Oct 23 2005, 05:46 PM
So let's say that you drop some Neuro-Stun while you are wearing full armor with chemical seal, with the intention of dropping an opponent, then hauling them out of the cloud as soon as they fall. Sounds reasonable, right?
Wrong. They are dead. Here's why:
If you are in a cloud of gas, you are exposed that round, and you take the effects at the end of the round that the exposure triggers on, which for Neuro-Stun is the next round.
So here's the order of events:
Round 1: Exposure to Neurostun
-End of Round 1: No effect
Round 2: Exposure to Neurostun
-End of Round 2: Take damage from Round 1 Exposure, Pass out.
Round 3: Exposure to Neurostun, Victim hauled out of cloud
-End of Round 3: Take damage from Round 2 Exposure.
Round 4: Administer Antidote, no new exposure
-End of Round 4: Take damage from Round 3 Exposure with up to 6 extra dice from antidote patch.
So... assuming that the users of Neuro-Stun are taking every possible precaution to keep the victims from dying, the victims are still going to resist 10S and 8S damage after their stun track is filled - which means that they are probably dead. Even with a response time of less than 3 seconds.
Neuro-Stun is not a "containment" gas - it's a more effective death gas than anything on the market in 2005.
Oct 23 2005, 05:57 PM
In my group we house-ruled NeuroStun. It's damage does not overflow into physical damage.
Oct 23 2005, 06:02 PM
Isnt that pretty much how it's always worked though? I distinctly remember in SR3 that you never ever wanted to shoot someone with more than one nerostun dart if you wanted them alive because there was a very strong chance that they would die from it.
Austere Emancipator
Oct 23 2005, 06:18 PM
One Neurostun gas grenade wasn't lethal in SR3. One count of a toxin could never do more than it's basic Damage Level + 1, so that a single gas grenade with a Damage Code of, say, 8D would never be able to do more than 1 box of Physical overflow (Deadly + 1 Stun). Several darts could be lethal, IIRC, unless of course the GM said otherwise.
Oct 23 2005, 06:20 PM
QUOTE (Halabis) |
Isnt that pretty much how it's always worked though? I distinctly remember in SR3 that you never ever wanted to shoot someone with more than one nerostun dart if you wanted them alive because there was a very strong chance that they would die from it. |
SR3 (was it M&M or was it in the BBB?) was explicit that chemical Stun did not overflow....which isn't
particularly "realistic", but i liked the way it played and we can sort of skirt the realism by handwaving that they have developed stunning substances where the gap between effective dose and the dose where noticable number of people start dieing is quite large.
Oct 23 2005, 07:16 PM
yes there is a small bit of text talking about aditional doses in m&m that says you cant go above damage level +1 no matter ho many doses your get exposed to. you could still overdose tho.
ie, the effect cant realy stack but the body may still go into a toxic shock kinda reaction from having to much of the substance in it.
allso, i dont know the text in SR4 but going by m&m rules, applying the antidote should basicly neutralize the round 3 exposure.
Oct 23 2005, 08:09 PM
In SR4, antidotes grant extra resistance dice. The maximum anitdote is rating six, so on average that drops the power level 10 toxin to a power level 8. Which is just this side of completely worthless.
Antidotes, Tracheal Filters, and Chemical Protection should probably reduce toxin power level rather than grant resistance dice - but as written they simply don't help enough to keep a cloud of Neurostun from up and killing you. Even if you have the full set.
Kyoto Kid
Oct 24 2005, 09:03 PM
This is why I prefer Gamma-S
It paralyses them (at least under SR3 rules it did if the subject failed his resistance test) but there is no damage overflow. Furthermore, it has the nice side effect of making them more malleable for interrogation after the primary effect wears off.
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