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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
I'm currently in the Planning stages of SR3 game based in Seattle. I'm looking for players who are interested. I require good "Concept" Characters, I don't want to see a group of Min/Maxed Combat Monkeys. The Story will require intelligent and resourceful players willing to think outside the box to reach their goals.

If your interested post with a character concept and name and we will go forward from there. I'm limiting this to 6 players Max. This will be my first "Forum Game" but I run a regular SR3 game weekly so I'm not a newb. I require that my Players be willing to post at least once a day, to avoid stagnation.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Spider is an ex-lawyer, con artist, and schemer. He is a psionic mage, but considers his cunning mind to be his strongest asset.
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