Hi. I'd like to start playing in one of these games but I'm not sure exactly how I'd go about it. There don't seem to be anyones that are just starting right now, would there be any chance of joinging one of the longer running games?
I have a coupple of characters i'd quite like to play at some point:
Lilt (my 2nd SR character) Easy going jamaican street-doc who turns serious when the drek hits the fan.
Aquilla (eagle shapeshifter/shaman) should be fun to roleplay. Never played him in tabletop due to how screwed-over shifters are in 3rd ed.
Prowl (Human Cvops) has a unhealthy fascination with preadators & animal camofluage patterns, Full-body tatoo (actually image on ruthenium dermal sheath) of tiger-effect skin (he sometimes changes it).
I also have a dwarven mage and an elven leopard shaman lying around somewhere.
I'd be quite happy to play the above in any rulesless or ruled game that'd be willing to accept them.