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Full Version: SR3: A Little Piece of Home
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Edition: 3rd
Location: New Orleans
Type: Low power/'level'
Character Generation: 100BP, Avail:6/Rat:4
Positions: 4+

Notes: Starting in New Orleans will be a hampering to Magicians and I realize this, however starting and staying with it will reap one with rewards to balance it out. Race options (except Shapeshifters).

Books allowed:
Shadowrun Third Edition
Man & Machine
Shadowrun Companion (Revised for Third Edition)
Magic in the Shadows
Cannon Companion
Rigger 3
Year of the Comet
Target: Awakened Lands
Threats 2
Target: Wastelands
State of the Art: 2063
Dragons of the Sixth World
Sprawl Survival Guide
Mr. Johnson's Little Black Book
State of the Art: 2064
Other books on a Case by Case acceptiance.
EDIT: didn't notice the SR3 warning, disregard my post.
I'm interested, give me a couple of days to throw something together. What year is this going to be taking place it?
It was a toss up between 2060 and 2064, but since the book list (To be posted in a second) has SOTA63/64 allowed I'm going for 2064.
When and if you're done with your character sheet Chance359 (And any other people who are thinking of joining) just feel free to post it on the board. Once we have at least 3-4 players we'll get started. The starting location will be near Orleans Parish. If you need any information on New Orleans or the surrounding area's, feel free to querry me via PM (I happen to have 18+ years of experiance living in the location wink.gif).
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