Nov 24 2005, 06:26 PM
Hi. I am preparing a run for my players. BTW, said players: KEEP OUT
The runners will be hired to inflitrate DIMR headquarters in Boston and hack a semi-secure system inside. (The Johnson is not looking for the hottest research data, but what he wants can't be taken from the Matrix -I can tell more details if necessary
I have planned the layout and now I am designing the builiding security system, still I don't know what kind of magical security they could place in there. (And I am not talking only about astral security but also about magical physical sec. measures)
I am a bit tired of using spirits as magical security measures, so I would take more original suggestions. Paracritters? Magical traps? (I dunno, I don't want D&D)
I would also appreciate any ideas about the look and feel of the building itself. It's an "academic" institute so the cold corporate decoration would not fit.
I could tell more later, but I wanted to post this quickly.
PS. Just in case, use the spoiler feature for the rest of the post.
Nov 24 2005, 06:35 PM
It's pretty common to put some shorter version of "KEEP OUT YOU FREAKIN' WEENIE PLAYERS OF MINE" in the thread title.

[ Spoiler ]
One word: Barghest
Because it's DMIR i don't think it would be good flavour to have one of those Insect Spirit / Barghest merges from Threats 2.
Nov 25 2005, 05:18 AM
how 'bout warded corridors w/ imps on the astral. Wards to keep them in the area, imps to mess with intruders wards. Might be a bit of a stretch, but it'd be good stuff. Also, for a change, try going w/ non lethal area effect gear with the guards, such as splat weapons and Ares Squirt weapons w/ DMSO cocktails. If they're expecting a lot of magical security, mix things up by having the buildings security a rigged system. Throw in a few drones like micro skimmers that can get around easier but are tougher to effect with magic, and use security doors to limit the teams mobility, assuming they trip an alarm.
If you really want an alarm tripped, try the sensor systems that are embedded in the walls from SOTA '63.
Hell hounds make for good scary security, as do cerebrus hounds. But both are kinda rough on the interior. Good for outside though.
Nov 25 2005, 12:20 PM
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A drake isn't a security guard, or a paranimal. You don't 'have [them] on hand'. They may have access to a few, just as a corp has access to Prime Runners, but drakes aren't the type to sit at a desk or patrol waiting for something to happen at some research place. You don't have security guards that are hunted by Great Dragons because they're valued as exceptional servants.
Nov 25 2005, 04:27 PM
Thank you all very much for your help. I find this discussion most interesting.
Funny there is no "spoiler" button in the menu among the code buttons.
[ Spoiler ]
I have decided to make most of the security physical, with a dedicated rigger as Fistandantilus suggested earlier, it's a nice flavor switch, IMO.
I think I could still place some kind of magical threat inside. I would like some elaboration on Astral Wards. My MITS skill is quite rusty, so I don't remember other types of wards except for the barrier ones...
As for paracritters outside, IIRC, the DIMR headquarters are located someplace near the MIT&T, so very dangerous creatures would disrupt campus activities. I still don't know, maybe a Gargoyle? (Blend in with the gothic University building) Are those sentient? Are them any good for sec purposes?
Drakes I have discarded because they're too important for security duty, but a Drake agent could be sent after the characters when and if the DIMR takes notice of the datasteal.
Nov 26 2005, 01:09 AM
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A situation like this is where I have always wanted to employ anchoring. Maybe have your paracritters under a Petrify spell linked to a detection spell trigger that drops the Petrify. Basically, it looks like statuary that is going to come to life when the intruders get within a certain distance.
An anchored defensive spell (like armor, spell shield, deflect, etc.) could also be triggered to give the paracritter a better chance of survival. The drain will also alert the caster that something triggered a spell.
Or just use some of the listed spells with anchors and detection triggers to ruin the intuders day. Poltergeist with some meter long pieces of monowire with lightly weighted ends could be deadly. A sustained levitate spell that gets dropped when the intruders get detected - the sky is falling, or anything else that was being levitated.
Nov 26 2005, 03:26 AM
QUOTE (MaxHunter) |
Thank you all very much for your help. I find this discussion most interesting.
Funny there is no "spoiler" button in the menu among the code buttons.
[ Spoiler ] I have decided to make most of the security physical, with a dedicated rigger as Fistandantilus suggested earlier, it's a nice flavor switch, IMO.
I think I could still place some kind of magical threat inside. I would like some elaboration on Astral Wards. My MITS skill is quite rusty, so I don't remember other types of wards except for the barrier ones...
As for paracritters outside, IIRC, the DIMR headquarters are located someplace near the MIT&T, so very dangerous creatures would disrupt campus activities. I still don't know, maybe a Gargoyle? (Blend in with the gothic University building) Are those sentient? Are them any good for sec purposes?
Drakes I have discarded because they're too important for security duty, but a Drake agent could be sent after the characters when and if the DIMR takes notice of the datasteal.
Yea, it's annoying, isn't it.
[ Spoiler ]
DIMR has most of a dragon's horde to spend on the best equipment and they've got connections to someone on Ares' board of directors, so don't skimp. Use bio-fibre walls and awakened ivy to limit their astral manuiverablity. Anchored mana/spell barrier spells that are activated/deactivated by spoken words (which all the guards know). That awakend moss which glows when something magical goes by (from YOTC) hidden in columns in the wall. Fibre-optic systems for remote spell sniping. Awakened bees that think an activated focus is a flower (also from YOTC, best used outside). Add mages, shamen and adepts, and don't uses elementals or spirits. At least until their leaving.
Nov 26 2005, 03:48 AM
Gas traps, preferably loaded with something that has a contact vector rather than inhilation one. Runners are sneaking down the coridoor or poking round a server room when they trip an alarm, blast doors slam down from the ceiling blocking them in and gas gets pumped in. Use something non-lethal like Neurostun and even if they get caught and questioned you ccan be an evil bastard and give them a 'Right, you're going on this suicide mission for me or else' jobs for a laugh.

Small secondary security system that isn't hooked into the primary one or the rest of the buildings systems, isn't even mentioned on them. Concealed motion sensors/pressure pads controlled by remote for small high security areas that get turned on/off when the people working there come in and leave. Have it hooked into a one way cellular system, can only phone out and not accept incoming calls, that sends out a silent alarm when triggered. Perfect for the paranoid executive or cranky research genius wanting to protect their privacy.
Nov 26 2005, 04:03 AM
Ryan Mercury just happens to be visiting the facility when the PCs attack.
Nov 26 2005, 04:28 AM
How about awakened mobile plants in an area with high CO2, and low O2.
A room filled with Cyborg Nazi Corps Cadavres sardined into a large room clearly labeled "Warning Do Not Open Cyborg Nazi Zombies" only in a language none of them understand.
Nov 26 2005, 04:39 AM
You could be really evil. They are expecting lots of magical security, it is after all the DIMR. So load up a rigged system with sharpshooter equipped drones, or better yet robots! Laser Meshes, narcoject guns hidden in statues, electrified floor panels, Ok maybe all that sounds a little D&D. Some of my favorite tricks involve using the architecture, lighting, and climate control as part of the security system. At the same time you have to keep in mind that security measures can't interfere with the primary purpose of the building, in this case you can't use any security measure that could cause much collateral damage, in the case of the DIMR that means working with lots of irreplaceable artifacts so fire & water are probably out. However you could hide the secures server in a clean room that has all the oxygen evacuated and a subzero temperature to preserve the artifacts. Airlocks could be employed, combined with RFID tags to control access wrong tag and you get neuro stun instead of clean air in the airlock.
Nov 26 2005, 04:39 AM
QUOTE (Demon_Bob @ Nov 25 2005, 10:28 PM) |
How about awakened mobile plants in an area with high CO2, and low O2.
A room filled with Cyborg Nazi Corps Cadavres sardined into a large room clearly labeled "Warning Do Not Open Cyborg Nazi Zombies" only in a language none of them understand. |
It's better to put it in a language they all understand. Huge, red, glowing letters. Makes it a lot funnier when they open the door....and they will open the door.
Nov 26 2005, 07:49 AM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
QUOTE (Demon_Bob @ Nov 25 2005, 10:28 PM) | How about awakened mobile plants in an area with high CO2, and low O2.
A room filled with Cyborg Nazi Corps Cadavres sardined into a large room clearly labeled "Warning Do Not Open Cyborg Nazi Zombies" only in a language none of them understand. |
It's better to put it in a language they all understand. Huge, red, glowing letters. Makes it a lot funnier when they open the door....and they will open the door. |
No, what's REALLY fun is to put that on ALL the doors. Then they'll be just as lost, and STILL open a door full of cyborg nazi corps cadavers.
That's what I do for home security, and so far it's worked. Those Jehova's witnesses never knew what hit them. Well, okay, they probably knew because it said so right on the door; but from the look of surprise on their faces you'd never know it.
Nov 26 2005, 06:13 PM
Ciborg Nazi Corpse Cadavres LOL!
...And yes, they would open that door anyway
Nov 28 2005, 05:23 PM
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This sin't some small-scale operation, this is the DIMR headquarters. If anything, I'd expect the security of the DIMR headquarters to be worth one of the draco foundation's few drakes. Note that the DF have an open offer to asylum for drakes (see Dot6W for details) which I'd expect many to take rather than becoming slaves to dragons (as far as they know).
More than any other group, or even other dragon, I'd expect the DF to have at-least a few drakes guarding their primary assets.
Nov 28 2005, 07:56 PM
QUOTE (Lilt) |
[ Spoiler ] This sin't some small-scale operation, this is the DIMR headquarters. If anything, I'd expect the security of the DIMR headquarters to be worth one of the draco foundation's few drakes. Note that the DF have an open offer to asylum for drakes (see Dot6W for details) which I'd expect many to take rather than becoming slaves to dragons (as far as they know).
More than any other group, or even other dragon, I'd expect the DF to have at-least a few drakes guarding their primary assets. |
[ Spoiler ]
Or taking sanctuary at the DIMR HQ.
Nov 29 2005, 01:22 AM
[to tisoz] Sanctuary.... That's more like it.
Anyway I'm saving the drake for the retrieval team...
Nov 29 2005, 04:35 AM
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As a note, if the building is near MIT&T it probably isn't a gothic university building unless it was designed to stand out. I'm a Boston resident and Gothic is precisely the last description I would apply to that place. As a result, gargoyles are out.
In their place I'd encourage a combined sec rigger / sec mage. I think that having the rigger act as a spotter for runners and use his drones and suppressive fire to contain them while a mage on fiber optics drops them one by one would be an effective trick.
Nov 29 2005, 02:29 PM
I still say that Ryan Mercury ought to be paying them a visit. Purely by co-incedence, mind you.
Nov 29 2005, 03:41 PM
Rigger w CCSS and a mage/shaman with fibreoptic. I would also not go for lethal responses for a DIMR host. Unless the research paydata is a "Threat" itself, I wouldn't expect lethal response. FAB 2, biofibre, etc to limit astral intrusion and don't forget, the place should a lot of magical activity and hence Background Count.
Nov 29 2005, 05:00 PM
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As a GM I think the cool thing about designing security for DIMR HQ is that you basically have a blank check to come up with crazy new shit. Think about it: the whole point is that the DIMR researches strange and exotic magical phenominon that most people (i.e. your runners) have never even heard of. You could get real creative here. Plus your players are already going to expect weird things so you could play on thier fears.... not that any GM would ever do that...
I'm thinking instead of run of the mill paracritters you sould come up with something dark and creepy that noone has ever seen before. Maybe some kind of new dual natured sentinal spirit that hunts using some kind of magical sense (target number based on essence of the characters... awakened beware) and then uses temporary essence drain to incapacitate them (sounds alot like a wraith now that I think about it...)
Oh imagine turning down a corner to find a creepy little girl in her best sunday dress standing at the end of a hall. Smart players will know instantly that they are fucked, since this image will be so out of place. She watches them for a minute and then opens her mouth to scream, but no sound comes out. Instead it sends out an astral ripple that cause intense sensations of dizzyness and nausea in any magically active characters present. What the runners don't know is that any DIMR security mages within range have been trained to recognize the phenominon as a magical alarm...
I would go with stuff like this... ;]
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