Nov 21 2005, 10:28 PM
Has anybody heard anything on this?
Will it be a heavy stock like the new White Wolf screens or are we getting shafted with the floppy ones?
Nov 21 2005, 10:29 PM
QUOTE (midnightblack) |
are we getting shafted with the floppy ones? |
That's just a bad phrase all around.
Nov 22 2005, 01:02 AM
Somewhere i picked up a rumor, that one of the panels shall be "customisable", so that you could add your own preference of tables to it. Just as you need it.
Can anyone confirm or deny that?
Nov 22 2005, 01:16 AM
QUOTE (Azralon) |
QUOTE (midnightblack @ Nov 21 2005, 06:28 PM) | are we getting shafted with the floppy ones? |
That's just a bad phrase all around. |
It would probably work better with a few splints.
Nov 22 2005, 03:39 PM
QUOTE (Darkness) |
Somewhere i picked up a rumor, that one of the panels shall be "customisable", so that you could add your own preference of tables to it. Just as you need it.
Can anyone confirm or deny that? |
Yes, Rob mentionned it in the sound clip where he talks about the upcoming Sr4 products. Of course, we're just talking a clip where you can hang paper from.
Nov 22 2005, 03:56 PM
That's more than enough for me. I just print the needed tables and clip 'em in. If that's how the new screen is, i'm happy. ^^
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