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Kyoto Kid it possible to move individual responses from one thread to another?.

Recently there was a bit of a derailment in the Bryce's Character Thread that was quite unintentional concerning KK4.3. If I created a new thread, say, KK's Somewhat Dedicated Character Thread could they be moved there? The responses in question are #s 19, 20, 21, & 23.

Possibly one of the moderators could PM on this?
Check your box

Edit: Since you're not on right now...

If you're concerned about clogging up the other thread, just make your new thread, and then we can delete the other posts for you. Obviously you'll want to copy them over first though.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Check your box

That's a bit rude! eek.gif
pour qui? I sent him a response. He asked me to PM him and I did.

edit: 'prolly be more helpful if he was on right now though.
Never mind. biggrin.gif
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Dec 22 2006, 01:10 PM)
Check your box

That's a bit rude! eek.gif

"... embarrassed.gif "

QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
pour qui? I sent him a response. He asked me to PM him and I did.

edit: 'prolly be more helpful if he was on right now though.

I think he's a she, dude.
oops *smacks hand*, sorry
Hmm. I thought KK the fictional SR character was female, but that KK the human poster was male. Shows what I know. wink.gif
yeah, that's what I thought to. *smakes eidolon too*

KK? Please let us know if the smacking should continue.
Is this the possibility so smack some moderators? biggrin.gif
*extends hand*

is this for the Drop Bears?
Sure. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (eidolon)
Hmm. I thought KK the fictional SR character was female, but that KK the human poster was male. Shows what I know. wink.gif

Time for emo to solicit another sex poll. grinbig.gif

Emo has a sex pole? I don't want to know!
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (tisoz)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Dec 21 2006, 08:35 PM)
pour qui? I sent him a response. He asked me to PM him and I did.

edit: 'prolly be more helpful if he was on right now though.

I think he's a she, dude.

QUOTE (eidolon)
Hmm. I thought KK the fictional SR character was female, but that KK the human poster was male. Shows what I know. wink.gif

QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
yeah, that's what I thought to. *smakes eidolon too*

KK? Please let us know if the smacking should continue.,

...nah, am enjoying the show.

BTW, 10 Karma to me, looks like I pulled it off again.

10 seems awfully high. Your GM is teh suck. wink.gif

I don't know what to make of having been smaked, though. nyahnyah.gif
Kyoto Kid
..well we don't meet all that often in my group so I have to get Karma any way I can.

BTW I'll give you 4 K for having it right (+ 1 bonus for taking the smack).

Word. That's 4 new skills! biggrin.gif

Yeah. At a rating of 1. What?
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