Sorry about going a lttle off topic

On the subject of Google translations. Here’s a very bad translation of the german errata

"Page 42, Horizon Headquarters is Los Angeles, Pueblo Corporate Council, not California Free State
Page 60, attributes The first sentence in the first paragraph must read: There are altogether thirteen attributes with Shadowrun, most characters possesses however only eleven or in some cases of twelve attributes.
Page 62, attribute values The last sentence in the third paragraph must read: The increase of an attribute increased both the natural value and the intensified attribute value determined thereby.
Page 63, talent values The second sentence in the third paragraph is replaced by the following sentences: Adeptenkraefte, implants or magic can, if explicitly indicated in their description, which increase current value of a talent. This talent value is considered as modified, while other improvements provide only bonus cubes for a sample (and not change the basic skill value). Note that the modified talent value is consulted for the cost calculation with the increase of the talent.
Page 73, table of Metatyp attributes Supplement in the line Troll: Log: 1/5 (7) Wil: 1/6 (9)
Page 73, which Metatyp select The fourth set of the second paragraph ends on "... and the maximum strength on 8."
Page 73, magic/resonance The last set of the second paragraph ends on "... (+ Initiations /Wandlungsgrad)."
Page 74, example The last set of the first paragraph reads: "up to now it spent 140 GP on physical and mental attributes, with which you remain still up to 60 GP for the attributes, which she uses, in order constitution, reaction and Charisma in each case of 1 to 3 to increase.". The second paragraph below the first table begins with: "Michelle white that Edge will be important, therefore spends it 10 GP, in order to increase the stage of 2 to 3." The third paragraph below the first table reads: "altogether Michelle spent now 245 GP and knows their road witch thereafter the following attribute values up:".
Page 78 Pathogen and Toxinresistenz Replace in the text "immune" through "resistant" and "immunity" by "resistance".
Page 90, groups of talents Replace the side reference with: "S. 264."
Page 93, talent values The second paragraph must read: The unmodified talent value, which a character gets during its erschaffung assigned or which it acquires later in the play, one calls the basic skill value. Some spells, Adeptenkraefte and implants (if specified in their description) can increase the talent, whereby a modified talent value develops. A modified talent value may not rise over the basic skill value x 1.5 (with which 9 the highest possible value becomes, 10 with the Talentiert gift). Specializations as well as some spells, Adeptenkraefte and implants can supply bonus cubes for a talent, which do not change however the basic skill value. One writes these additional cubes generally in parentheses behind the basic skill value, for example in such a way: Spruchzauberei 4 (+2).
Page 97, head money hunters Paint the specialization Toxine under first assistance. Equipment: The minimum strength of the elbow amounts to 8.
Page 98, Kampfmagier Increase logic to 4. Supplement magic: 5
Page 99, Geheimagentin Replace during the equipment of large containers with Nanitencreme lining by small containers with Nanitencreme lining.
Page 103, Pistolero Adeptin Increase will power to 4 Replace under action talents with (improved talent pistols) (+2) by (6) Supplement under action talents of customs (road) 2 (+2).
Page 104, hackers Paint the subvokale microphone from the equipment list. Replace to coding 5 by using 5.
Page 105, magic Ermittler Replace to magic 3 by magic 4 Capers under action talents fingerfertigkeit. The selective noise filter possesses a stage of "(3)".
Page 106, radicals Oekoschmanin Increase Edge to 3 The value with gifts and Handicaps reads "(+5)". The value with hostile spirit (fire spirit) reads "(+10)".
Page 107, Schmugglerin Remove with the action talents the specialization from customs. Enferne the Hackingfertigkeit including specialization.
Page 108, Sprawl Ganger Enferne with initiative the entry "(7)" Insert behind the art muscles "(1)"
Page 110, road Schamanin Increase Edge to 2
Page 111, Technomancerin Replace with attributes (0 GP) through (230 GP) Increase skill to 3 Increase the value with action talents to (134 GP) Replace to coding 5 by using 5
Page 112, Waffenexpertin Change the value with gifts and Handicaps on (+10 GP). Capers "with fragment rocket" behind Aztechnology Striker.
Page 113, Beschatten Beschatten belongs to the group of talents of secretness.
Page 121, example The last sentence in the first paragraph ends up: "... against the two cubes of the guard (3 minus 1 for a sample without talent value)."
Page 121, customs use Replace in the second set of the third paragraph "distrustful" through "prejudice-afflicted".
Page 121, customs and Patzer Replace in the last set of the first paragraph "fineblessedly" through "prejudice-afflicted".
Page 139, table weapon ranges Change the values of the arm chests as follows (K/M/W/E): Easy 0-6 7-24 25-60 61-120 Middle 0-9 10-36 37-90 91-150 Heavy 0-15 16-45 46-120 121-180
Page 141, a goal in good covering Add the following sentence: "this modifier can be used also with lying goals, if the distance amounts to at least 20 meters."
Page 162, sensor samples Replace in the first set of the first paragraph "(with drones sensor + pilot)" through "(with drones sensor + Clearsight)"
Page 169, withdrawal attribute The first sentence in the first paragraph must read: Trailers of all traditions resist the withdrawal with their will power.
Page 178, services of bound spirit Capers in the second set of the sixth paragraph the following half set: "in addition the Zauberer does not suffer a negative modifier for the present bound spirit with this sample."
Page 187, Adrenalinkick Supplement at the end of the second paragraph: "no attribute can be increased beyond its maximum intensified value (see S. 62). The Adrenalinkick needs a simple action for the activation." S. 188, improved talent Replace the description of force through: "this strength increases the value of a certain action talent by 1 per stage. The maximum modified talent value amounts to the 1,5fache of the basic skill value. The strength must be acquired for a certain talent, not for a group of talents. The increased talent value counts also with the employment of a specialization."
Page 195, range Replace in the last set of the third paragraph "diameters" by "radius".
Page 196, prophylaxis The charm duration is "A"
Page 200, shock hand, Betaeubungsblitz and Betaeubungsball The kind of the charms is "M"
Page 202, physical barrier Replace in the second set of the first paragraph to "his magic attribute" by "the kraftstufe of the saying".
Page 208, coming code, account and data tracks In the last set of the second paragraph the side reference reads: "see passwords, S. 215"
Page 208, matrix actions In the first set of the first paragraph the side reference reads: "see use of the matrix, S. 215"
Page 208, Hacking In the last set of the first paragraph the side reference reads: "S. 221". Page 226/227, Hacking programs Supplement with attack, Blackout and black hammer in the parentheses "matrix fight", so that stands in each case there "(Hacking/Matrixkampf)".
Page 231, VR initiative Replace in the last set of the third paragraph the cube pool modifier of "- 4" approximately "- 6".
Page 231, initiative of agents, IC and Sprites The last sentence must read: Since they act with digital speed, they receive two additional initiative passages (altogether three)."
Page 245, table protection from Toxinen Paint the "Nierensieb" entry.
Page 254, table Cyberware scanner Supplement "modifier" to "cube pool modifier".
Page 255, Biometrie In the next to last set of the third paragraph the side reference reads: "S. 331".
Page 275, company safety unit Replace "H&K 227" by "HK 227X". Replace "Beretta Model 101T" by "Fichetti Security 600".
Page 275, Lone star police unit Replace "Defiance super Shock" by "Defiance ex Shocker". Replace "Browning max power with Smartlink" by "Colt Manhunter with Smartlink".
Page 276, red Samurai leaders Replace "Fichetti Security 500" by "Fichetti Security 600".
Page 276, Tir Ghosts Replace "H&K 227-S" by "HK 227X".
Page 285, Taliskraemer The stage of the knowledge talent "magic background knowledge" is 3.
Page 294/295, spirit Replace with all spirit under reaction "x" through "+". Thus the initiatives change as follows: Spirit of the animal: (Kx2)+2 Earth spirit: (Kx2)+2 Fire spirit: (Kx2)+3 Spirit of humans: (Kx2)+2 Air spirit: (Kx2)+3 Water spirit: (Kx2)+2
Page 301, availability In the first sentence the side reference reads: "see availability and purchase, S. 300" In the last sentence the side reference reads: "see legality, S. 302"
Page 302, road values In the last sentence the side reference reads: "see S. 303"
Page 303, legality In the second set of the third paragraph the side reference reads: "see S. 322"
Page 307, table weight pistols Replace with the availabilities "R" by "E".
Page 308, table submachine guns Replace with the availabilities "R" by "E". Replace "HK-227K" by "HK 227X".
Page 316, table clothes & armoring The ballistics value of the Actioneer Geschaeftskleidung amounts to 5 Supplement under armoring modifications: "shock frills; Ballistics/impact; availability 6E; Price 200¥ "
Page 322, table ID/Credsticks The availability of a falsified SIN amounts to: "(stage x 3)V"
Page 323, infrared view The last paragraph "the ultrasonic equipment..."belongs as last paragraph to ultrasonic on S. 324.
Page 325, table audio reinforcement The entry for audio improvement reads: Audio improvement (stage 1-3); Availability +2; Price +(Stufe x 100)¥ The entry for the selective noise filter reads: Selective noise filter (stage 1-3); Availability +8; Price +(Stufe x 200)¥
Page 327, gas mask The second sentence must read: It provides for an immunity against substances, which have exclusively an inhalation vector (see Toxine, S. 244ff.)."
Page 331, Sim module The side reference reads "sees S. 317"
Page 331, voice modulator The side reference reads "sees S. 255"
Page 332, table eye Cyberware The capacity costs of the eyepiece drone amount to "[ 6 ]".
Page 333, Smartlink The side reference reads "sees S. 324"
Page 333, table ear Cyberware The capacity costs of the balance amplifier amount to "[ 4 ]".
Page 334, table Bodyware The availability reflex boosters stage 2 amounts to "12E". Page 335, Cyber Springarm The reference does not read "the jumping arm (S. 311) ", but" the hidden arm mounting plate (S. 312) ".
Page 337, table Cyber close-range weapons The range of the spur amounts to 0, written: "-".
Page 339, Reflexrekorder The second sentence replaced through: The Reflexrekorder increases the stage of a certain talent or group of talents by 1 (only combat talents and physical talents).
Page 340, magic accessories Replace "swearing to materials" by "connection materials".
Page 344, character elbow, spell list Replace "damage" by "withdrawal"."