Dec 5 2006, 05:38 AM
::October 18, 2070::
"Knight Errant forces responded last night to a daring raid of a local clinic by gang members--"
The trid mutes itself and then shuts down following the verbal and mental commands of the broad toothed ork. "Denver Rulez" pronounced in vibrant yellow against his blue t-shirt.
"Them kids did well last night."
"Yes, they did. Though perhaps they drew a bit too much attention to themselves. We will need to watch what the investigation uncovers. With one dead and the others making an obviously magical escape, I believe the farce of gangers attacking a Georgetown clinic will only be able to survive a few more hours."
The second man is obviously Asian, with the muscle tone and sculpture that comes from obsessive work in the gym or a skilled surgeon's scalpel.
"Janine, please call any regulars that are available for a discrete assignment, starting tomorrow. Bolster their number with a few of the Irregulars, preferably from folder Nu-Seven-Four."
Disconnecting the call from his internal commlink, he realizes that Gurth had been talking. He nods in agreement silently, a terse expression on his lips.
This could be problematic.
Dec 5 2006, 05:33 PM
::October 18, 2070::
Dim gray light illuminates the shade pulled over Esther's 'window.' The window was a rectangular wall-unit that provides UV radiation to interior rooms like hers. Shade up, it's an eye sore. Shade down, she can imagine that just beyond is the dreary, gray blanket of her Seattle home. With the quiet shush of drizzle playing in a loop across her audio link, the illusion is complete.
There had been a stretch of crisp, clear days in the city. Wholly unseasonable. Most folk were enjoying a rare break in the gloom, but for the past couple months Esther had had relished every bleak and rainy day that she got to spend off the streets. Not that she wished ill on folks stuck out there, just... it was nice. To be inside. Warm. Dry. In a real bed. It was going to be hard to give up.
So what the fuck is this tridcross crap, why no job listings? Don't want to get soft here at this apartment - not staying. Bull-fragging-shit.
English has suffixes and prefixes. But very few infixes. Frag, fuck, freaking - all variations on the same sentiment - had become one of the few infixes in the English language. Or'zet, on the other hand, had many. Esther wasn't fluent in Or'zet, but her grasp was decent. Several years around Brawlers... hard not to pick it up. Dangerous, even.
Bull-fragging-shit. Just being lazy. Already going soft.
Esther lay in bed. It was on the small side. Not designed for a troll's comfort, but she was on the small side as trolls went and didn't threaten the integrity of the furniture, nor dwarf the bedding terribly. She'd been up already. Showered. Fixed breakfast for the house. A simulated omelete. Nutra-soy imitated softer proteins rather well and she had been pleased with the results. She'd returned to the privacy of her room after breakfast and lay in bed working the day's AR puzzles out of her Mentation Mamba subscription. Not using her last paid-up week to find another gig.
No, lazy. See... too lazy to deserve this. Can the self-loathing crap, it's not worth the synapses wasted to think it AND stick to a side. Right.
So, this is it. Today's the day.
She stretches in the bed - shoulder joints popping, knuckles grazing the wall - and dismisses the puzzle she'd been working at. It dissolves into annoying giggles as it derezzes. There was still a bit of a stitch in her side where the bullet passed through. And even that stitch might just be the stubborness of her brain not letting her forget the injury. Certainly her body was fit again. She relaxes taut muscles and swings upright.
"So, this is it," she murmurs. "Today's the day." It's an affirmation of sorts. And a reality check. Lame, she knows. But one of those routines that long ago transcended habit and wandered into the realm of superstition. Atheletes could be like that. Though, as superstitions went, Esther was a light-weight.
She pulls on threadbare-going-on-grubby clothes and wishes that she had Taylor's fashion sense. And his wardrobe budget. They'd been in touch on and off since The Job, and were threatening to get a drink sometime this week, but they'd been threatening that for a while. Busy and all.
She takes a long dark coat from a hook over the mirror and stops, looking at her reflection. Ice blue eyes. Her real eyes had been a muddier, dark blue. She'd never learned where they'd come from. Her parents' and brother's eyes were all dark brown. Before the installation, the team's image consultants had suggested that the ice blue would be a good contrast to her skin. They had been right. She still liked the arresting affect they had. So vain... gawping at the mirror. No... just the eyes, look until they don't seem like they're mine.
Outside her room she hears the locks on the front door release and the now-familiar creak as the door opens and shuts. Her eyes cut to the door as she imagines the room on the other side, gut clenching. Just Juan. He was out.
She relaxes. Tosses the jacket onto the bed. Well, don't want to be anti-social. Time to make an appearance. She reaches for the door-knob and hears the door to Juan's room open and shut.
Dec 5 2006, 08:24 PM
::October 18, 2070::
She had afforded herself the luxury of sleeping in this morning. It wasn't the fuzzy grey light filtering through her bedroom windows that caused her to rise, but the delicious smell of cooking bacon and eggs and thick, sweet southern chicory coffee. If there was any benefit that came from the run down in New Orleans it was simply that it afforded Jon the opportunity to taste some southern-style cooking and with that he brought back the ability to brew a mean pot of coffee. It was something that would endear him to A'ja even further.
She untangled herself from the soft and silky natural cotton sheets and peek her head down the hallway from the bedroom, from the looks of things and the way Jon was hovered over in the kitchen, she'd have just enough time to sneak in a quick shower before breakfast.
Some blasts of hot water and a fluffy white robe later, A'ja padded quietly into the kitchen, slipping her arms around her boyfriend from behind and giving him a tight squeeze and a soft kiss on the back of his neck before letting go and heading straight for the coffee. A warm cup between her hands and a few sips later and she had actually regained the ability to speak, let alone think clearly. Her blue eyes glittered with anticipation as she watched food being plated with the speed of wired reflexes. As he carried the food to the table a slow and contented smile played on her full lips. She was looking forward to some downtime now that both she and her boyfriend were in Seattle at the same time and didn't have jobs to do.
krayola red
Dec 5 2006, 09:30 PM
::October 18, 2070::
A lone figure stands silently on the sidewalk, propped up in a casual pose against a roadside lamp post. Dawn is near, but its herald is nowhere to be seen in the overcast gray sky above. At this hour of early morning, the streets are deathly quiet, the shops locked and barred and the majority of the city's population still in bed. Occasionally, a NewsNet rotodrone floats down the street, scouring the city in hopes of finding events worthy of the attention of those who actually get up early enough to catch the morning news. Every few minutes, the caw of a raven can be heard somewhere in the distance. After awhile, a single gunshot rings out, and the caws cease to sound. Juan had always found a kindred soul in ravens, but apparently someone doesn't share his sentiments. Eventually, a cab rounds the corner and pulls up on the curb in front of him. Stepping inside, Juan beams his address to the vehicle's computer with a few mental commands and reclines back in his seat as the doors seal shut. As the cab begins to move forward, he brings up an image of a man on his commlink, spends a few moments to study his countenance one last time, then activates the self-destruct command for the portfolio containing all the information he'd gathered for this job. In less than a second, every shred of incriminating evidence stored on his commlink is deleted, erased so perfectly that not a trace of it can be unearthed by the best electronic forensics investigators.
#The beast of eternal darkness has fed in blood. Payment for services rendered will be delivered as promised, yes?#
Outside, the scenery starts to blur. A few moments later, the Seattle skies open up without warning, and a dreary, doleful rain starts to fall, pittering and pattering softly on the grimy, litter-strewn surfaces below. A few more moments later, he was home. Stepping out of the cab, Juan heads up the dingy stairs of his apartment building, eventually arriving at the humble abode that he'd called home for the past few months. Unlocking the front door with an old fashion metal-and-teeth key, he walks inside. Out of the corner of his eyes, he spots a breakfast omelete sitting on a tarnished silver dish on the kitchen table, and smiles faintly. He still remembers the days when he would test each meal Esther prepared for poisons before he would put his fork in it. He still has his doubts about engaging in a shared living arrangement, but at least he knows now that she's not trying to murder him. After polishing off the breakfast, he heads to his room, strips off all his work gear, lies down in bed, and closes his eyes. Sleep doesn't come easy anymore, not since Anita died, but he'll take it whenever he can get it.
Dec 7 2006, 11:44 AM
::October 18, 2070::
It's a long, slow, Saturday morning and the rain is falling outside. One of the things John had come to like was not the rain, but the fact that, since the winds blew inward from the Pacific in Seattle, the rains did not (often) carry acid rain with them.
It was pure rain. Rain composed, moe or less, of mostly H2O, not H2O-plus-random-toxic-chemicals. Much better on everything and everybody.
That was his brief, brief thought as he rolled out of bed on this slow, sleepy Saturday morning.
After showering and getting ready for whatever the day was going to hold - he had nothing planned, but things could happen at any time, he dropped to his knees before a crucifix on the wall, pulling out a rosary and crossing himself.
"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen," he whispered to himself.
"I believe in God the Father, creator of Heaven and Earth..." he began to pray, the ancient, unchanging rhythm of the rosary, starting with the Apostles' Creed. A practice Billy McBain (Father Bill, now, but part of him would always remember the little kid he'd first met in preschool) had reawakened in him when he'd come to Seattle, months ago. Nothing much, just starting the day, when he could, by praying the rosary before the crucifix, the image of Christ on the cross. A calm, quiet time before the day went to its usual lightspeed pace.
Mister Juan
Dec 8 2006, 06:23 PM
::October 18, 2070::
::Pier 64, Seattle Aquarium, Seattle::
Ludmila yawned heavily. It wasn't that she was bored, but weekends had a tendency to make her feel tired. During the week, her work at Watanabe kept her so busy, always on her toes, that she never had time to feel tired. But nevertheless, she was glad it was Saturday... even if the weather was as crappy as always. It gave her the opportunity to spend entire days with Lana. It was unfortunate, but her work at Watanabe didn't giver her much to spend and raise her daughter; Zina did most of the work. So, every time she had days off, she would spoil the little girl as much as she could.
Today, the activity of choice had been a trip to the Seattle Aquarium. Lana had been going crazy over fishes ever since she had watched some animated show on the trid. She kept drawing whales now.
Of course, the aquarium didn't have whales, but it would probably beat anything else Ludi could come up with.
Quietly sitting on a bench, next to the gift shop, the russian woman kept one eye on her daughter, who was buzzing around the touch pools of the "Life on the Edge" exhibition, and the other one on the small morning crowd of visitors and tourists.
Things had changed so much since Lana had been born. She had left not only her career at the FSB behind, but also her motherland. In a strange way, her work at Watanabe was less risky than the operation she ran back with the Ministry of Domestic Security. The pay was also better. Only 6 months after starting with the small security firm, she had been able to get a nice house in a quiet and safe part of Renton. It even had a small backyard where Lana could play when the sun was shining. All in all, life was good.
Dec 13 2006, 07:30 PM
You start thinking about pulling the game back up, torn between your self-loathing desire to give in to the laziness and a need to do something with your life. Breaking the internal conflict, your link warns you of an incoming call, voice only, from Taylor.
"Hey Fade, how's tall, dark and spooky treating you? Listen, a call just came in, well you know, I happened to pick it up off the link...yeah, there's a call put out by a local security firm--Watanabe Security Consultants. They are gathering up a team of discrete irregulars. Sounded like something up your alley...and seeing as how this week is booked solid for me, so I won't be able to get that drink that we've been talking about, I thought I'd pass something along to help fill the time until next week, when we are able to get that drink. Sound good?"
//Incoming Data Transmission
"Here's the file for you."
Sipping your coffee, the dark, rich flavors play across your tongue as hints of spice and earth fill your nostrils. Jon slides his plate forward slightly, silently telling you that he is done with breakfast. He rises and begins to clear the dishes away, leaving you with your coffee for a few minutes.
From the next room, the insistent chirping of your commlink begins calling out. You pull it up along your image link to check the ID. The Suit. You've worked with the local fixer before. Clean work, generally corporate.
Sleep brings fractured moments of rest and torment as your body tries to regain the energy it needs and your mind brings forth dreams and nightmares. You are jarred from your sleep by your commlink ringing. One day, you would remember to turn it off before you slept.
"Fuck, Jack, I thought you would be fucking dead to the god-damned fucking world by this forsaken hour. Shit hit the fan like a fucking tornado across a manure field last night. Now some pretentious two-shit cock-sucker is fucking around on the periphery and laying fucking claim to all my no-fucking talent shit-stains and keel-hauling my ass into next week on the fucking commission. That fucking means that you need to fucking go to another god-damned forsaken meet and do work with fuck knows who at all fucking hours. You fucking open?"
Even without your contacts in for the image-link, you immediately recognize Manny's urbane grasp of the vernacular.
You put the rosary away and begin to sort the growing laundry pile into lights and darks so that you would be able to get ahead on your weekly routines. Tossing one last running sock into the "to be bleached" stack, you hear your commlink ring.
"John, it's Tommy. Listen, do you remember that security company you worked for a few weeks ago? It turns out they liked you and want a return engagement. Still just per diem, no contracts, but what do you think? Got any plans for tonight?"
With a soft chirp, your image link flares to life. Janine, the de facto manager of the Seattle office for Watanabe and Mr. Watanabe's personal assistant when he was in Seattle, is calling.
"Ludi, I hope that I'm not interrupting anything, but Mr. Watanabe has a project that he would like you to oversee personally. Will you be able to meet with a few people this evening?"
Dec 13 2006, 08:16 PM
John chuckles softly. "Nope, no plans. Your offer sounds like a good way to spend a Saturday night. Around here, anyway." Penta mentally calls up his calendar, checking through a window in his image link. Nope, nothing planned, nothing left undone.
krayola red
Dec 13 2006, 09:32 PM
Juan remains silent until Manny finishes his spiel, staring blankly at the sunlight oozing through the shades as he listens to the troll rant. As is custom, he mentally erases all the "fucks" from the his fixer's sentences to make them comprehensible, takes a moment to gather his thoughts when Manny's done, then nods.
"Money goes where the wind blows. Which place, and what time?"
Dec 14 2006, 04:03 AM
A'ja mentally accepted the call, going voice only as she wasn't dressed to impress that very moment. Besides, she didn't need The Suit getting any ideas seeing her in a bathrobe and not much more. She flashed an apologetic smile to Jon and pointed to her temple indicating she had an incoming call she had to take.
"You've got my attention, what's the intel."
Dec 14 2006, 07:19 AM
Esther cuts her Agent loose on the file. In her periphery images and windows pop open and close with astonishing speed as the Agent works the file over, laying open the contents, running down the obvious stuff, estimated time to interview destination, bus routes, archival footage of Watanabe Consultants - gotta dress to impress, Taylor would be proud - and then starts the slow Crawl to collect data on Watanabe.
"God. Does it sound good...?" Esther smiles and continues, "You know this Watanabe outfit? They anything like what we ran into at the, uh, at Eight-Nano?"
She'd banged up, maybe even killed, a bunch of Security Consultants a few months back. Not Watanabe. Not that she knew, anyway. She wondered if the world of Security Consultancy was as small and incestuous as the Show. Probably. She might be sunk before even starting. Or... maybe they had seen her on film and were impressed. No... Taylor spidered this. They won't be expecting me. Not in particular. That's a different sitch all together.
Esther and Taylor talk for a while, it's comfortable, and she realizes that she's missed regular company. Kuno had hooked her up with this inscrutable and strangely hygenic Latino roommate, but they hadn't really gotten to be close. Not like Taylor and the others. Maybe if she and Juan stole - ahem, extracted - an AI-human hybrid while under fire and then - the same evening - broke into a secure facility, caused explosions, extracted some data, got shot at and escaped under magical disguise. Coming through that kind of thing had a way of blasting through social niceties and cutting right to the core of relationships - trust.
"Sure you can't get in on this? No. No I understand. And thanks. I'll call you next week for that drink. Later."
Her fingertips tingle and a chill races up and down the still-organic bits of her spine.
Whaddya know? Today IS the day.
Mister Juan
Dec 15 2006, 05:55 PM
When the incoming call started to buzz inside her head, Ludmila sighed heavily. For a moment, she thought about simply not answering… but that was simply not an option. She looked down next to her, to where Lana was standing, her bright eyes in awe to the sharks swimming over them in the Underwater Dome exhibit.
With a mental click, Janine’s face popped into a small window in Ludi’s field of view.
“I will clear my schedule…” she replied, her voice sounding emotionless over the transduced link.
She looked up at one of the passing predators.
“I’ll be in at the office as soon as a I can.”
Dec 20 2006, 02:44 AM
"Glad to hear you're open. The meeting is going to happen this afternoon, about five hours from now. It an old world bar on the corner of East Denny Way and 16th Ave East. Ask for the Watanabe Group."
A glance to your image link says the meet will be around four o'clock.
Filtered expletives roll over you as an address come into your link. 4 PM, Paradise O
The accompanying data packet has information about the bar, wait staff and neighborhood. Notable characters: Owner, Charles MacBain, known awakened, Scottish Expatriate. Bouncer, Golas MacBain, Fomori male, familial relation confirmed. Bartender, Maggie Mae O'Shea (believed alias), changeling, known expression of medusa like qualities. Neighborhood has a higher than normal demographic of awakened individuals.
"I've got a known quantity looking to pick up a little talent. Mostly legit, they need someone with a few missing morals to bring a second opinion to the table. Meeting at the O, today around 4. Back room, come light but prepared to work. You up for it?"
"Nope, this is a different outfit. I checked, there's no relation to the boys upstairs."
Poring over the file, you pick up the more salient bits. Meeting was to be at a bar/restaurant in the artsy (read: awakened) part of town, Cap Hill. Main point of contact is a regular for Watanabe, name unknown. Work to commence at 1600 hours.
Relief spills over in Janine's voice.
"Excellent. We have the meeting scheduled for four PM, due to the irregulars, I took the liberty of renting a private conference room in Capital Hill at the Paradise O. If you have time, come by the office and I can give you the ops file. Otherwise I will be able to transmit it to your link."
Dec 20 2006, 03:37 AM
A'ja couldn't help but smirk slightly, wondering if it was her missing morals that would be needed or those of other talent. She glanced down slightly, inspecting the clock ticking away the seconds in the corner of her field of vision.
"Around four at the O. I can be there. Should I bring friends, or is this an invite only type of event?"
Mentally she was already planning what to wear and what to bring to the meeting.
Mister Juan
Dec 20 2006, 03:55 AM
Massaging the back of her neck with the tips of her fingers, emerging from a pair of fingerless gloves, the Russian woman suddenly felt twice as tired as she was. She had planned everything for a quiet weekend of relaxing with Lana. The soldier in her said it was her duty to do as told. The spy hunter in her wanted to do it just for the fun. The mother in her wanted to stay at home and watch her daughter draw.
But even with a steady job like the one she had been lucky enough to pull, cred was always short. Not the best at managing her expenses, Ludmila knew that for Lana to get in the best schools, she’d have to align either corporate credentials, or a fat credstick.
Pulling this irregular assignment would either mean a raise or a bonus.
Maybe both if she did well.
A shark slowly swam by.
Double checking the digital readout in the corner of her eye, she tried to estimate how much time she’d need to get home, suit up and head to the office.
“I’ll be in before noon” she transmitted over the link, her voice void of her real meat heavy accent.
She reached down, taking Lana’s hand and slowly walked toward the next exhibit.
“Are we assigning any other personnel to the op, or am I flying solo?”
Dec 20 2006, 04:47 AM
"This particular event is by invite only."
With a few pleasantries, The Suit ends the call confident in your ability.
With the same efficiency that you have always known from Janine she seamlessly cross-references multiple data-streams.
"It appears that you are the only regular agent assigned to this operation. There will be several irregulars to provide support, but Mr Watanabe would like to keep this low profile."
Mister Juan
Dec 20 2006, 04:57 AM
"Copy that. I'll be in within the next hour."
She looked down at her daughter, giving her a wide smile.
"Come on baby, we need to go home"
Dec 20 2006, 05:55 AM
Mental commands call up what he can find out on the Trix about this bar, particularly dress code and other vital information.
Dec 20 2006, 06:54 AM
Esther nods, though the gesture is lost on her voice-only connection with Taylor. Capitol Hill. Oh great. She shivers at the thought of so many awakened in one place.
"Cap Hill, eh? I guess I'll have to dig that cloak and magic wand out of storage. How's Random, anyway?"
They trade pleasantries and cut the connection. 1600. 4 o'clock. Five small hours and change. Esther parks herself at the small table that is both workspace and dining room for the apartment. She unseats the commlink from the datajack in her temple, shuddering as the signal switches from DNI with her brain to the electrochemical interface of the skinlink. She sits back, holding the small device cupped in one hand. It projects holos of the windows that were previously displayed in AR. She shoves them around her free hand. Something was more comfortable about manipulating the windows in realspace. She guessed she was just one of those throwbacks who liked to kick it old school. Though she wasn't one of those nuts who insisted on reading books printed on cellulose. That was just silly.
Work to commence at 1600. Wait. So... no interview? I'm coming cold to a Security job, work to commence immediately, and they might not be expecting me. She spends about an hour, working with her Agent on digging up bits of information on Watanabe, the location of the - what the fuck is it if not an interview? the 'meet'? Shit... I don't want any of that crap. She looks at the name of the joint on the file, Paradise O. Another bar. In an area catering to the awakened.
If today was the day, maybe she could go back to bed, wait for the next today. She shook her head and dove back into the sea of windows surrounding her. It was nice to get a chance to do some research. Just like in the old days. Though... in the absence of an adversary, the search was focused on her soon-to-be-employer Watanabe. These days, that was just as useful.
An hour passes.
Browsing a selection of boutiques in the area, Esther bites the bullet and decides to plan a shopping trip in Capitol Hill. She smiles to herself at the thought of being fluttered around by put-together boutique butterflies. Though.. the amount of money she had to spend was probably not enough to buy their good humor. She'd have to get by on charm.
Ho boy. Well, better get moving.
//Message to: Taylor
//Re: Work attire
//I'm gonna do some shopping in Cap Hill. Tips?
Dec 20 2006, 03:37 PM
LudmilaLana lingers for just a second as she waves good bye to the predators all around her in the tanks and then comes to take your hand. You aren't sure why you were gifted with such a patient, perfect child, but she has never fussed or cried about you needing to go to work.
An hour later, you are walking into work with a duffel slung over one shoulder. Your own personalized gear which you preferred to the general one-size fits none jumpsuits made available to new hires who had no sense. Thus far, only one person had ever pulled one on that you had seen.
Your desk top is clear of clutter and debris in the physical world, as you slide on the touch-links which would enable you to interact with the virtual projection. A small processor rests over the back of your hand as cables extend to caps at the tip of each finger. Watanabe Security had created a paperless office about five years ago.
As the virtual desktop spring up, the desk itself becomes covered in a myriad of AROs made tangible by the gloves. In the center of your desk is a projected leather bound portfolio. High tech, but anachronistic.
It begins with a letter from
Nicholas Watanabe apologizing for this inconvenience and thanking you for your assistance with this matter. The same letter you received the last time you were called in on a weekend, and the time before that. Dismissing it, you delve into the background material.
A primer on corporate politics between Takara Inc and Ikeda Enterprises. Information about the TAO (Tactically Augmented Organism) project, comes next. Operational accounting of a failure to acquire necessary information from a suspected harborer of information, code name Finn.
Esther//Incoming Personal Message
//RE: Work Attire
//On a budget, check
Crossroads Trading.
krayola red
Dec 20 2006, 08:43 PM
"I shall be where the work demands. Take care of yourself, old timer, for I'll be lost without you."
Your connection has been terminated.
After spending a few minutes to acquaint himself with the information contained within the data packet, Juan switches off his commlink and reclines back into the bed, staring at the spinning blades of the lazy ceiling fan above. Another job down the pipeline, so quickly before the previous. Seattle truly is a haven for the criminal-minded. Work here had been lucrative, but perhaps it's time to make this caper the last. Move on to new lands, where his is but another face in the endless sea of faces, unmemorable, fleeting. A reputation is a dangerous thing.
Juan sits up, stretches to clear the sleep from his joints and muscles, and strides over to his work desk. Assembled in a neat row on the wall shelf is a small collection of old fashioned, honest to goodness books, the genuine articles, 100% dead tree. Back in the days when he was still in the society, a vast majority of the tomes that he'd studied from were works written long before the advent of this century, and had never been reproduced digitally. After all, many of them contained the kind of secrets that are meant to be kept away from the uninitiated, and electronic books are much more vulnerable to theft than their physical counterparts. Times have changed, but old habits die hard. Even now, he still doesn't feel comfortable delegating a session of hard reading to his AR display, preferring instead to hold a real book in his hands, with pages he can flip through. And he's been doing a lot of reading these days. Maestro Haquel once said that knowledge is the universal solvent. To understand a man, you must see the world through his eyes, and to look through his eyes, you must know what he knows.
Juan runs his thumb through the spines of the books on the shelf until he arrives at the one he wants. Plucking it out, he sits down and lays it out on the desk. The Dictionnaire Philosophique, by Francois-Marie Arouet, better known by his pen name of Voltaire. Philosophy's been a favored subject for Juan these past few months. He'd started the week reading Seneca, but he found himself losing his stomach for the man's work shortly after he began. No one ought to write about death until they'd taken the life of another man with their own hands - anything less was a farce at best. So no more Seneca. Flipping through the Dictionnaire until he arrives at his dog-eared page, Juan leans over and picks up from where he'd last left off. He still had a few hours to kill before the meet, and he might as well spend them productively.
Mister Juan
Dec 20 2006, 08:57 PM
Shuffling the virtual sheets of paper around her desk a few times, Ludmila read the reports over and over, committing them to memory. It would have been, of course, much faster and easier to simply do a direct download of all the data to her own hardwired electronic memory… but out of habit, Ludmila simply didn’t do it. She had learned the hard way, during covert operations for the FSB, that carrying around large amount of operational data in your head, while out on the field, was a sure way to get you killed.
In this day and age, information was power… so keeping what you knew to yourself made you less vulnerable.
Stretching and yawning, the Russian woman started to fish around her numerous pockets for her pack of cigarette. Finally finding it, she started hitting it against her hand, trying to dislodge one as she read over the files one last time.
Bringing the cigarette to her lips, and lit it, giving the “no smoking” sign not far from her desk a finger. On the weekends, the office was mostly empty anyways. That fact was confirmed by the short walk she took to the locker area. The large training room, with it’s walls all made of transparent glass, showed only deserted mats, lonely punching bags and unused weights. Beside some of the pencil pushers, odds were she was pretty much alone.
As she approached her locker, she heard it click open as a result a simple mental input. She flung the door open and started undressed. In an almost ritualistic manner, Ludmila started to pack her gear: fitting her modular shoulder harness on, tightening the belts and hoops, securing straps and pins. In the small of her back, she holstered her service pistol; an Ares Predator IV loading gel rounds. Her shoulder holster kept a Steyr TMP snugged close to her ribs, under her left arm, comfortably counterbalanced with one extra clip for the TMP and the Predator under her right arm. Bending down, she lifted her khaki cargo pants, retrieving a small Colt L36 from an ankle holster. In one swift motion, she pulled the slide backwards, making a brass check. Seconds later, the small backup pistol was back half way into her combat boot.
Grabbing her Watanabe security jacket off it’s hanger, she pulled the two Velcro strips patches that hung around each arm: both were bright orange, with the word SECURITY written in bold black lettering.
Slipping the armored jacket on, Ludi also pulled off the L.SOREN tag off the front pocket, tossing it back inside the locker. Beside the ID tagged to her internal commlink, she now had no more physical links with Watanabe. Opening the inside flap of her jacket, she clipped two flashbang units in place before reaching back into the locker for a small metallic briefcase.
With a heavy thud from her combat boot, she kicked the door back, heading towards the exit as she heard the locker’s unit chime in it was now closed.
Dec 21 2006, 08:41 PM
After finishing the call with a few pleasantries, John walks through his apartment, checking out his "work gear": Ares Predator IV, one clip of gel rounds for the weapon, extra clip of gel rounds, medkit.
He would, of course, dress for the occasion, depending on what the trixguides said about the place where the meet was occurring.
But for now, he was in comfortable clothes; he would change closer to when he had to leave.
Until then, a digital copy of Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae, various of Benedict XVI's works, and similar thoughtful reading would help him kill time.
Dec 22 2006, 08:48 PM
//Message to: Juan
//Re: Errands
//I'm going out for a while, need me to pick anything up?
Esther heads back to her room and packs a slim, slightly worn duffel with her working gear: Torn down Remington 990, a couple magazines of gel rounds, a couple boxes of ammo (gel rounds and more), urban camo, neatly folded and pressed, medkit, and gas mask - because you never know.
She disengages the jacklock and a small portal at her temple irises open. In goes the biomonitor, a slim digital sleeve that will constantly monitor her cyber and bioware, various natural physical benchmarks and alert her of abnormal conditions - or in emergency situations - send out an S.O.S. The sleeve fits snugly into the jack, a digital prophylactic against unauthorized access of the datajack - the most vulnerable of orifices.
Laser sight and periscope go in the pocket. Baton into narrow holster at her hip. She slips on a weapon harness and gives her Roomsweeper a good once-over before snugging it into its holster up under her left arm. The weight - even loaded with non-lethal rounds - focuses her. She zips up the duffel bag and arms the IC and anti-tamper circuits on her weapons, commlink and weapons case.
Calling up a map of Capitol Hill she locates the nearest U-Stor-It franchise and reserves a locker for two hours starting at 3pm. The subharmonics on an ad for a local gym draw her attention and the rest of her afternoon slots into place.
Paradise O.
Dec 23 2006, 04:04 AM
She mused over the limited details about the “party” she was going to be attending that afternoon and ran down a potential checklist of items she’d have to bring to be “ready to work” as instructed. She was distracted by the half-dressed male body in her kitchen that was currently hand-washing dishes from breakfast and politely giving her the space she needed while on the phone. While that would have been a signed, sealed and delivered godsend for most women, for A’ja it just was the way things were. It’s what happened when you had two people running in the same shadowy circles living under one roof, you learned when to make yourself invisible.
She did like the view however. Besides there would be plenty of time to get ready before making the meet at The O at 4. Biting her lip, the longer she watched the more feral of a smile played on her lips. She slipped into the kitchen and dragged Jon back to bed where she wanted to do anything but go back to sleep.
With her carnal desires quelled, she rose from the bed and took her second shower of the day. Once she was clean she headed into the spare room to take inventory of her gear. A spare duffle bag is quickly filled with goodies only a runner could love. Her Ares predator along with spare clips loaded with flechette, stick n’ shock and regular ammo are stored within the folds of an armored jacket. A couple of flashpaks and light sticks coupled with her standard white noise generator are tucked into pockets of her leather jacket. After raiding Jon’s cache of medical supplies she scores a fully restocked medkit, various patches of the trauma, stim and tranquilizing kinds. Other incidentals such as her small hard case filled with her linguasofts are placed in a small pocket of the bag and her glasses are settled onto her face. The gear would find a comfortable spot in the trunk of her car till the details of the job were spelled out. The Slivergun is settled on her person and she’s be ready to talk her way into or out of almost anything.
She spends a good amount of time getting herself physically ready as well. Her hair is swept back in a smart, but sleek and professional looking ponytail. A pair of form-fitting black pants are slipped on, coupled with a pale ice blue t-shirt that hugs every curve. A pair of black boots and her well-worn leather jacket complete the look and it’s much more stylish than “too casual” for a meet.
She made one final promise to make up the weekend to Jon with one last kiss before she hefted the small duffle bag and headed down to the parking garage to make her way over to The O. She wanted to be sure she could beat traffic and still have enough time to get a good feel on the days clientele before heading inside.
Jan 2 2007, 05:01 PM
Finishing your preparations you find yourself in Capitol Hill en route to the Paradise O. Traffic on Saturday afternoon is moderate as tourists and locals come to enjoy the sunshine for a few hours and window shop at various boutiques with the virtual displays enticing buyers to come inside. Lonestar patrols frequently pass by and drones hover across the skyline, occasionally tagging passer-bys to ensure that no one is doing anything illicit. Community relations officers walk the area on foot, scolding youths for spamming the area with their commlinks and talking to local owners.
The Paradise O has a subtle AR presence and as you move inside the bar is quiet with only a few patrons gathered in a booth talking amongst themselves and eating pub chips. A large fomori leans against the bar drinking from a pitcher of water, keeping an eye on the door and casually talking at the bartender. She seems to be ignoring him for the most part as she goes through the motions of prepping the bar for tonight. There is an occassional hiss from the fiery red snakes that make up her hair.
For some of you, there is a flash of light near the door as you enter and the bouncer shakes his head. "Put 'em in the car and come on back."
Jan 2 2007, 08:50 PM
Trying to decide if she looks awesome or ridiculous after her trip to Crossroads,
Fade walks through the door of the Paradise O.
Mother-of-Frag... never spent
157 on clothes. Well, not on one outfit. The MAD flashes, giving away the extendable baton at her hip. She makes eye-contact with the bouncer and obligingly opens her long coat showing the baton in its sleeve. He purses his lips and gives his head an economic shake.
Wow, tight security.She slips the snap on the baton's sleeve and says, "Hey, I found this outside, you have a Lost & Fou--"
Fade glances from the Formori to the bartender, voice faltering as she takes in the swaying snake headdress.
Wow, that's some nice work, wonder where she got that done. She continues after a beat, "--uh, a Lost & Found? I'm sure the owner'll turn up."
She smiles to cover the lapse.
Fade puts the baton on the bar. She glances at the bottles lined up behind the woman with red snakes for hair.
So lifelike. She glances at the row of taps. She sighs, "I'll take a kaf."
She pays, takes the cup and finds a seat facing the door. She drapes her coat across the back and settles in, taking a good look around the place.
Jan 3 2007, 01:40 PM
John had done the smart thing and left his Predator in a maglocked case in his car, as well as leaving his other weapons there, so its a quick trip through the MAD before he sits at the bar. eyeing the Fomori and the bartender casually...the same sort of casual way as he'd eye kids while on patrol.
Jan 3 2007, 06:42 PM
::October 18, 2070 – 15:35::
::Capitol Hill – The O::
Having found a secure parking garage just around the corner from The O where the attendant was far too eager to “take special care” of A’ja’s car, she made her way quickly towards the party. She strode confidently towards the doors and was almost through security when the light flashed, imperceptible to most except those trained to watch for it. She watched the bouncer’s face harden as he shook his head at her, scolding her much like a small child telling her firmly to take it back to her car. She just smiled and amped up her charm as she slowly moved to unzip the leather jacket to reveal a long stretch of creamy flesh before a little pale blue fabric and finally the holster settled comfortably beneath her left arm.
“A girl can’t walk the streets of Seattle without being overly-cautious these days now can she?”
She made no move to unholster the Slivergun but let her eyes flicker from the gun and back to the bouncers face clearly inviting him to remove it for her.
“I promise I can make it worth your while if you’d be willing to look after it for me while I meet some friends for drinks? I’m feeling much safer knowing you’re watching the door.”
She sealed the deal as she leaned in against the bouncer, allowing him a cheap thrill or two as he removed her gun and stowed it away till she left. With a wink and an air kiss she slipped inside the bar and her countenance changed, gone was the giddy flirtatious smile and playful giggles. Instead she was all business and she had a gleam in her eye as she looked about the place while making her way to the bar.
She made her way to an empty stool a little ways down from the fomori who she offered a polite nod as she ordered an amaretto sour from the bartender and leaned back against the bar and took a closer look at the few patrons who were starting their happy hour a little early, more than happy to shift her sound spectrum enough to do some casual eavesdropping along the way.
Mister Juan
Jan 4 2007, 11:05 PM
In a nearby parking lot, the young Russian woman was busy smoking her 5th cigarette. Arms crossed, she leaned against the hood of her car, deeply taking in one last draft. She had now walked twice in front of the Paradise O, scouting not only the front of the establishment, but also the whole block and back alleys. It wasn�t that she expected any trouble or any sort of ambush. Corps didn�t screw over their official employees. At least, that was what Ludmila had witnessed up to now. What was making her slightly nervous was the fact she would be working only with irregulars; deniable and extra assets Watanabe hired. It wasn�t Ludi�s first time working with elements outside of her own usual unit, but it always made her feel uneasy. Working with outsiders meant working alongside people you didn�t know. The success of any operations always rested in trusting your teammates, and working seamlessly as a whole.
Pinching the cigarette with two fingers, she pulled it out from between her lips and flicked it through the air.
A few minutes later, she was pushing the door of the Paradise O opened with her shoulder. As she walked in, the MAD scanner built in the door chimed in her entry, making it quite clear that she was packing. With a furrowed brow, the bouncer approached and made the establishments policy quite clear. From his tone of voice, he sounded strangely annoyed. Guess he was getting tired of repeating himself�
In any other usual situation, a simple broadcast of Ludmila�s corporate ID would have been enough to allow her to carry almost any kind of gear in any kind of place. But today, low profile was the word of the day.
Sighing heavily, she motioned the bouncer to come a little closer. The sigh wasn�t because she felt naked without all her hardware� it was more because she should have known the place would be equipped in such a manner.
Ludmila spoke slowly, making sure she would be understood through her thick Russian accent.
�Can I leave my things with you?� she said in a midly impatient tone.
krayola red
Jan 9 2007, 06:18 PM
Stepping out of the taxi and dusting himself off, Juan looks up to appraise the exterior of the O. It's been awhile since he'd ventured into the kind of hangout where a fight doesn't break out every two minutes and troublemakers are kindly escorted to the door instead of having half their bones broken and tossed out back next to the dumpster. The old horns n' tusk did mention that he was likely to encounter those of his kind in this venue, so extra precautions are in order. A few seconds spent masking his aura to deceive the untrained third eye into seeing a mundane human, and he was good to go. Impeccably dressed, Juan strides casually through the front doors and under the MAD scanner posted right above them, clean, smooth, and without fuss. He nods amiably at the bouncer, who seems to be mildly surprised to find someone walking through the doors without packing some killing iron, and makes his way through the tables, sight set on the bar counter.
Upon arrival, he leans on the counter, smiles at the bartender, and says, "Greetings, madame. Much to my regret, I am here on business, rather than pleasure. My interview is at 4 o'...would you be so kind as to direct me?"
Jan 9 2007, 08:34 PM
The fomori takes the extendable baton from you and places it behind the counter. Without saying anything the bartender debits your account via your 'link and hands you the kaf poured from a pot behind her.
Glancing around the room, your eyes are constantly pulled back to the slithering snakes around the bartender's head. One of them seems to notice your staring and hisses aggressively. Taking the clue, you turn and look over the other patrons in time to see a man with the bearing of an off-duty Star walk in.
With a seat at the bar, you quickly take in the large Fomori, his black t-shirt and utilikilt, as well as, the bartender with her simple blouse, blue jeans and roiling snakes. You note the glint of poison on the snakes' fangs and remind yourself to stay out of reach. Listening to the conversation around the bar, you can hear patrons in the corner talking about Urban Brawl, though it probably is minor league stuff. Cleveland took a huge beating from Denver last night. Denver lost the game, but only after putting have the Cleveland line on the disabled roster.
At first the large troll doesn't seem to realize what you were insinuating until the bartender calls out.
"The whore wants you to feel her up while you take the gun, Golice."
He turns several shades of red as he takes the slivergun and heads over to the bar to put it in the locked case. The bartender seems to not hear your request as you come over.
Leaning against the bar, you hear the patrons talking about sports and notice the cop and BAMF leaning against the bar further down. The man seems to be waiting for someone casually, as the tall, lean and muscled troll female drinking coffee as black as her skin.
"Last one. No more people with guns."
You're unsure why, but the bouncer seems to have a heavy blush receding from his face as he takes the shoulder rig with pistols, clips, and grenades. He doesn't seem to think about making you walk through again.
As you come into the area, you see a disparate group of individuals strung across the bar.
You pass by the bouncer without any concerns. At a glance you see Esther further down the bar, drinking coffee and trying to not look at the bartender even before her outburst.
Arriving at the bar, the bartender seems irritable and obviously ready to take it out on somebody.
"Do I look like a info-terminal to you? Would everyone meeting with Mr. Esperanto raise your fucking hand!"
krayola red
Jan 10 2007, 12:37 AM
Juan winks at the bartender and says, "Oh no, in my experience, info terminals tend to be very polite. Well, you know what I'm here for."
Jan 10 2007, 04:45 PM
John grins at the bartender's outburst, doing his best to not look like an off-duty cop. Mostly because he wasn't one...Anymore. But old habits died hard, and he knew it.
Jan 10 2007, 10:54 PM
That fragging thing hissed at me. Esther tries to work out which to be, angry or scared and settles for freaked out. One after another, an odd parade of people come in, all but one surrendering weapons to a more and more put out bouncer. She wonders which, if any, of them is the Watanabe rep. Surely not the oozing trollop. Maybe that one, over there, smiling at the barte -- Juan?
Esther's brow furrows and the kaf mug pauses halfway to her mouth. She startles as the bartender barks angrily at the young man. Her roommate. How very strange.
When Juan turns her way she smiles and gives a wave. She checks the time in the corner of her AR display. Almost 4:00. Surely he's not... what are the fragging chances? Naw... he's just here for a date or something. Or... yeah.
Jan 11 2007, 12:11 AM
For an instant A’ja’s eyes narrowed into slits much like the snakes in the bartenders hair. She bit back a harsh response in return as she had been called much worse before, and just chuckled softly at the childish games while she gave a slight nod to the other patrons along the bar rail. The guy who still screamed out cop while trying to hide it interested her, as much as the troll woman down the bar drinking coffee.
As the bartender unleashed her tongue on the next poor guy who asked a question she just shook her head, at first not realizing just who was on the receiving end of the tongue lashing. If there was ever someone in dire need of a drink, a high or a fuck this woman was quickly climbing to the top of that list. A’ja frowned inwardly as she kept her eyes moving over the room, this was gearing up to be such a pleasant job prospect.
What a fucking party this is turning out to be… I should have fucking stayed home, in bed.
With her hands empty of a glass she pushed off the bar and turned to face the bartender once again.
“I gave up raising my hands in grade school darlin’ but I am here for the appointment.�
krayola red
Jan 11 2007, 12:52 AM
Juan turns away from the bartender, curious to see what the rest of the outfit assembled for this job will look like. Much to his astonishment, he immediately catches two familiar faces, in the last place where he would've expected to find them. Were they anyone else, he would've immediately been on guard - as such, he was merely surprised.
"Esther? Rosie? If this job is actually a surprise birthday party for me in disguise, I regret to tell you that it isn't my birthday."
He shrugs, and grins. "You could've also picked a more festive hostess, if I do say so myself."
Mister Juan
Jan 12 2007, 03:51 AM
Crossing the room and heading towards the bar, every single of Ludmila’s steps were punctuated by the heavy “thud� of her combat boots. Like the spurs of the Old West, they marked her entrance. Reaching the bar, she leaned against it in a nonchalant manner, giving the place a quick once around glance. Her left hand started to fish around the many pockets of her baggy cargo pants, until it came out with a half crumpled pack of cigarettes.
Hitting the poor thing against the bar a few times, until one of the smokes dislodged itself, she pulled on it with her mouth, lighting it with her free hand.
She took one long drag, the tip of her cigarette growing a fiery red. Inside her head, Ludi kept playing different scenarios over and over. Fields of fire, line of sights and possible covers overlaid themselves as she ran through the instinctive motions. She let a few seconds pass, as she took another long pull from her smoke. In the corner of her vision, numbers only she could see blinked away.
Finally, when almost half of her cigarette was nothing but ashes barely holding together, she hailed the bartender asking for both a shot of vodka, and informing her that she had reserved their “meeting room�.
From her barstool, she glanced across her shoulder towards a small groups of patrons. Both of them had already made it clear they were here for a certain “job interview�.
Odds were, they were “her irregulars�.
Jan 12 2007, 05:13 AM
John smiles at the chatter. When he can catch the bartender, he quietly asks for a beer - an inexpensive Samuel Adams, to be exact, he'd grown to appreciate them during college - and informs her that he is, in fact, here for a private meeting at 4 o'clock.
Jan 17 2007, 11:30 PM
Esther's smile is puzzled. "Uh..." her eyes dart around the room. This is fragging weird. He knows two people here? Fade looks over at whoever Juan called Rosie.
Jan 18 2007, 12:18 AM
She nodded in Juan's direction fully acknowledging him before her velvet voice spoke a word.
"Kiddo, you could only be so lucky to have a party thrown by two women of our caliber."
She gave the dark troll woman a polite nod, making the assumption she was Esther based on the momentary look of confusion on her face.
krayola red
Jan 18 2007, 04:29 AM
"M'dear, every day that I have the chance to hear your sweet voice is a lucky day."
Juan spreads his arms, palms up. "Esther, this is A'ja Rose. We were once business associates, until somebody turned craven (ahem) and decided to take to the white. Rosie, Esther, my roommate. She can kill a bull with her bare hands and make the world's most delicious steak out of him, all in the same day."
He smiles. "Now that introductions are out of the way, let's talk about what you two are really doing here."
Jan 18 2007, 05:06 PM
The bartender seems on the verge of biting into you about the vodka but when she hears you mention the meeting room cuts herself short. She hands you a shot glass, a half-filled bottle filled with clear liquid and points to the door marked "Private" near the restroom.
"You can set the access code for the next half hour. Take the rabble with you."
After the almost peaceful exchange with the newcomer, she hands you a beer bottle. The glass is cold and begins to immediately build condensation along the outside.
"Be a man and drink it from the bottle."
Stepping away from the man with his beer, Maggie Mae raises her voice to be heard across the bar.
"Alright, everyone meeting with Watanabe follow the chica with the Vodka. Everyone else, sod off."
With that she steps to the end of the bar, lights a cigarette and mixes herself a drink which takes on a neon blue hue.
Jan 18 2007, 05:11 PM
John grins at the bartender in his most charming way.
"Thank you. Bit much for work, but I'll take the advice nonetheless," he replies, taking the bottle with him as he approaches the chica with the vodka.
As he approaches, he smiles at her; he'd extend a hand for her to shake were both of hers not obviously full.
Mister Juan
Jan 18 2007, 10:35 PM
Sliding the bottle off the bar, Ludmila made the plastic rattle against the bar as she pulled away. Bottle in her right hand, empty glass held by the lid in her left, she gave John a brief nod of acknowledgement.
As she spoke, the cigarette stuck to the corner of her mouth danced up and down.
“Follow me.” the woman simply said in a thick Russian accent.
He boots thudded heavily on the floor as she made her way toward a door marked “Private”, close by the restroom, which she swung open. Side stepping aside, she leaned against the wall and gave something of a nudge toward the opened door… obviously expecting people to file in before her.
Jan 19 2007, 03:40 AM
A'ja took her time falling into line behind the line of soon to be associates. She smiled at Juan's question.
"You know me, I'm all about the business, besides I doubt you're here for the atmosphere."
With a wink she started off towards the meeting room following the smokehouse of a Russian that would apparently be running this show. It was time to get her head back in the game of working for someone else calling the shots for a change. She had grown so accustomed to playing by her own rules for so long that being under another's thumb would prove to be interesting.
Jan 19 2007, 04:03 AM
Ah, yeah. Should have seen that coming. Esther stands. "That's me." She looks at Juan. His attention toward the combat-booted woman is clear. "No way. You too. Small fragging world." She slugs down the rest of the kaf and files into the room. Should have gotten something harder.
She takes a seat far from the door and opens a window in the AR space in front of her. The timer on her locker ticks away in the corner. The woman is clearly a take-charge sort, so Esther sits waiting, observing the others as they troop in.
krayola red
Jan 19 2007, 04:30 AM
Juan raises his eyebrows as he looks A'ja up and down. "You, I might've expected."
His eyes sparkle as he turns his gaze to Esther. "You, I never saw coming. This ought to be interesting, neh?"
He takes a moment to stretch his arms, then follows the rest of the group into the meeting room with long strides. Hooking his thumbs into the pockets of his jeans, he leans against the wall and waits patiently for someone to kick off the party.
Mister Juan
Jan 19 2007, 06:58 AM
Once everyone had entered the small meeting room, Ludmila gave herself a push off the wall and strolled into the room, her boots scrapping against the floor. As she pulled the door closed behind her, the commlink implanted deep within her head subscribed to the room’s maglock. She wasn’t even fully seated that common sound of the magnetic field clicking in action chimmed in for all to hear. For the next half hour, they where all pretty much locked up in the tiny room.
Setting the bottle in the center of the table, her still empty shooter upturned and sitting on top of it, the Russian woman pulled herself a chair. Her smoke was still glued to her lower lip, as half of it had now turned into ashes. Somehow… she had managed to keep it intact. She exhaled deeply, sending two jets of grey fumes out of her nose and up towards the ceiling.
“First” she took the cigarette out of her mouth and reached for the shooter glass “I would like to thank you for taking the time out of your day to come here.”
She crushed her cigarette into the glass… just as she took her pack out of her pocket and lit a new one. Ludmila had never been one to beat around the bush. She could, when the need was there, be subtle and quiet about things. But situations like this one felt alien to her, and made her nervous. Ludmila didn’t like being nervous… She just wanted to get things done.
“I do not like sitting on my two hands in a crummy room in a crummy bar, so I will not take more time out of your daily life than I need to. The job is as follow: a certain outfit believes some of it’s property has either been lost or stolen. They want it back. They want to know who did it. They want it handled discreetly.”
She took one long drag.
“The operation itself carries little physical risk, and exposure should be minimal. The job pays 18 000, be divided amongst you four as you see fit.”
Ludmila kicked her chair back, expertly tipping it back on it’s two back legs and setting the sole of her heavy combat boot against the edge of the table.
Jan 22 2007, 04:54 PM
4500 per on an equal split...Not bad, Penta thought.
Then, he asked, simply, "What kind of time constraints does the customer have in mind, and what sort of opposition do they expect?"