Plot: The year is 2072, Angela Colloton former member of the now defunct new revolution is the president of the UCAS. Angela has instuted a massive millitary build up with plans to conquer north America and reunify the United States of America. While fighting cotinues in California and Texas, She moves her millitary forces to the borders and preapres to lay the first strike of the war. Soon others will follow suit and all of North America will be ablaze, this is the start of The NA Wars.
Game mechanics: This is done in the system of the total war series, you build up a "sprawl" to help you raise an army in turn based mode, and then battle it out in a strategicaly in depth real time mode where breaking enemy morale is the key to victory. However it comes with a few changes, instead of hiring agents you hire shadow runers (each of which have a different attribute), these can be joined into teams for a better chance of sucess, and must be rehired, or retained once they complete a task. Rather than giving birth familly members you recruit politicians every four years (except in in a tire tairngire). A new variable is the corperations that must be appeased, and are the source of misisons, and special mercenaries. One game turn is a month.
Playable Factions: UCAS (robust economy, powerful shadow runners and support vehicles), CAS (heavy infantry and tanks), California free state (strong millitia and other low level infantry), Transpolar aleut Nation, Athabaskin council, algonkian-manitou council, Salish Shide Concil, sioux, pueblo corprate council (powerful magic abilities), Tir tairngire (powerful magic, fast units, free politicians), Denver (dragon airsupport, and dragon politicians), The Carribian legaue (powerful navy and marines), Aztlan (large territory, powerful magic and infantry, unable to make alliances), and the Yucatan rebels (powerful magic and spirit infantry)
The object: Control 50 sprawls in north america
Endings: (Reunify the United States, reunify the NAN and kick out the anglos, Forge a great and magical homeland for the elves and metahumans unify north America under dragons and stop violence among men, conquer north america, or topple the corrupt powers that be.)
Expansion pack: NA wars: Japanese invasion
So what do you think? I say this is the shadow run game they should make lol.