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Full Version: The ultimate D&D music
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Wounded Ronin
What music goes best with a D&D dungeon crawl?

The obvious answer is Dragonforce, but I've just been listening to Pink Floyd's song "Pigs (Three Of Them)", and I think that it is the ultimate dungeon crawl music. It's got laid back guitar work with tasteful and light electronic overtones. Just the thing to relax and get into the "kill monsters, search room, kick chest open, level up" groove.

I always felt that more laid-back sounding music would be ideal for a classic dungeon crawl. It's also more appropriate for when you get stuck figuring out a classic magical puzzle trap than some fierce forceful tune.
"Seek and Destroy" by Metallica got pretty popular. 'Course, we were younger then.
Hocus Pocus
no question if that doesn't add ambience to your dungeon then i dunno what will
My old group's "adventuring company" name is Creeping Death (properly pronouced Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaareeeeeeeeeepingggg ah-Deeeeeaaaaaaathaaaaaaaaa, of course), so we always had the live version of Creeping Death cued for fight scenes. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Hocus Pocus)
no question if that doesn't add ambience to your dungeon then i dunno what will

How long have you been waiting for a reason to link that? wink.gif
Hocus Pocus
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (Hocus Pocus)
no question if that doesn't add ambience to your dungeon then i dunno what will

...Veeerrry Eeeentnerestingk [excuse the bad German accent]

Gods, and I still remember seeing that when it originally aired on the old Rowan & Martin's Laugh In.

The only show that actually got the President of the United States to stand up in front of the camera and say the most dangerous line of the day: Sock It To Me. Too bad they didn't hit him in the face with a pail of water.

[apparently Bernstein and Woodward did so a few years later]

--Dan Say goodnight Dick

--Dick Goodnight Dick
The soundtrack to Conan the Barbarian was a favorite of my group, especially for large battle scenes.
Kyoto Kid
The soundtrack to Conan the Barbarian was a favorite of my group, especially for large battle scenes.

...I had a DM who used that too, as well as some of the Bernard Hermann soundtracks like 7th Voyage of Sinbad, and Journey to the Centre of the Earth (which he would put on as we descended into the pits of a dungeon or cave).

There are times mood music can work.
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