I'm a huge fan of STALKER so far. I started playing on whatever the middle level of difficulty is, just because gaming (for the most part) seems to have gotten around to deciding that "easy" is for non-gamers and "hard" for people who are good at the game.
Oblivion: With Guns is not a bad description. The qualifier I'd tag onto that is "Oblivion: With Guns, Without Such An Open World That You Just Wander Around Doing Oddball Stuff Until The Game Gets Boring And Without Worrying About Levelling Efficiently." The stuff that it
doesn't do that Oblivion does makes it superior, in my mind. Not to mention I vastly prefer assault rifles over longbows.
The Cordon felt a little slow, but the game looked like it had promise, and so I stuck with it. The Garbage was pretty cool, but when the game really came together was maybe 90 minutes in, when I got up to the Bar and started getting interesting tasks, and the kind of supplies I actually needed to go out and kick some ass without feeling like I'm just trying to scrape by.
For me, one of the huge tricks was learning that scavenging should really be limited by weight. Outside of ammunition and a basic level of supplies, I really only collect artifacts, antirad meds (they're light and fetch a good price), animal bits, and the occasional unique weapon/nice armor. When you get a couple of +endurance artifacts together (and keep your weight below 50 kilos, even though your true max is 60), being able to sprint continually also makes the game a lot more playable.
What's the usual kit y'all drag around? For me...
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Primary weapon, about 15-20 spare magazines. This will usually be a Tunder 14 or a TR301/G36.
Secondary weapon, usually a shotgun, suppressed MP5, or Vintar BC with either about 100 shells (50 shot, 50 slug) or about 15 magazines of PB1s, or about 20 mags of 9x39 Sniper (helpful if you're carrying a Tunder 14, as well)
Handgun, USP .45 Compact with 4 spare magazines, unless I'm carrying the MP5 in which case I use the USP 9mm.
4 grenades of each type, 8 launcher grenades if i have a launcher
4 medkits
10 bandages
10 antirads
4 cans of food
Artifacts... usually one -radiation, two +endurance, and 2 +bulletproof
On a vaguely kit-related note...
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I just finished up going after the Brain Scorcher. My brother is playing through the game a little behind where I am, and he got a phone call shortly after I went there.
"Hey, uh... when you go to the Scorcher? Bring ammo."
"Uh... yeah? I usually do?"
"No, dude... ammo. Like, 40 spare mags for whatever you usually use, a few hundred rounds of 5.45 for when you need to pick up an AK and use it, something like a shotgun and at least a hundred shells, a 9mm handgun just so you can find ammo in the field, and as many frags as you can carry... at least 50. Oh, and a spare suit of armor, if it's not too much weight."
"Oh, shit."
One thing I had happen, that was kind of surprising to me... I've been noticing that the game applies some degree of realism to it's ballistics. Rounds can penetrate sheet metal and wood without much trouble, and punch through things like the corners of concrete walls on occasion. They'll ricochet if they hit hard objects or surfaces at a flat enough angle... I've skip-fired a magazine under a gate I had someone on the other side of, and killed him with it. The biggest surprise to me, though, was when I was firing at someone over a pipe, using a scope... and one of his return shots knocked me out of scoped vision. "WTF," I thought, and zoomed back in to finish him off... and my gun jammed. It proceeded to continue jamming every 5-8 rounds after that until I tossed it and got a new one, despite it being in very good condition (above 90%). My best guess? One of the rounds coming at me
hit my rifle, and damaged it.
I've been having a grand time with STALKER. I hope you all enjoy it, even with the occasional bugs.