Apr 25 2007, 01:57 AM
Thanks to Bull, I got hooked on about 18 months ago. I've done a lot in that game, and am now getting really into its politics ant technological side.
I;d like to recruit some of the smart folks here to join me in my project. Even if the politics and code stuff doesn't interest you, I can still give you tips 9and get hlep from folks ) on how to hook up with others in the group to MASSIVELY boost the amount of XPs you can earn per day, as well as your chances of being brought back to life if you happen to get killed (which will happen).
BTW, should mention this is mostly a pro-survivor project, but does have a lot of room for survivor-friendly zombies, unlike most survivor groups. If you want to be a nasty brain-eating zombie, I have lots of experience with that (may main zombie alt has over 5000xps) and could point you at other groups that would be happy to have yah.
Apr 25 2007, 04:38 PM
Heh, I'm already on that game for the past month. Though I must have died about half a dozen times already. I knew I should have picked scout in the beginning.
Apr 25 2007, 10:39 PM
Scout is the easiest to stay alive with, but one of the harder ones to earn early XP with.
Actually, dying isn't all bad. If you buy Vigor Mortis and Neck Lurch, you earn XP pretty fast just by chomping other zombies.
Apr 25 2007, 11:07 PM
That's what I've been doing as a zombie, just attacking other zombies. I'm too much of a survivor fan to go after other survivors, even when I get killed by them (when I'm a zombie). What area are you in on the map?
edit: I'm over in Starlingtown
Apr 26 2007, 02:48 AM
I have several characters, on both sides, in various places, and they move around a lot.
One of my survivors is on the East edge of the map and has no assigned group right now- if you like, I could send him your way to revive you. He's in Freyerbank right now, but moving is no problem.
Apr 26 2007, 04:07 PM
Heh, better than me, I keep dying and getting up, attacking zombies (regardless of what state I'm in), and dying again. I maybe make it a few blocks, but I keep getting distracted and attacking zombies. heh.
Yeah, it'd be great to join up with people, though one of the first things I'll buy is freerunning. I really need to rest up in those barricaded places.
edit: I'm a zombie in Starlington by Biles Monument, near the St Alban's hospital.
Apr 26 2007, 04:18 PM
I was playing this game a while ago, with one zombie character and one survivor character on other sides of the map. I'll have to see if my characters are still there and haven't been deleted yet.
Apr 26 2007, 11:56 PM
PBTHHHHT- post the link to your character's profile; I'll need to view the profile so I can add it as a contact, which is the only way to recognize a zombie. Once I can see you, I'll be able to revive you within 24 hours.
Apr 27 2007, 03:26 AM
I was intrigued by this thread and went out to the UrbanDead site, this looks cool. I am going to write up a zombie. Any thoughts?
Apr 27 2007, 05:25 AM
Yeah, don't die... as often as I have.
Apr 27 2007, 11:27 PM
If you want to play as a zombie, you should look at the wiki and find a zombie group to join, preferably one with a "strike team" style of opperation. It makes the game MUCH more rewarding, both socially and in terms of XPs gained.
I'm in the Minion of the Apocalypse, have been for a long time, and we are always looking for new recruits, especially low-level ones that can benefit from the XP we can help them earn. Its a great group of zombies, but if its far from your location, you should seak another that is easier to reach.
Apr 28 2007, 04:54 PM
Well coming from a Feral Zombie, one of the first skills you need to buy is the ability to open doors to get to those tasty treats just waiting inside that baricaded can...
Also buy Infection if you want to demoralize and slow down the above mentioned tasty treats...
As a survivor, prsonally I've found a Fireman the easiest to play in the beginning, although once you've got the skills, move up to using firearms, and get Headshot for the same reason a zombie would buy Infection if you care about that type of thing...
Oh, and also as a survivor, never go anywhere without at least 2 First Aid Kits and the skill to heal 10 HP with a single use...
Apr 29 2007, 07:45 PM
Heh, the only thing I've been attacking as a zombie is other zombies.
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