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Full Version: [SR3] SOTA: 2065 - Edges and Flaws
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Well, Nezumi and I have just finished the mechanics for Psionics entirely, and while working on it I came up with some potential Edges/Flaws for that chapter of the book. I thought I'd create a new thread to store any Edge/Flaw ideas we come up with, to allow others to suggest some in the process. I'll edit this post to store Finalized versions of the edges/flaws after some input from others on each one.
Life Linked Magic (2 point Flaw)
Those with Life Linked Magic find it more difficult to cast spells because they take physical damage instead of stun damage when attempting to cast spells in the physical plane, regardless of the Force of the spell and Magic rating of the caster. It does not effect Ritual Magic though due to the linking of components to the magic. The damage caused by casting spells can only be healed through normal healing processes, not through the use of Magic, that includes Regeneration. This can only be taken by those who can use the Sorcery skill, it can not be taken by Conjurers or Mundanes.
Difficult Magic (3 point Flaw)
Those who have Difficult Magic find it harder to cast spells. All spells have in increased Drain Level of +1. Thus a +2M drain becomes +2S when cast by someone who possess a Difficult Magic. This does not effect the spell when cast in a Ritual, normal drain applies in Ritual Magic. This can only be taken by those who can use the Sorcery skill, it can not be taken by Conjurers or Mundanes.
Astral Guardian (4 point Edge)
Astral Guardians feel more at home in the Astral Plane than others, and have an easier time casting spells while in the Astral Plane. When casting a spell in the Astral Plane, the caster takes Stun damage instead of Physical damage. Most Astral Guardians have the Life Linked Magic flaw, effectively reversing their drain type in the 2 planes. Thus, Life Linked Magic flaw does not count against your 5-flaw limitation if you take this edge. This can only be taken by those who can use the Sorcery skill and can Astrally Project, it can not be taken by Conjurers or Mundanes.
Murky Link (2 point Edge)
Anyone attempting to use Ritual Sorcery against this person will receive a +2TN in an attempt to create a link to them. This can be both beneficial or a hinderance.
Magic Addiction (2 point Flaw)
After casting any spell, a person afflicted with Magic Addiction needs to make an immediate Willpower roll with a TN of 6 to avoid immediately casting the same spell again at the same force against the same target, and thus having to continue making a Willpower test until he either passes out from damage or succeeds in passing the test.
Elemental Magic (2 point Edge)
Most commonly seen in Elementalist, this Edge gives the equivalent of a +2 Totem Bonus for a specific element type spell under the Elemental Manipulation spell category. If using the alternative Magic BP system presented in this book, a level 1 Sorcery would allow the mage to include that element in his category of castable spells. Therefore a Hermetic could take Illusionary and Water Elemental spells. Likewise a Shamanic mage with 1 level of Sorcery would also include the Element in his list of learnable spells. If not using the new Magic BP system, Shamanists and Elementalists may include 1 category of Elemental Manipulation spells in their list of learnable spells. The category should match the totem or element of the character.
Ok, that's all I've come up with so far, I know they're almost all 2 pointers, costs are as negotiable as the edges/flaws. I'm working on the Wireless chapter now, hopefully I'll be adding some ideas for technological edges/flaws as I progress through the chapter.
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