Nov 23 2005, 07:13 PM
So, I've finally gotten my first SR4 character completed. Of course I went with the more complex mystic adept for trying out the new rules. Here he is, take a look and tell me what you all think. He's supposed to be a top-notch tracker with a touch of magical support.
Race: Human
B: 2
A: 2
R: 2
S: 2
C: 5
I: 4
L: 2
Edge: 3
Magic: 6 (Adept Powers 4/Magic 2)
Conjuring Group: 2
Outdoors Group: 3
Infiltration: 3
Unarmed Combat: 2
Dodge: 4
Perception: 4
Shadowing: 3
Spellcasting: 5
Counterspelling: 2
Parazoology: 3
Wizzer Gangs: 3
Local Charities: 3
Cityspeak: N
Korean: 3
Spanish: 3
Mentor Spirit - Dog
Allergy - Silver Moderate
Adept Powers
Combat Sense: 4
Enhanced Perception: 3
Improved Sense [Scent]
Improved Sense [Hearing]
Rapid Healing: 3
Detect Individual, Extended
Detect Life, Extended
Control Thoughts
Dog Form
Magic Fingers
Nov 23 2005, 07:33 PM
OK, you have a shadowing skill and an Infiltration group rating - that's 12 BP in your pocket right there. If your character is going to be trained in unarmed combat, there is no reason to have Dodge instead of Gymnastics. So get some jumping ability, it'll be good for you.
From a min/max standpoint, you should split up your Conjuring group and ditch banishing altogether. You have a very small dice pool for conjuring actions, which means that you can summon and bind very small spirits only - and that's fine because you choose the size of the spirits you call up. But it also means that you'll only be able to banish very small spirits. And that's not OK because you don't choose the size of the spirits sent against you.
Also, since you can start with a 6 in spellcasting, you should do so. It'll save you points in the long run. And I'm not really sure why you have a large Charisma, you aren't doing anything with it. Maybe you should be an intuition caster and transfer some Charisma to more perception?
Nov 23 2005, 07:51 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman @ Nov 23 2005, 01:33 PM) |
And I'm not really sure why you have a large Charisma, you aren't doing anything with it. Maybe you should be an intuition caster and transfer some Charisma to more perception? |
Concur with the rest of your post, however here there is another option incase GM approval, effort to create the tradition, or flavour is an issue with an INT based tradition. Pick up a point in Influence Group. Borrow the 10BP from....oh maybe Logic. He isn't relying on any Logic skills except perhaps Parazoology. (incidentally i don't think he'd even have to trim any Knowledge/Language skills since it looks like currently he left 3 points unused)
Besides even with good Cha using any of the Influence Group untrained is kinda a pain at times, depending on team makeup and game style.
Gothic Rose
Nov 23 2005, 07:51 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
OK, you have a shadowing skill and an Infiltration group rating - that's 12 BP in your pocket right there. If your character is going to be trained in unarmed combat, there is no reason to have Dodge instead of Gymnastics. So get some jumping ability, it'll be good for you.
From a min/max standpoint, you should split up your Conjuring group and ditch banishing altogether. You have a very small dice pool for conjuring actions, which means that you can summon and bind very small spirits only - and that's fine because you choose the size of the spirits you call up. But it also means that you'll only be able to banish very small spirits. And that's not OK because you don't choose the size of the spirits sent against you.
Also, since you can start with a 6 in spellcasting, you should do so. It'll save you points in the long run. And I'm not really sure why you have a large Charisma, you aren't doing anything with it. Maybe you should be an intuition caster and transfer some Charisma to more perception?
-Frank |
It's obvious why he has charisma. He's a DOG SHAMAN.
Note the word Shaman? Yes, that means he uses Charisma to resist drain.
Crazy, that. Just crazy.
Nov 23 2005, 08:03 PM
QUOTE (Gothic Rose) |
Note the word Shaman? |
Not in the original post.
As written he could just as easily be a disciple of Atorn.
Nov 23 2005, 08:03 PM
Yeah, I should have explained that he was a shaman - slipped my mind.
Why would I be able to ditch out of infiltration or shadowing? I thought one was for sneaking up on folks and the other sneaking through buildings.
And the gymnastics for dodge - I don't think that I'd be able to do gymnastics as a dog... dodge would still be on the list though. And I do like the idea of being able to cover up to 45 meters in a combat turn while on Full Defense.
Nov 24 2005, 04:05 AM
looks like you have, 225pts in attributes?
50pts in skill groups
92pts in skills.
21pts in spells
10 mystic adept
-10pts allergy
5pts mentor
-20pts for uneducated (are you sure this fits?)
373 pts used?
what resources is he starting with?
Gothic Rose
Nov 24 2005, 05:15 AM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
QUOTE (Gothic Rose @ Nov 23 2005, 02:51 PM) | Note the word Shaman? |
Not in the original post.
As written he could just as easily be a disciple of Atorn.
Mentor Spirit - Dog.
To me, anyone with that is a SHaman of Dog. While I think hermetics getting access to mentor spirits is cool, I tend to automatically associate them with Shamans.
Ancient History
Nov 24 2005, 05:55 AM
Don't listen to Gothic Rose, Antimuppet. A mage may see Dog an archetype behind powerful forces in the Hermetic curriculum, tracing lineages to Anubis, Cerberus, the Dog Star...
Although, given in this case it looks to be a 21st century variant of Kane.
Nov 24 2005, 10:48 AM
IMHO Astral Perception and assensing would be useful for a tracker-style character.
I'm not really sure that the 6th point of magic is worthwhile either. Ask your GM wether they use the interpretation by which the Mystic Adept uses the full magic rating to determine drain effects and max spell force or the system by which only the magical skills are put towards that.
If your GM allows you to determine drain ETC using full magic then drop the last point of magic attribute and switch it to a 4/1 split. 25BP can easily buy you the +1 on sorcery and conjuring to make-up for the die lost.
I'd personally take counterspelling as high as I could afford unless I knew I wasn't going to be the main mage in the party. People really need those dice against hostile spells.
In any case, I'd suggest buying a force 2 power focus (if you've not done so already) as they've very cheap for what they do.
Nov 24 2005, 06:16 PM
QUOTE (Antimuppet) |
Why would I be able to ditch out of infiltration or shadowing? I thought one was for sneaking up on folks and the other sneaking through buildings. |
You don't need to. I think Frank mis-read Infiltration skill as the Stealth skill group. I agree with him on the Conjuring skill group, though.
But you do seem to have missed the off the Mystic Adept quality, 10bp, IIRC
I'd be tempted to drop magic to 5 and skim a few levels of adept powers. That extra 25bp for a level 6 attribute is a lot...
Nov 24 2005, 06:26 PM
QUOTE (wavydavy) |
You don't need to. I think Frank mis-read Infiltration skill as the Stealth skill group.
Yep. You can pretty much ignore that line of thought entirely. You had Infiltration right next to the skill groups and I read it as the Stealth Group. Sorry for the confusion.
I'd be tempted to drop magic to 5 and skim a few levels of adept powers. That extra 25bp for a level 6 attribute is a lot... |
Absolutely. Note that since you have Perception of 4, you need gamemaster permission to even take advantage of the 3rd point of Improved Perception. Augmented Maximums are normally 150% of the base value.
Dropping a point of Combat Sense, a point of Rapid Healing, and a point of Improved Perception wouldlet you buy up your Intuition to 5, your Spellcasting to 6, and buy that Mystic Adept Quality you didn't mark down - and still have a BP left over.
Nov 25 2005, 05:24 PM
The advice was muy mucho helpful. Exeter's all neato keen on the tracking now.
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