic. I remember being all excited and then I was like, "Thats it? What the F**k ?!" It did tie in w/ the intro nicely but I had figured something like that was gonna happen anyway.
Nov 4 2003, 08:27 AM
It has "dream" like sequences but they are not as in Max1. There are no screaming children and walking on little lines in the dark. Instead it has 'dream blur' sequences where you basically just run around a bit and have wacky flashbacks and hear voices.
Yes there are burning levels but they are a whole lot simpler then the burning restaurant in Max1 that was a giant pain in the rear.
OK. I'll probably crawl thru the game then on my own. Just have to try and remember where one have "good" save points.
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