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Can anybody recommend other rpgs forums that are good?
"Other" forums?
I was wonderig if anyone here had found another forum besides dumpshock to be good. Maybe one that covered different gaming systems.
well for starters, what system were you looking for? For SR, I always liked WiredReflexes. I also scan a couple of the Earthdawn forums, like at
There's a great site for Alternity over at that has forums, resources, articles, stories, etc. There's a ton of good stuff there if you're into Alternity.

I used to frequent the D&D boards over at the Wizards site, but I tired of the WotC community (and on top of that, I don't really play 3x much, although that may change).

That's all I can think of at the moment.
The definitive forum for "general" RPGs is Hit up the TableTop Open for discussions about any mainstream or indy RPG.

The place to go for D20 specific chatter is ENWorld.

There's also the Forge for Indie stuff. I'd have a link, but I don't go there and don't really plan to. wink.gif
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (eidolon)
There's a great site for Alternity over at that has forums, resources, articles, stories, etc. There's a ton of good stuff there if you're into Alternity.

Damn, that brings back memories. During the first summer when I was able to finally play pen and paper RPGs (I had acquired a basic D&D rulebook at a garage sale when I was in 4th grade but I didn't get to ever play a RPG until I was at a summer program before entering middle school) the guy who DMed D&D and Paranoia for us also ran us through an Alternity campaign. It was even a pseudo larp type experience. For some reason we wandered through empty campus buildings and he'd use our surroundings to improvise what was happening in the story. Very care free and fun style of gaming.
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