Oct 24 2005, 08:26 PM
Was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on who is still left in seattle, and if the map has changed much? (I know ghostwalker kicked most people out).
Trying to start a seattle based campaign, using a 2070 timeline, but the core book provides little info.
Oct 24 2005, 08:28 PM
Do you mean Seattle or Denver? Ghostwalker didn't do much to Seattle...
Oct 24 2005, 08:35 PM
Seattle. LOL sorry for the confusion....(reading too much fluff these days).
Oct 24 2005, 09:45 PM
QUOTE (Kleaner) |
Trying to start a seattle based campaign, using a 2070 timeline, but the core book provides little info. |
You say you'd like to buy Runner Havens? Step right this way young man. *cha-ching*
It sucks having to wait to see the offical update to Seattle. *shrug* Until then it seems like you could likely get by with the old stuff, if you have it. Though the bulk of that is starting to get quite dated. The last book that had significant info on Seattle was published about 4 years back, almost a decade in game time.
Our group instead is just going to run on a different continent for a change of scenery. We are starting all new PCs anyway, and Shadows of Asia sets out some new territory that we'd never been to before.
Another catalyst to going there was an inside joke in our group about deciding mid-adventure to just fly off to Hong Kong. It stemmed from the GM declaring than an NPC that we thought was key to unraveling the run out of reach by having his company fly him to Hong Kong. He thought it would convince us to go the way the adventure was laid out. He thought wrong, and ended up explaining to us OOC that we weren't suppose to go to Hong Kong.

Oh, and my personal OOC hatred of dealing with sneaky f-ing Russians. I had a character that bought, among other things, a pair of used cybereyes from a Russian NPC. The damn things kept fritzing out.

So the current GM, and the GM then too, decided we just
had to go there.
SL James
Oct 24 2005, 09:57 PM
Were they periwinkle blue by any chance?
Oct 24 2005, 10:07 PM
QUOTE (SL James @ Oct 24 2005, 03:57 PM) |
Were they periwinkle blue by any chance? |
No, but at times i did consider pulling them out and using their notably hefty bulk to bludgen people....particularly the guy that sold them.

P.S. The gaming sessions actually pre-dated Snatch, but yes when i watched that movie i really could identify with Cousin Avi.
Oct 25 2005, 03:30 AM
Blakkie: Tinman was great...

nasty evil bastard who was only interested in making money but still.
Oct 25 2005, 05:36 AM
QUOTE (imperialus @ Oct 24 2005, 09:30 PM) |
Blakkie: Tinman was great... nasty evil bastard who was only interested in making money but still. |
I'm glad he not only lives across an ocean from where we are, but also he should be well past retirement age. At the very least SOTA will have reduced him to the equivalent of an AIBO.

P.S. I didn't check my email late enough yesterday to catch that character sheet before we played. So we'll have to meet him up north, perhaps the way you initially envisioned? Oh, and i transfered him to the lastest sheet and used the extra Contact points to fix up the Connection levels. I put The Colonel at Connections 2 because that seems about right for after his career change to fisherman in some obscure little Vancouver Island port. The rest are higher than that; maybe not as high as they should be but close enough. I'll email it back to you. Let me know if you just want it printed out for whenever we get back to it.
EDIT: BTW i also reduced the Voice Control to level 1, since the die pool for it is based your Con+Charisma not on Power levels. I tossed the extra 0.5 PP into a 2nd level of Mystic Armor for now.
Oct 25 2005, 05:57 AM
IIRC--The decision to leave out Seattle specific info was supposed to help people set their games in a broad series of locales. Some holdovers from Seattle are kept in SR4, such as the Halloweeners in the NPC section, but primarily the book is locale generic, setting up a world and ambiance more than a city.
As was pointed out above, Runner Havens will be printed later to provide specific information on Seattle and Tokyo (IIRC?) and give general info about several other places.
Oct 25 2005, 02:49 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
I'm glad he not only lives across an ocean from where we are, but also he should be well past retirement age. At the very least SOTA will have reduced him to the equivalent of an AIBO.  |
wouldn't be the first time he's ripped all his cyber out and had it replaced... Of course the last time was when he was still an active PC and I Was a R.B.G.M. (Rat Bastard Game Master) but our current DM can be just as evil
I personally kinda miss the focus on Seattle... 15 years of sourcebooks had really turned it into a city with personality.
Oct 25 2005, 03:41 PM
QUOTE (McQuillan) |
As was pointed out above, Runner Havens will be printed later to provide specific information on Seattle and Tokyo (IIRC?) and give general info about several other places. |
Seattle and Hong Kong.
Oct 25 2005, 03:44 PM
i'm kinda of digging denver to run my campaign in. It'll be cool to have a setting where a dragon is not only active, but something you have to deal with if you ever want to get ahead in that town....
it's too bad, the last denver source book was written in 1996...
Oct 25 2005, 04:05 PM
FanPro has stated that they intend to release 3 books on various urban locations, each containing 2 fully detailed cities plus lesser info on a number of other locations. Runner Havens will cover Seattle and Hong Kong. A second book is expected to outline messed up locations (like Bug City?), and AFAIK, the third's contents have not yet been announced, so might very well contain info on Denver (but I doubt it).
Oct 26 2005, 03:48 AM
Kleaner--Write up a proposal and set it to Adam...if you lay out enough stuff and can convince him of your argument, it may be possible to get some buy in...At the very least, you will have laid out all of your thoughts cohesively for when you start running your campaign.
Fortune--Thanks for the correction.
Oct 27 2005, 02:50 AM
Who's adam? heh. I r n00b.
Oct 27 2005, 06:41 AM
One of the Admins who works with Rob and the other developers. I picked his name because it was the first to come to mind, but you would basically need to submit your work to FanPro.
Oct 27 2005, 08:31 AM
QUOTE (Kleaner) |
Who's adam? heh. I r n00b. |
You might find FanPro's
Submission Guidelines useful.
Oct 27 2005, 09:42 AM
QUOTE (Kleaner) |
I r n00b. |
Then one advice: Stop using that <censored>
1334 language!!!
Oct 27 2005, 03:05 PM
OMGZ0R! U d0 n0t s33 teh P4r4d0y!!!1!!oneone!!
Oct 27 2005, 07:22 PM
Oct 27 2005, 07:28 PM
Peeps need to lighten up, sheesh.
Oct 27 2005, 07:37 PM
Actually, I think the 1337 dialect is probably pretty standard in SR4. What do you think the [Matrix] specialization of ettiqutte and language skills represent?
Hackers and technomancers will say "BRB" in restaraunts when excusing themselves to go to the bathroom. Fallen partymembers will be refered to as "AFK". And amusement will be expressed by actually saying "LOL".
Oct 27 2005, 07:51 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman Oct 27 2005 @ 01:37 PM) |
Hackers and technomancers will say "BRB" in restaraunts when excusing themselves to go to the bathroom. Fallen partymembers will be refered to as "AFK". And amusement will be expressed by actually saying "LOL". |
The really sad part is that I know people who do that in normal conversation now.
Oh and 1337 5p34k doesn't have anything whatsoever to do with chatroom abbreviations like those.
Oct 27 2005, 08:25 PM
QUOTE (Slacker) |
Oh and 1337 5p34k doesn't have anything whatsoever to do with chatroom abbreviations like those. |
That's not entirely accurate. The 1337 5p34k dialect comes primarily from two impetus found in internet communication:
1. The need to hide potentially criminal activities. Software pirates especially had to engage in a certain amount of obfuscation to protect themselves, hence the creation of "wares", "warez", and eventually "\/\/4r32" to prevent automated anti-piracy systems from catching them.
2. The need to type things quickly. Like the previous generations' use of "shorthand", the simple fact is that you can talk much faster than you can write, which means that people who engage in primarily written communication tend to produce simple codes that stand for much larger sections of commonly used communicated. Which is how "I defeated you" eventually got shortened to "owned".
The combination of these two trends has then been exposed to linguistic drift just like any othe dialect. So some pieces of 1337 are no longer subjectable to analysis as either being faster to write or being used to deliberately confound intent. The word "pwn3d", for instance, originally started as a joke to make fun of people who were typing too fast, but now it's the standard spelling of "I defeated you".
As such, the chatroom conventions, which were started exclusively to save space, are as much a part of 1337 as the word "j00". They are often essentially loan words from the chatroom/blog dialect, but are now as much a part of 1337 5p34k as "beef" is a part of the English language.
Oct 29 2005, 03:13 PM
If u c4n r34d this u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d.
Check a major bookstore. Many of the authors of the SR novels have maps printed in the books, while they may not be perfectly accurate, they're probably vague enough to run a campaign.
Besides, how likely is it that you players would track you down on the net and follow your posts, much less look up and compare to a map.
Oct 29 2005, 10:24 PM
QUOTE (McQuillan) |
Kleaner--Write up a proposal and set it to Adam... |
Follow the submission guidelines; do not send any submissions or proposals to me. I am not FanPro staff and I am not responsible for reviewing propoals unless I am specifically asked to by Rob.
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