Dec 4 2006, 01:31 PM
Dunno if anyone's posted anything about this before, but I did search and found nothing.....
A mate at work found this and past it to me seeing as I play SR a lot and so I thought I'd pass it on to the DSF peeps to have a look at. From what I've seen on the website it's looking good, made by SR players and they've got a pre-pre-alpha version up and running for testing already. And classicly started with the Redmond Barrens *8->
Anyhoo the URL is:
Shadowrun OnlineEnjoy the hope it comes out *8->
Dec 4 2006, 10:41 PM
Isn't that the one the developers posted about here ages ago?
The one where they didn't have the license to do a Shadowrun game, but were going ahead anyway?
Dec 4 2006, 10:53 PM
That's the one.
Dec 5 2006, 01:24 AM
Do you hear that? It's the Microsoft War Machine.
I hear it has lasers for eyes.
Dec 5 2006, 01:27 AM
Nah, they won't send the war machine. They'll send their product and patent acquisition department.
Dec 5 2006, 01:31 AM
Shh! It can hear you!
Dec 5 2006, 05:57 AM
Ah, fine print:
Disclaimer: The intent of this project is solely to create a game concept proposal for submission to Microsoft Game Studios
Yeah. They're not going anywhere. I wonder how it feels to so utterly waste one's time.
Dec 5 2006, 04:00 PM
Yeah. They're not going anywhere. I wonder how it feels to so utterly waste one's time. |
Oh, I wouldn't say that...
Microsoft/FASA knows already of our project and we've been completely forthright with them about our intentions. Despite the impending release of the Shadowrun FPS, they've spoken with us about new directions the SR IP can be taken.
We've gotten further with the idea of an SR MMO than anyone else has, to date. What began as a twinkle in the eye of a rabid fanboi is now the size of a city block of Touristville in the Redmond Barrens, with inhabitants of hellhounds, ork shamans, elven street samurai and the wizworm himself, Dunkelzahn.
We're serious about this, and a Shadowrun MMORPG really isn't a matter of "if", but rather of "when".
Dec 5 2006, 04:14 PM
QUOTE (GreyPawn) |
We're serious about this, and a Shadowrun MMORPG really isn't a matter of "if", but rather of "when". |
I want so badly to love you, but you're not writing a single player/non-MMO game.
Dec 5 2006, 04:28 PM
QUOTE (GreyPawn) |
We're serious about this, and a Shadowrun MMORPG really isn't a matter of "if", but rather of "when". |
It's nice to see enthusiasm, but we've been hearing this spiel for how long now?
I do wish you luck, but until that license is in stone I have to count this as vaporware.
Dec 5 2006, 07:10 PM
i still think they should pull and use the Turbine engine for this. I've played DDO enough and think that this particular engine would be perfect for an SRO game
Dec 5 2006, 07:22 PM
No offense, but I think the DDO engine didnt to so great... Maybe it was just the game ontop of it though...
Dec 5 2006, 10:24 PM
It's nice to see enthusiasm, but we've been hearing this spiel for how long now? |
About 18 months. In that time, we've assembled a team of 20 devs, built an engine, created a small world and the systems and characters that accompany it and figured out many of the challenges that come with transitioning a PnP to an MMO. In all likelihood, you'll be hearing the same "spiel" for another two or three years, if you are actually paying attention to us, that is.
I do wish you luck, but until that license is in stone I have to count this as vaporware. |
Vaporware definitely. I would feel exactly the same. It's still quite technically an idea, though it has a lot more bulk to it now that you can actually log in and run around with an Ares Predator. But, it really is still a loooong way off from sitting on the shelves at EB.
i still think they should pull and use the Turbine engine for this |
We're currently using a highly modified Torque engine for iteration and proof of concept, though we intend to use BigWorld or an equitable solution for full production.
Dec 6 2006, 04:26 AM
it also could have been your system, i have to say you did need a pretty top of the line system to run DDO, simply because it wouldnt play on anything less than a 128meg video card.
Dec 6 2006, 11:03 PM
Turbine's DDO system just wouldn't mesh well with the SR world. Bows (as they are) are broken, so I can only imagine firearms. Magic is all spellpoint-based, of which SR will have nothing of. Damage is far too D&D-based (and, gee, I wonder why).
It's a good enough system, IMO, for an MMO, but not for SR.
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