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Full Version: Simple Paydaya Hack
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Okay, anyone who wants to go on a quick paydata run, post up a starting character here and we'll try to run a little bit each day. Hopefully this might clear up some rules regarding Matrix rules. (or just confuse folks even more, who knows?)

We'll be going slow, a little each day, so its going to take awhile to do the whole paydata run but we'll try to be detailed and thorough.

So to get started, we need a hacker.
I've read the matrix rules a little, and have been following SR3R development, but have never used the matrix rules, and it's a big hole in my knowledge.

Would you be willing to take an absolute n00b? (God, I can't be the first to have said n00b in a pnp context, can I?) It'd be a big help.

Below is an NPC I've been building. Could I run with her?
[ Spoiler ]

I haven't purchased a deck and programs as of yet, as the whole thing still intimidates me. Maybe you could help me out with that and set me up a starter deck and suite of utilities? Either that or I could just rape the deck and utilities off one of the Archetypes.
i've got an SR4 Technomancer built that i want to see how she works, need to figure if i need to give the crew i'm building as special characters a boost or just leave them at SR4 regular.

of course now i cant figure out how to place it here with spoiler tags, its a 400bp character SR 4 standard
I'm sorry, I wasn't specific enough.
I meant an SR4 Matrix run, with an SR4 starting character. I no longer have my older books to do an older-edition Matrix run with.
Also, I have no idea how technomancers work. I skipped all that since we don't have one in my group. I figured it was better to learn the basics first.

If you want to use an SR4 400 BP starting character, or the Hacker archetype listed in the SR4 book, we could do that.

Let me know.


By the way, spoiler tags are made like this:

All your "spoiler" information goes here.
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