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Full Version: Playing SRMs out of order!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions

I have a question and rather then just e-mail you directly I felt everyone needed to benefit from this question.... Can the SRMs be played in any order, or must they be played in numerical order... as in SRM02-05, then SRM02-06, then SRM02-07.... etc.??? In otherwords, will playing them out of sequence "Spoil" the scenarios for me if I play them out of numeric sequence? frown.gif

There are a few SRMs that it's of benefit to play in order, but as a general rule of thumb, order isn't too critical.

Of the currently released adventures, here are the ones it's fairly important:

Chasing the Dragon (02-08) is best played only after The Grab (02-03).
Winter Wonderland (02-12) should be played after Through a Rose Colored Display Link (02-05).

It'd make a little more sense if you played Take-Out Service (02-13) after playing either Twist & Insult (02-10) or The Flip Side (02-06). However, it's not going to break anything to change these around.

Basically -- we've got things happening in the background. However, there are very few instances where we've shown enough that it'll cause chaos, confusion, and mass hysteria. cyber.gif
And don't forget:
If you don't manage to play / GM those in the proposed order, it's only very little work to get around any inconsistencies that may arise.
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