Hello all,
I'm new to the forums (as you can probably tell) and I've been a fan of Shadowrun for years. Unfortunately, I haven't played for years and SR has one of the most quickly evolving storylines of any system I know, so I'm out of the loop, so to speak. I was wondering if I could ask a few questions to bring me up to date about the setting and the story, thanks!
The last product I read was Target: Awakened Lands, but I don't know how far back that is, and the latest novel I've read is the Terminus Experiment and I know that's an old one! So, here goes;
1/ What was the big changes that the Comet brought about? I haven't got or even seen Tales of the Comet or Year of the Comet.
2/ What's the simplified story about the Megacorps, I know the Big 8 are now the Big-god-knows-how-many, and that Fuchi (I think) had to relocate to Vladivostok because an Ork became CEO.
3/ After the Dragonheart Trilogy, was there anymore to do with the Horrors/Enemy and Immortal Elves storylines?
4/ What's going on in Chicargo now? I think I heard the Bugs have been cleared out and things are slowly getting back to normal, but I'm not sure.
5/ Is there anything else I should know that can bring me up to date?
Thanks, and sorry for the vagueness of my questions. Like I said, it's been years since I've played SR, but the arrival of 4th Ed has renewed my interest.