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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Well, we tried it for about 6 months and finally decided, unanimously as a group, that 4th edition blows in comparisson with 3rd. We've decided to throw 4th out the window and go back to playing 3rd edition again, permanently. This bites in a major way since, being so excited about 4th edition, I stupidly deleted all my 3rd edition web pages, including all the calculators and characters. So anyhows, I'll be rebuilding my site as we rebuild our characters from scratch.

I'm curious as to how many other groups are sticking to 3rd edition?

1st to 2nd was awesome. The rules got nicer, damage made more sense, cyberware was improved, and the cyber and magic got tons better.

2nd to 3rd cleaned 2nd up nicely. Though, admittedly, it took me a few weeks to get use to Sustaining Foci instead of Spell Locks (which always cost 1 karma), everything was better.

3rd to 4th the only thing we like is that they seperated perception and intelligence, and we're all deckers in a way. The net is easier, and more inline with technological progress than the low concealability ratings of small things like cell phones in 3rd edition. nyahnyah.gif We all dislike char-gen now, Street Magic was such a let-down for us, and games would usually end with us excitedly being ready to do a WarHammer Fantasy battle. Now that we're going back to 3rd, there's more excitement about the game than over WarHammer. Last weekend's game we played so long we didn't have time for WarHammer afterwards... nyahnyah.gif

So anyhows, I'm back and will be commenting on any 3rd Ed posts I see, but I'm done with 4th Ed. I'm writing up our house rules and characters over the following weeks on a site, and then will begin rebuilding the calculators for skillsofts, dice rolling, etc.
Welcome back. Grab a seat. smile.gif
No time for Warhammer?? For shame.

(Like I ever army languishes half-painted.)
What does painting have to do with anything? wink.gif

Welcome back, old man. Good to see you.

Seriously, wicked glad to see your still with us.
And more importantly, not sucked into the sr4 vortex.
Thanks DV8, Kage and Lindt. Good to see you guys too. wink.gif

Eidolon, always time for WarHammer, just no interest if a good SR3 game is possible. nyahnyah.gif
Yeah yeah yeah! Where were you when I made my grand return, eh? nyahnyah.gif wink.gif
You have been away? I can't imagine a day without 50 of your posts!
QUOTE (Sphynx @ Dec 6 2006, 03:03 PM)
Thanks DV8, Kage and Lindt.  Good to see you guys too.  wink.gif

Eidolon, always time for WarHammer, just no interest if a good SR3 game is possible.  nyahnyah.gif

Arrrghhh, a Warhammer guy! Arrrgh! I'm partial WarMachine myself. Good to see you online. biggrin.gif
Warmachine is cool. I don't have any minituares of it myself, but played a session once, what was much fun. smile.gif
Heh, yeah, definitely a back-burner choice for me. I enjoy the building and painting, I've only played a couple of (short) sessions. I haven't tried Warmachine, but it looks cool. Mordheim does too. I wants me a Witch Hunter force.

But we digress. I'm going to have to flog myself and move this to General Gaming if we keep up. wink.gif
Hey Fortune and Toturi, cool to see that you're still around. You a 4th Eder? Grinder, I assume of course you're talking about Fortune there. nyahnyah.gif Never played WarMachine, but considering I have about 6 of the WarHammer Fantasy armies fully painted at about 5,000 points each, I don't see me switching games any time soon. nyahnyah.gif Eidolon, don't recall that 'Admin' name before, no harm in moving the thread of course. wink.gif

Seriously though, I mostly posted to see how many people have come to the same realization (opinion) that we have about 4th vs 3rd. Nice to see at least Lindt shares the realization. nyahnyah.gif
I play 3rd, and I have friends who play both 3rd and 4th. They rate it similarly to Sphynx but keep playing. I'm happy to stick with 3.
Sphynx, did you ever check out the Internet Archive? Perhaps some of your webpages (and code) are saved there?

Also try Google Cache, see if they retain anything of your old webpage.
Code wouldn't be unless he'd posted the source or his server was totally broken.

Caine Hazen
I'll be the Mod to move it wink.gif It was off the Srun track

Welcome back then though! I'm playing 4th Ed now almost exclusivly... though I still own everything ever published. People here have been pretty receptive actually... we've got 8 rotating in our Srun Missions group.

Oh yeah, Warmachine > anything GW anymore wink.gif
Meh. I'm a WarMachine fan, but they can't write tournament rules to save their lives.

QUOTE (eidolon)
I haven't tried Warmachine, but it looks cool. Mordheim does too. I wants me a Witch Hunter force.

Booo Hisss... Go Skaven! nyahnyah.gif
Welcome back, Sphynx.
QUOTE (Tanka)
Sphynx, did you ever check out the Internet Archive? Perhaps some of your webpages (and code) are saved there?

Also try Google Cache, see if they retain anything of your old webpage.

Thanks Tanka, had enough to get me re-started without feeling like it was too great a task. nyahnyah.gif I owe you one.
QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Meh. I'm a WarMachine fan, but they can't write tournament rules to save their lives.


Doesn't hurt my feelings at all. !tournaments wink.gif
QUOTE (eidolon @ Dec 6 2006, 09:50 AM)
I haven't tried Warmachine, but it looks cool.  Mordheim does too.  I wants me a Witch Hunter force.

Booo Hisss... Go Skaven! nyahnyah.gif

My Dwarven Treasure Hunters shall own the wyrd shards of Mordheim! Down with the Greenskins!
QUOTE (Sphynx)
Thanks Tanka, had enough to get me re-started without feeling like it was too great a task. nyahnyah.gif I owe you one.

No worries. I know the pains of coding webpages (especially from scratch), so I figured it was worth a shot to at least have the front-end all there.

Good luck on getting it back up and running!
Welcome back Sphynx we missed ya *8->
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