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Full Version: Quality convertion from Serenity
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Okay, I'm working on that future setting using a version of the SR4 rules. I found a system in Serenity RPG that I like but I'm trying to figure out how best to convert it.

Serenity uses a system called plot points which are separate from XP but are similar in other respects to Karma. You can use it to gain extra dice in rolls. One of the differences is that each plot point may give you a die. Things cost several to do certain things.

Now the qualities have two levels. Minor level gives you +2 step die levels (yes it uses the crappy step dice mechanic which is one of the reasons not to use the system). The major level gives you the minor level and makes plot point costs cheaper for that quality.

Now for one I am trying to figure out what to translate the minor cost as. I don't want to make it two dice but unless I make it cost the same as a skill point (1 point) then the cost would be too high.

On the plot point thing, I like the focusing of edge rolls. What I was thinking was that each quality would allow you to make an edge roll for that quality instead of being open to any roll. That way edge type rolls would be more focused. The game is less high powered then Shadowrun so this would be a good thing. I would leave it for saving your ass rolls but require a quality and karma spent to get bonuses on social rolls and such based on qualities.

I'm not sure how much I would charge for these either. I would like all the Minor to cost the same as well as all the major cost the same. That would keep it simple. Even a minor quality could effect more then one skill roll but others may only effect one so I am trying to keep the cost from being too high.

Any suggestions on how to convert this?
Never mind. I figured it out.
Ooh, care to share it with us please? smile.gif
I simplified it. Now I have one level of quality that allow you to use your edge for certain skills. Instead of minor and major version there is just the major version.

I have Edge, Karma points and XP. Edge is a trait set by me in the game. You can't buy it up but I will tell you went it goes up (and slowly). XP covers skills, qualities, and attributes. Karma covers activating any metagaming aspects such as survival rolls, activating Edge, etc.

Characters have a few qualities reflecting the things that they are focused on. These Edge qualities are the only things besides pure survival related rolls that they can use Edge with. In order to use Edge you must spend a point of Karma and you get your edge in dice added to that dice pool.

Successes are limited to the total number of dice in the dice pool that was rolled.
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