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Full Version: Editing a topic title
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Dumpshock News, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, & Discussion

I'd like to edit the title of a topic I have created in another part of this forum, but I don't know how to. If I hit edit on the first post, it only lets me edit the post, not the title.

Is this doable and who could help me if I can't do it myself?
Admins can edit for you, if you ask nice and tell them which forum topic and what you want corrected, plus be patient.
Thanks DireRadiant. I will do so.
"patient", I got to that right quick. nyahnyah.gif

And yeah, we're happy o do editing for ya', just send us a link, because we can get lazy some times (or, well, I can).

Anyways, taken care of. Thank you, come again.
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