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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
So there was already a topic about this, but it seemed to dissipate into a platform argument. So what do you guys think about the game that microsoft is coming out with, allegedly based on Shadowrun. Personally, I think it looks like shit. Especially the trailer. I don't really like FPS's and I don't think that Shadowrun fits in an FPS sorta thing anyways.
Wounded Ronin
I'll just be playing Covert Action instead for my 80s run and gun fix.

I don't really see why game companies seem to insist on royally messing up the franchieses they've paid for. Apparently the guys who are making Fallout 3 are also really going to screw it up by taking out everything that is fallout-y and trying to make it "more accessible".

It reminds me of that old Japanese-made Superman NES game which was really, really awful. They bought the right to use Superman in a game and they decided that Superman couldn't fly, that bullets injured him, and that his quest was to go to Central Park to find out why the stock market wasn't doing well. Seriously.
i agree it does look like a pile of cack... if you play straight sr4 like i do then there is no point its set to far back. but then again i would buy it for the curiosity factor...
Nah. If you're curious about the history of the game world, you're better off reading the old source materials. (Well, and if you go back far enough, the rule books too. They used to have a lot of good fluff in them. Adventure mods can be great due to several of them including meta-plot elements.)

edit: Oops. I think I misread you. I now think you're saying "curiosity" in relation to the video game itself, in which case my above comments are superfluous.)
I am excited to play this game. As a new Shadowrun PnP gamer, I must admit that it was the video game that made me interested in Shadowrun in the first place (and no, I am not a 9 year console fan boy - I am a 29 year old console fan boy = P). Regardless, I think that the game will bring new players to PnP b/c it does not give much in the way of details, character or world depth that people may want. Case in point, if people like the look and feel of the FPS universe, and start thinking: "hey, this universe would be pretty cool if ..." well then we have captive audience that would demand more source material. Just look at Halo: books, toys, movie, RTS game pending, etc. Now w/Shadowrun we have this WHOLE universe already in place. It is a marketing and fanboy dream come true! I sincerely believe that if the Shadowrun FPS can show $$$ for the publishers, then we will get our Shadowrun RPG (and hopefully see that it sticks more to the source material). Call me a cynical optimist, but I have great hopes for this franchise in the future despite any botched conventions presently.
So you're saying we should look forward to the game precisely because it sucks, and when people play and get sick of its shallow gameplay, they then may poke around for the little plot hooks in the background and find the True Meaning of Shadowrun?
I seriously doubt this game will bring a single player to the table. Not one.
It's already brought me one nyahnyah.gif He doesn't seem to have stuck around long though.
QUOTE (nezumi)
...and find the True Meaning of Shadowrun?

Just had this image of a GM standing atop a mountain peak, lit from the heavens, holding the BBB looking down upon a group of video gamers:

"Behold ye sinners, the True Meaning of Shadowrun!"
QUOTE (HullBreach)
QUOTE (nezumi @ Mar 5 2007, 10:20 AM)
...and find the True Meaning of Shadowrun?

Just had this image of a GM standing atop a mountain peak, lit from the heavens, holding the BBB looking down upon a group of video gamers:

"Behold ye sinners, the True Meaning of Shadowrun!"

Great image.
But the GM has to be Dolph Lundgren as the Street Preacher from Johnny Mnemonic.
QUOTE (Shadow)
I seriously doubt this game will bring a single player to the table. Not one.

so including the player nezumi named, we got at least two already (Fragmintz's here around, too!). not a good quote, but still you stand corrected. nyahnyah.gif
Everything about the game is fake. I' m not sure how it could be related any less to Shadowrun (the REAL game - pnp) and still be called Shadowrun, but I'm sure that if it were possible to put elves in Halo/Conterstrike/Doom/whatever and splash "Shadowrun 2" on the box art as a follow-up title, Mitch Gitelman and the rest of the morons running Microsoft's Gaming division - particularly Fasa Studios (of which the only thing in common with the old SR publishers/creators seems to be the name) - these days would do so.

Needless to say, I will not buy this game. When I first heard the title as a possiblity, I had the cash lined up to buy an XBOX 360 the day "Shadowrun" came out, but now I doubt I wil buy any of the new gaming systems until the next Final Fantasy comes out.

If you want to get an idea of what this video game could have been, check out:

>>> Shadowrun Online <<<
the trailer is shit, no doubt, but the art's had an overhaul since then. Much, much better now.
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