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Full Version: Collaborative Document Editing
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
" is a website designed to allow large-scale collaborative document editing. Unlike tools like Wiki, any changes made to a 3D17 document must go-through a moderation-like voting process to see which should be applied to the document. Possible applications include allowing a large community to draft letters, emails, and faxes in a way that everyone can contribute. 3D17 even eats its own dogfood - its FAQ can be user-modified just like any other document."

If they open source the code maybe it could be implemented on dumpshock.
The potentialities for bogging down are vast.

I think this could be a cool idea -- and definately a cool technical feat -- but I tend to think the problem with any sort of collaborative editing is social. Sooner or later, someone has to say "Alright. <This> is the goal, and <This> is how we are getting there." Otherwise you can nit-pick little shit for months on end. The more people you add to any creative process, the more time is spent micro-managing and watching each other as opposed to actually working.

That said, I think this would rock as a way to offer comments and communual suggestions for draft articles. If it works like they say, and the code becomes OSS, I'll definitely install it as a tool for TSS.
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