Doc Sportscar
Aug 18 2003, 07:24 PM
Well, since the forums have apparently been reset and I'm now out of the NYC blackout/family reunion, let's see if we can't get this thing back off the ground.
The last I knew, we were debating what suggestion to implant in our rigger friend's little mind. Sorry if another suggestion got tried, but as I said I've been out of touch for a while now.
So, jump back in! Feel free to put up an IC thread if you want to make a post; if nobody has I'll do it once I get home tonight.
Edit: The previous OOC thread is
here and the previous IC thread is
here just in case we need to go back and reference anything. I'll read through them later for anything I missed, but right now I have to run.
Aug 18 2003, 08:06 PM
I think we were just waiting for you to get back DOc, we had a pretty good plan of action.
Give the rigger a suggestion to turn off security when he starts his shift the day of the run, then forget he did it. And then turn it back on at the end of his shift, and forget he did it.
If we do that, Jim and Crow can sleaze through any locks electronic and otherwise.
Just put it in some words Sparrow and give it everything you got.
Aug 19 2003, 04:55 AM
Doc Sportscar
Aug 19 2003, 08:11 PM
Okay, here goes nothing:
Sparrow's Sorcery + Spell Pool (12 dice total, TN 6): 6 1 3 3 2 3 6 6 6 6 2 2
5 sucesses.
Farrel's Will Roll (6 dice, TN 3): 4 1 2 2 1 3
2 sucesses.
3 sucesses left. Spell succeeds.
Sparrow's Drain (7 dice, TN 3): 1 5 5 1 1 1 6. Drops drain to M, take an M stun wound from drain.
Note that even with 12 dice, you were still lucky. For future reference, getting a lot of spells by taking them at low Force is usually not a great idea.
Aug 20 2003, 12:06 PM
Hey Doc... I dont know if you wanted to roleplay getting the drugs... so I acted it out, if there is no need to roleplay getting the drugs then I will finish the post next time im on and have Jim go back to the motel.
Doc Sportscar
Aug 20 2003, 02:44 PM
It's fine the way you're doing it- this isn't that major of a plot point, so you can finish it on your own. I think that as soon as you're done getting what you need and everybody else posts, we're on to whatever you guys decide is next.
Aug 20 2003, 07:06 PM
Cool! -I just thought it would be nice for Jim to do something as he's not any help he may as well get the stuff needed.
Doc Sportscar
Aug 21 2003, 03:01 PM
Good call. And good job remembering that novacoke isn't something you pick up at the Stuffer Shack. I figured that with an Availability of 3, if you can't lay your hands on some quick you probably shouldn't be shadowrunning.
Okay, troops, we have five vials of novacoke and one programmed security rigger about to wake up after the time of his life. What's next? I believe some people were talking about a recon trip on the train- any interest in that? My net access is going to be sporadic today and tomorrow, but after that it should stabilize again. (I hope) If I'm a little slow about responding, please bear with me.
Aug 21 2003, 03:19 PM
Jim did also buy some half decent whisky....
Doc Sportscar
Aug 23 2003, 01:49 AM
Okay, I'm back online, hopefully for good this time. Sorry about all this, but it was pretty much unavoidable.
Sooo...we have one rigger sucessfully programmed. Unless anyone really wants to post his wakeup call, we can just assume that it happens. So, in the eternal GM question, what's next? Are you scouting the train, or doing something completely different?
Aug 23 2003, 09:58 AM
Well I would like to scout the train, because what you hear from contacts is one thing...but what you find out yourself could be totally different!
Doc Sportscar
Aug 23 2003, 06:57 PM
Fair enough. If that's the consensus from the rest of the group, I'll post a "dissolve" scene where we deal with Farrel waking up and the team heading off to the train. Sound good to everyone?
Aug 23 2003, 08:01 PM
Sounds good, I was thinking we could purchase a coupld of coach tickets.
Aug 24 2003, 05:55 AM
Yeah, we'll each ride the trip once ourselves (and not all at once), just to see how it goes. I don't think we'll try to bum any security passes from Farrel - it would be one thing if it was a magical suggestion, but talking him out of a pair of passes would leave too much of a data trail for Masquerade's tastes, and we have people who can sleaze through MagLocks anyways. I'll see what Shadow thinks, though, before I post anything on the IC thread.
Aug 24 2003, 08:33 AM
I agree. If we had gotten them magically great, but I don't want to ask him for them.
Aug 26 2003, 07:34 AM
Aug 26 2003, 10:35 AM
So are we going to move ahead to sorting that train out then?
Doc Sportscar
Aug 27 2003, 02:31 AM
My fault. Curse this eternally-slow connection...
Before I type a long description up, one question: in general, you're going to find that the train is more or less as your Johnson described it, so I'll probably snag a lot of that text and repost it so we have a copy on the current thread. Is there anything else you're going to be looking for as you ride the train? Locations of cameras, access points, general class of the people in various cars, flavors of drinks being served in the lounge? I'll post some quick general details on the IC thread, but let me know if any of you are looking for anything in particular and if you're doing anything special to try to get the info in question.
Aug 27 2003, 03:45 PM
Jim would be looking for any clues as to weather the other station and the train would be on a closed network or on a normal frequence style network.
Ive actually just had an idea-not sure if its a good one or a bad one, but there is no harm in putting it forward!. Maybe we could try to find out where the train is kept when not in use, we break into the train while not in use (because hopefully there will be no security riggers on board while its doing nothing) and we make our way into the security guards break room, and then we use that time to find a way of pumping in some form of gas to knock them out... that way we only have the two riggers to worry about.
It may be a good idea, it may be a terrible idea...let me know!
Aug 27 2003, 04:17 PM
Jesse will pay particular attention to the security procedures used by any guards. Are they lax, board, or alert and on the look out. Are you supervised as you board the train, while finding a seat. What keeps the passengers in coach out of the rest of the train. What keeps them in? Are there any obvious cameras? can they be spoofed? Any obvious guards once the train is in motion.
And the biggie. Can you get outside while the train is moving.
Just thought of something else,
Crow would like to get an opportunity to study the card reader/maglock while on board. She is going to try to identify the type/model and learn all she can about it.
Does the camera see the maglock or is it above it?
Doc Sportscar
Aug 28 2003, 12:39 AM
QUOTE (Silverspur_2020) |
Jim would be looking for any clues as to weather the other station and the train would be on a closed network or on a normal frequence style network.
The train network is closed-circuit, like most security rigger systems. You're not going to get many system details unless you're really eager to find someplace to run a tap into the system. As for the other don't know yet.
Quoting Shadow:
Jesse will pay particular attention to the security procedures used by any guards. Are they lax, board, or alert and on the look out. Are you supervised as you board the train, while finding a seat. What keeps the passengers in coach out of the rest of the train. What keeps them in? Are there any obvious cameras? can they be spoofed? Any obvious guards once the train is in motion.
There aren't any guards obvious in the passenger areas- at least, not in coach, which you haven't left yet. Passengers pass through the detectors, which have guards next to them who don't appear to board the train, then are free to find their own seats. The guards, for the record, wear security-grade armor and carry pretty serious-looking combat shotguns.
As for electronic security: The only thing restricting access seems to be the maglocks, which are coded to the class of your ticket. The only camera you've seen so far is the one at the front end of the car, which doesn't appear to swivel.
And the biggie. Can you get outside while the train is moving.
You're in a sealed magnetic tube, underground, travelling through a vacuum at several hundred miles per hour. You're welcome to try it. How lucky do you feel?
Crow would like to get an opportunity to study the card reader/maglock while on board. She is going to try to identify the type/model and learn all she can about it.
Does the camera see the maglock or is it above it?
The camera is above the maglock, but it looks like you're in your field of vision as you approach the door. In other words, the rigger can see that you're there, and may notice if you do more than slot your credstick and pass through. Also note that the car is packed with people...
The credstick reader maglock looks to be from a good manufacturer- it has an Ares logo on the side, and might have been part of a package deal from Hard Corps when they signed on to do the security gig for the Transit Authority. The case is a single piece of plastic, with only a hint of a seam where the two halves join together. You can't really tell more without prying open the case and having a look at the guts. Check the IC thread for more details about this action.
And start posting IC- right now, all you're getting is what you can get by looking around the coach and checking it out. If you want more info, let me know IC what your characters are doing to obtain it.
Aug 28 2003, 02:12 AM
Maybe I should have said she would inconspicous about it.
Doc Sportscar
Aug 28 2003, 04:06 AM
Well, you said you were examining it closely, and you don't have any vision-enhancing cyberware, powers, or any means of taking a picture for study. Unless you've brought that camcorder of yours and pointed it at the maglock, that's the only way to get a close look.
This should also be a friendly reminder to let me know *how* you're planning on pulling off your various surveillance measures, or I'll assume you took what seems to me to be the most obvious route. Description is good.
Aug 31 2003, 03:36 PM
If there are people wandering around who are from first, is there no way one of the girls could get a "stressed bussinessmen" into the toilets for "executive relief?!" and then steal their card? that way we have an easy way into first class...because we just knock out and tie up the bussinessmen and leave him in the space under the floor (because the hatch is in the toilets!!) make sence?
Aug 31 2003, 07:42 PM
Do you want to bet our whole gig on us being able to do that?
Sep 1 2003, 07:29 AM
Well its a back up plan!
Doc Sportscar
Sep 2 2003, 11:31 PM
Now that you've all seen the car and loungue, are you going to try for anything else or should I advance time?
Jim, roll me some Security Devices, with Security Systems as a complementary skill. Just post the roll results so that I can see how much you've figured out about the train's system.
Sep 3 2003, 01:16 AM
I think we should use the offered ID's and buy lux tickets with them. that way we don't have to worry about bypassing the security doors, and we basically get free reign of the train.
Sep 3 2003, 03:26 AM
Can crow think of any electronic device that could be used to crack the locks, like a Credstick with some kind of brute force program? Or is it to simple for that, like a crosscheck with a database?
If not, I think we shouldn't even try. there isn't enough room for me to pick each lock. It would involve cracking the case and rewiring it. That would take time, at least 2 minutes. In that time someone is going to get curios.
We should definitely use the id's the johnson offered and get lux seats so we have unrestricted access.
Sep 3 2003, 08:45 AM
Remember that purchasing a ticket of First Class or higher involves biometric identification. So purchasing luxury class tickets will mean hiring a decker to hack into the UCAS-CFS Transit Authority computer and remove our records afterwards. Also, the higher class tickets involve going through a cyber-scanner. Jim's false identification can include "medical" cyberware to explain the anomolous readings, but Crow, as an outside specialist hired by the other team members, wouldn't have that same false identification - not sure if her cyber would be a problem or not. Maybe Jim could talk the Johnson into providing fake ID for Crow, too. Still, if everyone can somehow get their 'ware and gear past the scanners, Luxury Class might be the way to go - with our advance money, Masquerade should be able to hire her Decker contact for the hacking job. It's certainly better than puttering with MagLocks on umpteen cars before getting to the target.
Sep 3 2003, 09:29 AM
Ok, I rolled for security devices and I scored: 05,04,04,01,05
Security systems: 04,04,05,05,04
wow!- two pretty good rolls
, just have to hope that the target number is to not high! could I use my rigging pool to get more successes? or is what I have good enough? I have a rigging pool of 8, so if I can use it I will divide the pool between the two and add four dice to each....
Sep 3 2003, 05:48 PM
Hey guys, you may or may not know my wife is very pregnant. And it looks like we are going to have the baby today! So I will be off the boards probably till saturday or sunday. WHatever you guys decide to do is fine, Crow goes along with it. Wish us luck!!
Doc Sportscar
Sep 3 2003, 08:08 PM
Good luck to you, Shadow, the fingers are crossed here. And while I don't usually say this, don't be in too much of a hurry to come back- your wife will probably need you more than we do for a little while.
Jim, you realize that the maglocks will be hooked up to the train's rigged security system, and thus any anti-tamper alarms will probably be disregarded by Farrel. In addition, the alarms leading to and from the lower deck, which has the same maglocks away from pyring eyes, are monitored by the same system.
Sep 4 2003, 08:50 AM
It appears to be good news then!-just have to hope that Farrel is doing his part in our little game!
Sep 9 2003, 08:25 PM
Hey, I am back. The baby came and everything is fine, she wa 7lbs 3 ounces, her name is Julia Charlotte. Thanks for letting me slide for a couple of days. So, lets get back to it.
Sep 10 2003, 06:40 PM
glad to hear about Julia!! -so how long will it be before she gets her own dumpshock log in name?!
Sep 18 2003, 09:31 AM
Are we still running this mission? or has everyone given up?! its so quiet in here!
Sep 19 2003, 01:39 AM
I'm mostly waiting to see if Crow could get fake ID from the Johnson, and if either she or Jim would have any cyber problems (remember that the fake ID includes bogus "medical" cyber to explain some cyber. Then, it's a matter of getting luxury tickets, hiring the decker (Masquerade has a decker contact), and coming up with a plan on how to aproach the courier. I think we are mostly done with the "recon" stage.
Sep 19 2003, 03:30 AM
Crow doesn't have any cyber. As for the fake ID, that is something you guys would have to ask for considering she came in third party.
Sep 28 2003, 12:36 AM
We can have a quick meet with the Johnson (and adding a new member is very explainable since we were originally supposed to have another member), and Masquerade can contact her decker if everyone agrees that luxury tickets are the way to go (the other option would be breaking into the lower deck). Right now, I think everyone has finished their "recon" posts. I usually feel uncomfortable doing "scene transition" posts - it feels like stepping on the GM's turf. So I will wait for Doc to post something, that is if this game hasn't died.
Sep 28 2003, 03:57 AM
I'm willing to keep this game going. Sorry that I've been quiet lately. My PC is on the fritz. It's a 2.4 gig now, but no modems will work on it. I'll se what can be done.
Sep 28 2003, 08:27 AM
Well I am still very much up for carrying on with the game....its a shame it stopped for a while!
Nov 26 2003, 11:00 PM
Well it's been two months since anyone posted, is it dead? I really liked the character I was playing here... Any chance of picking it back up Doc?
Nov 27 2003, 04:38 AM
Doc's last post, period, seems to have been the 4th of September, so I'm not sure if he even frequents these forums any more. I like Masquerade, but it seems like she's a jinx for every game I try to put her in.
Nov 28 2003, 12:10 PM
To be honest I had forgotten that I even had this forum on my list anymore!! -I love playing my charecter...I have him in a new run at the moment, if anyone wants to take over from doc or run a new can count me in, but I dont think this will be going anywhere soon!
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