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Favicon, really. Go add one, please! Like this (or the GIF if you can't display the ICO in IE). smile.gif

Here's everything explained, it's dead simple to add one (guess you know how to do that, but one can never be sure smile.gif).

I use that extention too, so I feel your pain. I have no idea if the boards software includes that, or if it's something that would have to be styled in. *shrug*
It's not an extension, it's something every browser can see and use.

It's, literally, a small image that is titled favicon.ico and is a representation of the website for quick referencing when looking through your bookmarks.

Honestly, most likely it's because nobody's made one for DS. I could see it being a miniaturization of the logo we have now.
Yeah, it is dead simple to add one and not a lot of work.
And it really is state-of-the-art to have one. wink.gif

@eidolon: CLICK smile.gif

QUOTE (Tanka @ Mar 21 2007, 08:59 AM)
It's not an extension, it's something every browser can see and use.

It's, literally, a small image that is titled favicon.ico and is a representation of the website for quick referencing when looking through your bookmarks.

Honestly, most likely it's because nobody's made one for DS.  I could see it being a miniaturization of the logo we have now.

Ah, sorry. I'm stuck in the Firefox mental mode. There's an extension that I use called Favicon(something) that allows you to shrink tabs down to just the Favicon to save space on the tab bar. With it and one other that I'm forgetting the name of that gives me 3 available tab rows, I can have lots of stuff open. smile.gif

Yes, it's most likely because nobody has made one. If somebody wanted to, I'm sure we could get it thrown in sometime.

edit: here's the Faviconize extension I'm using, for those interested.
( Off Topic: I recently installed the Tab Mix Plus (TMP) extension, which is really good! Highly customizable. )

QUOTE (Thanee @ Mar 21 2007, 04:05 PM)
Here's a simple example Favicon (GIF version when you cannot see it in IE).

Made it a bit better now. smile.gif

I approve of Thanee's favicon.

C'mon, DS Admins, use it! You know you want to.
Well, I like it. I can't add it to the site, but I like it. smile.gif
It's up. Thanks Thanee, you're the man!
Pretty! Thanks, Adam! smile.gif

Definitely cool.
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