Nov 27 2006, 05:40 AM
I have several Trinity books (including an original spiral-bound, plastic-cover
Ĉon core book; yes, you may eat your hearts out
), and of course, Shadowrun. What else should I be looking at? What should I avoid?
Nov 27 2006, 09:59 AM
GURPS: Transhuman Space is pretty cool. Set in 2100, humanity has reached a new level of wealth (in some parts of the Earth) and established bases on many planets of th solar system.
People can upload their brain into a computer or robot, or they can "improve" their bodies by genetical treatments.
There's a lot more, but I don't have the time yet to write it down, sorry.
Nov 27 2006, 11:29 AM
QUOTE (Tanegar) |
(including an original spiral-bound, plastic-cover Ĉon core book; yes, you may eat your hearts out ) |
Ah, but do you have the envelope that White Wolf sent out to the retailers, including a set of stickers and a letter explaining their settlement with Viacom, and that one of the terms of the settlement required them to request that the retailers apply the enclosed "Trinity" stickers over the AEon logos on the outer covers of any AEon books they still had on the shelves?
Yes, the owner of my FLGS loved me as a customer.
Nov 27 2006, 04:23 PM
The old Cyberpunk 2020 books are cool, but most of the new stuff is trash (unfortunately). The newest edition got some very bad reviews, and they have some book whose name I forgot which sets the PCs are kids after some terrible plague. Just stick to the original 2020 books and pick up the chrome books.
Nov 27 2006, 04:33 PM
QUOTE (RunnerPaul) |
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Nov 27 2006, 12:40 AM) | (including an original spiral-bound, plastic-cover Ĉon core book; yes, you may eat your hearts out ) |
Ah, but do you have the envelope that White Wolf sent out to the retailers, including a set of stickers and a letter explaining their settlement with Viacom, and that one of the terms of the settlement required them to request that the retailers apply the enclosed "Trinity" stickers over the AEon logos on the outer covers of any AEon books they still had on the shelves?
Yes, the owner of my FLGS loved me as a customer.
Alas, I do not possess such an envelope. While we're on the subject of the title change, I still think it was profoundly petty and mean-spirited of the people at Viacom to sue White Wolf, when even the most cursory examination would reveal that Ĉon has nothing to do with Aeon Flux.
BTW, what does FLGS stand for?
Nov 27 2006, 04:55 PM
QUOTE (Tanegar) |
BTW, what does FLGS stand for? |
Friendly Local Gaming Store.
Nov 27 2006, 10:17 PM
QUOTE (Tanegar) |
While we're on the subject of the title change, I still think it was profoundly petty and mean-spirited of the people at Viacom to sue White Wolf, when even the most cursory examination would reveal that Ĉon has nothing to do with Aeon Flux. |
I also suspect it may have been something of a publicity stunt engineered by White Wolf. While I have no proof of this, I suspect that they wanted to name the game Trinity all along, but put up a facade of naming it AEon. They did the initial marketing under that name, and then sat back and waited for Viacom's legal department to get in touch with them with a request for additional information.
Then, in response to Viacom's queries, they put together a package of information about what the game was like that made the game seem a lot closer in theme and tone to AEon Flux than it actually was. Viacom, who was pretty sue-happy at the time as far as corporations go, responded as expected, and White Wolf's own legal team settled quickly, because they only cared about the AEon name for the free press the controversy could get them.
Like I said, I have no proof of this, but it goes along very well with publicity stunts that they pulled for later game launches, such as the infamous "White Wolf Has Been Sold!" announcement that launched Hunter: the Reckoning, and their website for a fictitious Baptist Church in Florida denouncing their release of Demon: the Fallen.
Nov 28 2006, 03:02 PM
I'm a big fan of Alternity. It was one of TSR's last hurrahs. It's an interesting system mechanically, and is meant to be somewhat universal while promoting a sci-fi theme. The core books support anything from "now" to "far future", and the first campaign setting was far future, called Star Drive.
There's a setting called Dark Matter as well, which I highly recommend for anyone that's a fan of the X-files. (I actually ran a short story arc that was loosely based off of the Purity Control story.)
Nov 28 2006, 04:45 PM
QUOTE (eidolon) |
There's a setting called Dark Matter as well, which I highly recommend for anyone that's a fan of the X-files. |
Dark Matter was recently re-released as a campaign supplement for d20 Modern.
I'd love to see Star*Drive re-released, too...
Nov 28 2006, 07:12 PM
Dammit Mystic, you just made me throw up all over my keyboard.
Nov 28 2006, 09:17 PM
QUOTE (eidolon) |
Dammit Mystic, you just made me throw up all over my keyboard. |
Well, I'm not exactly a fan of d20...
But it would be nice to see the material in stores again.
Nov 28 2006, 09:36 PM
Maybe. If they were to keep the fluff 100% beyond any possible confusion separate from the mechanics. Then I might buy the fluff. If it was as good as the original, which is doubtful, but that's because I'm a pessimist.
Jame J
Nov 29 2006, 01:19 PM
I like the original WEG D6 version of the Star Wars RPG. The D20 isn't really as good.
Nov 29 2006, 02:37 PM
I've been trying to get copies of the 2nd edition of the WEG SW. They were pretty pricey last time I was actively looking.
Nov 29 2006, 03:04 PM
I've only dabbled in it a few times but a friend of mine is a big fan of the classic Traveller, although he prefers the GURPS Traveller variant because of the supposedly superior rules.
In addition to different rules GT differs from the "main" Traveller universe in an important historical fact: the assassination of the emperor (IIRC), a major plot-point in the T universe, never happened in the GT universe resulting in a different ingame history from this point onwards.
Nov 29 2006, 04:26 PM
I've never done the Traveller thing, but I've always thought the Transhuman Space thing looked cool. Trouble is I can't get anyone to want to try GURPS. (Heck, I'm not even sure I want to try it, but the setting looks cool.)
Jame J
Nov 29 2006, 07:41 PM
Oh yeah! I've been playing the Traveller rpg (a house rules variant) for several years now.
Nov 29 2006, 11:46 PM
Transhuman Space is a cool setting, but I don't like the GURPS rules too, so I wuold try to convert it to SR rules.
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