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Map tiles can be found at Into the Shadows

***I have left the previous post so that the responses below do not appear disconnected***

I have a program called Dundjinni and have been making maps for my son to play with his Shadowrun Miniatures. I am really wanting to share them with the community but I am looking for a website to host them on. I tried contacting the webmaster at Shadowrun Supplemental but I have not heard a reply after over a month.

I was hoping someone here would have a shadowrun website that would like to host a weekly or biweekly column with map tiles. I currently have 4 different street sets. Daylight (Clean), Nighttime (Clean), Nighttime (Dirty) and Nighttime (Dirty with no Awnings). Each set has 9 street tiles similar to the one linked here. The one linked here is tile #1 in the Nightime (Dirty) set.

These sets are saved in Adobe Acrobat and are just under 5MB. I also have a set (floorplan and roof) that would work for a large garage, riggers garage, or rigger fixers building. I am near completing the DocWagon airlift station with a roof that has a helicoptor on top. I also have a street doctors office that needs a little modification to make it compatable with the street dimensions.

Anyway if anyone can help me get these large files on-line to share with the others it would be appreciated.

Almost forgot. These files, when printed, will have a 1" = 5' grid system. This way they are fully compatible with the miniatures of today (and my sons Shadowrun Miniatures)
feel free to mail me on these forums, and I will help you out!..
mattness pl
Hello, Gallandv (sorry for my English)

First of all:
- Shadowrun Miniatures - you mean: Shadowrun Duels (action figure game?)?
- Shadowrun Miniatures - As Far As I Know, that was miniatures created by Ral Partha - and they were used in RPG games.

You've got few options:
- You can try to contact Adam. He is not only admin of TSS (The Shadwrun Suplemental), but whole portal. He is also administrator of official Shadowrun RPG website ( ).
- find a free hosting. For example: open an account on gmail, subscribe to google pages. You obtain 100 mb per account.
- if i'm guessing correctly, contact other fans of Duels on this board - maybe they will help you? smile.gif

When you put those maps online, could you post link in this topic?
Thanks in Advance

All the best for your son
The miniatures I was refering to are the 25mm Ral Partha RPG miniatures that are now sold by ironwind miniatures. My son and I have never collected the Duels line.

Thanks for the info and when I get home tonight I will try some of the suggestions.

These map tiles might not get used by the RPG community but I thought I would give it a shot. In my opinion a RPG goes better with a little visual reference.

Thanks again.
I have created a google page to start getting these things out. I have uploaded one of the street pdf's and will be uploading the others. I will probably have at least a couple of building tiles by the end of this weekend.

Anyone have any suggestions for maps please send me a message and I will try to get to it at when I can.

Thanks for the help guys.

Into the Shadows
As an added bonus to those maps, if you have just the image (I might play around with extracting the image from the PDF since I don't think it can use PDfs) you can actually use those maps to have online games.

RPG Tools has a Map tool which works using a client server connection so that you can have people from different places connected to your map. It has a chat built into it so if you were doing RP with it, you could tell your story. It also has fog of war which I find is cool, and various things like that. There are other programs around, and you can find them by doing a search online (I found like four others before I found this one, because I only needed certain features).
Hey, I've been tooling with Dundjinni now too, and I've got a map of a small sea platform (like a drilling rig, but not for drilling)

It might be too specific for general use (it's for an adventure), but I'll share it if you'd like.

I plan on making the locations from Shadowrun Supplemental and Johnson's Little Black Book as well (time permitting)
Wow! These are fantastic! Thank you very much for sharing them. I've passed the info on to the Commando Forums so that folks can use them when running Shadowrun demos.
Do you think that Fluid and WizKids would work together to make a Shadowrun Art Pack for Dundjinni?

It would be great to have some of the specific corporate logos and things available.
mattness pl

You mentioned Ral Partha Figures - on our wiki (yup. I'm form Poland) I put full list of miniatures (based on Gurth site. But I've added some more photos - if you've got some painted figures photos and can share it would be great smile.gif )
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