Mar 7 2007, 12:38 AM
I'm putting together a compilation of useful generic maps, similar to Sprawl Sites but with more information about security, variations, and plot hooks. I've got several ideas for maps including:
- Lone Star Precinct
- Foreign Embassy
- Warehouse
- Train Terminal
- and a variety of Clubs, Hotels, Facilities, and Stores
I'm wondering if anyone has any other suggestions for locations.
Prime Mover
Mar 7 2007, 02:16 AM
Research compounds, office buildings, personal homes.....
Mar 7 2007, 05:15 AM
Condos, sewer systems, airports, abandoned manufacturing plants, junkyards, power facilities, missile silos...
Kyoto Kid
Mar 7 2007, 05:56 AM
...Hospital Ward/Emergency Ward
...Cinema/Concert Venue
...Broadcast Studio
...Flophouse/Fleabag Motel
...Recreational Facility (Bowling Alley, Health Club, Gym, etc.)
...Construction Site
Some of the locations I have used in the past.
Mar 7 2007, 06:52 AM
Corporate Facilities (aka Ares Renraku ect. ect.)
Friendly local game store (lol)
Car dealers/rentals
aside from low end hotels middle high and luxuary hotels as well
Shipyard and Docks
Guess that is about it for now.
Redhammer the Old
Mar 7 2007, 10:22 AM
Stuffer shack!
*Sewers & sewage plants
*Sports stadia
*Highway Gas-station
*various boats
May 16 2007, 09:52 AM
How's this project handling? Personally I'd like to see fewer well made sites/maps/blueprints than a whole load of dull ones.
May 17 2007, 10:49 PM
I'll second research facilities and corp compounds, as they always seem to be the one shadow runners have to break into, but are the one least done else where.
May 20 2007, 12:33 AM
I agree with the having fewer well-made maps than a bunch of boring ones. I have plenty of boring maps. And only a few good ones. Oh, and I'm also willing to help with layout and conversion of books in general, and in fact, most SR related projects. ^-^
Jun 10 2007, 04:28 PM
Sprawl Sites (FASA 7103) has some pretty good maps in it. I usually check that book first and modify their content, if it works for the location.
I'm building fully fleshed out modules for my campaign and the first game, Trick or Treat has maps for a large club/pub called the Deadlands, an abandoned warehouse and Pier 54 (Downtown Seattle).
Here's a direct link: next module (that I'm working on for the 17th) will have maps for a small corporation and a strip mall, at least.
Jun 21 2007, 05:59 AM
I just plucked down a small fortune on the Campaign Cartographer software, so I'd be happy to contribute. It'll take time, but it can be done. I also invested in the Dioramas version of their software, so I can help build terrain pieces for those of you/us who use minis in their campaigns.
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