Dec 8 2006, 05:19 AM
This thread renders improperly in Firefox noneuklid's post is not visible at all, and it eats the header bar of Garrowolf's post below it. (The only things visible in the body block of noneuklid's post a report button and a quote button that corrisponds to Garrowolf's post. Garrowolf's post appears fine, minus the header bar.
These symptoms are not noted in IE 6.0, most likely owing to the fact that IE will be willing to render a broken page so that it looks correctly, while botching the rendering of a page that is error free and adheres to the standards.
Dec 8 2006, 05:45 AM
This happens in Firefox 2.0 as well.
Dec 8 2006, 07:00 AM
Interesting. The quote function breaks when -nyx- is quoted. I manually edited the post to remove the problems
Jack Kain
Dec 8 2006, 07:07 AM
Interesting I'm using firefox and I can see it just fine.
And I checked and I'm using version
Ah well I blame it on windows being designed to screw up when ever it uses an internet browser other then Internet Explorer.
Dec 8 2006, 07:45 AM
Strange. I had no problems earlier when I first read that thread (using Firefox 2), and have none now as well (though I suspect the problem has by now been rectified).
Dec 8 2006, 07:49 AM
After Adam's edit, I'm having no problems in Firefox. (I did switch computers to one that has 2.0 installed, but since bishop186 reported that 2.0 had the same issue prior to Adam's edit, I figure it's just a general firefox problem)
Dec 8 2006, 08:57 PM
QUOTE (Jack Kain) |
Ah well I blame it on windows being designed to screw up when ever it uses an internet browser other then Internet Explorer. |
The bug has sweet diddly to do with IE or Windows.
Dec 8 2006, 09:44 PM
Seems to be happening once again in the same thread. The problem post quotes Nyx's original ...
Just wait for Augmentation...
Greetings, Nyx
I'd like to be able to play Shadowrun BEFORE augmentation comes out. Since the cyberlimb rules are broken and unusable I need houserules now. |
Dec 9 2006, 02:02 AM
It might be the -Nyx- bit that's messing it up. I don't know how, really, but, uh...
Unless he's inadvertently putting frame-breaking code into his posts... I dunno.
Dec 9 2006, 03:56 AM
Yeah, it's a reaction to the dash characters.
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