Well, we tried it for about 6 months and finally decided, unanimously as a group, that 4th edition blows in comparisson with 3rd. We've decided to throw 4th out the window and go back to playing 3rd edition again, permanently. This bites in a major way since, being so excited about 4th edition, I stupidly deleted all my 3rd edition web pages, including all the calculators and characters. So anyhows, I'll be rebuilding my site as we rebuild our characters from scratch.
I'm curious as to how many other groups are sticking to 3rd edition?
1st to 2nd was awesome. The rules got nicer, damage made more sense, cyberware was improved, and the cyber and magic got tons better.
2nd to 3rd cleaned 2nd up nicely. Though, admittedly, it took me a few weeks to get use to Sustaining Foci instead of Spell Locks (which always cost 1 karma), everything was better.
3rd to 4th the only thing we like is that they seperated perception and intelligence, and we're all deckers in a way. The net is easier, and more inline with technological progress than the low concealability ratings of small things like cell phones in 3rd edition. We all dislike char-gen now, Street Magic was such a let-down for us, and games would usually end with us excitedly being ready to do a WarHammer Fantasy battle. Now that we're going back to 3rd, there's more excitement about the game than over WarHammer. Last weekend's game we played so long we didn't have time for WarHammer afterwards...
So anyhows, I'm back and will be commenting on any 3rd Ed posts I see, but I'm done with 4th Ed. I'm writing up our house rules and characters over the following weeks on a site, and then will begin rebuilding the calculators for skillsofts, dice rolling, etc.