Black Jack Rackham
Jan 29 2007, 09:25 PM
This is really more directed at John, but others may know the answer/find this helpful too. I just recently finished running SRM 02-01 and filled out all the paperwork for the players (the Debreifing Log), however, when it came time to do the Event Summary report, I couldn't seem to locate that. I tried the web reporting form but I can't seem to find that either. Could someone please point me in the right direction?
Jan 29 2007, 09:49 PM
The Event Summary report stays open for 6 months after the scenario is posted to the public web site. After that time, we're too far along in adventure development for us to take new event reportings into account when developing future adventures.
Re-reading that sentence, I'm not sure it was terribly clear.
Essentially, we need Event Summaries for one reason -- future scenario planning. (There's no PC tracking happening on my end.) Because we release a new adventure every month, we need to maintain a fairly tight development schedule. That means that we can't wait indefinitely for people to provide feedback on old adventures. 6 months was chosen as a reasonable time frame.
Hope that makes sense.
Jan 29 2007, 09:50 PM
Do you mean page 11 in
this packet?
Jan 30 2007, 02:04 AM
I believe he was looking for the web based feedback form which used to be on the same page you download the Mission from. As Dunner mentioned, the online feedback form goes away after 6 months.
Black Jack Rackham
Feb 3 2007, 02:28 AM
QUOTE (BishopMcQ) |
I believe he was looking for the web based feedback form which used to be on the same page you download the Mission from. As Dunner mentioned, the online feedback form goes away after 6 months. |
Yup I was. I just thought the Missions Coordinator had some centralized paperwork he needed to keep.
Feb 3 2007, 01:24 PM
QUOTE (Black Jack Rackham) |
I just thought the Missions Coordinator had some centralized paperwork he needed to keep. |
I go with a philosophy of trust the players to manage their own paperwork.
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