Nov 28 2005, 05:38 PM
I'm having a hard time believing this has never been covered, but i can't find a thread. Do wards block access from the metaplanes? The specific thing i'm curious about is whether a spirit (assume this also refers to elemental) can sit on a metaplane and sustain a spell .
Note that this is coming from a SR4 POV, and maybe this is why it hasn't come up in SR3. At least the sustaining part, because SR4 got rid of Exclusive actions (plane switching i believe was Exclusive, so was sustaining). But still it had it should have come into play when tapping an elemental you had on standby while you are inside a unfriendly warded area.
Nov 28 2005, 05:49 PM
I would tend to say that wards do not block access to the metaplanes and vice versa, as you can burn a service of an elemental to go through metaplane back doors and appear on the other side of a ward.
Within SR4, without Street Magic available, I think you are touching on some of the finer points that may have to wait.
Nov 28 2005, 05:57 PM
QUOTE (McQuillan @ Nov 28 2005, 11:49 AM) |
Within SR4, without Street Magic available, I think you are touching on some of the finer points that may have to wait. |
The SR4 BBB places the metaplanes adjacent to the physical plane.
I'm just trying to find past canon on wards. I do know that what i always played was you could tap the elemental from behind a ward, but there were so many SR3 house rules that weren't even known to be house rules that i can't really go by that.
Nov 28 2005, 06:42 PM
MitS p. 96-98 discuss Metaplanar travel of Spirits, mentioning the fact that Elementals and spirits can travel from the physical plane to their native Metaplane without passing through Astral space. They can use this shortcut to bypass astral barriers such as wards at the cost of one service.
SR3 p. 187 Spell Sustaining--It specifically mentions that the elemental can stay in AStral form while doing this, and since each service is exclusive, it cannot leave the range imposed by the summoning (Cha+Wil+Mag)*10 m. Thus it cannot travel to the metaplanes while sustaining a spell.
Some GMs may rule that by using a Remote Service and giving up all further services, a spirit can be bound to sustain a spell on it's home metaplane. I would personally say no, since both tasks result in the spirit owing no further services, and thus the mage is trying to abuse the magical system and get an extra bonus without paying for it.
Nov 28 2005, 07:33 PM
QUOTE (McQuillan) |
MitS p. 96-98 discuss Metaplanar travel of Spirits, mentioning the fact that Elementals and spirits can travel from the physical plane to their native Metaplane without passing through Astral space. They can use this shortcut to bypass astral barriers such as wards at the cost of one service.
SR3 p. 187 Spell Sustaining--It specifically mentions that the elemental can stay in AStral form while doing this, and since each service is exclusive, it cannot leave the range imposed by the summoning (Cha+Wil+Mag)*10 m. Thus it cannot travel to the metaplanes while sustaining a spell. |
If that is the only limit then, unless there is some new limit brought by Street Magic, it can be done in SR4. Thanks.
Some GMs may rule that by using a Remote Service and giving up all further services, a spirit can be bound to sustain a spell on it's home metaplane. I would personally say no, since both tasks result in the spirit owing no further services, and thus the mage is trying to abuse the magical system and get an extra bonus without paying for it. |
Ummm, it doesn't owe any further services. But it still hasn't completed the remote service it is acting on (sit over there and wait) till the next sunrise/sunset.
Or do you mean it could be done but it would cost a total of 2 services, one for sustaining and one making the metaplane/physical plane trip?
Nov 28 2005, 07:58 PM
The binding of a spell for sustaining in SR3 sustains the spell for a day per pt of force the elemental has, but the elemental is destroyed and cannot be re-summoned in the future. It may be possible to word a remote service to have the Elemental begin sustaining a spell which you cast and then travel back to its home plane and hold it there.
The drawback associated with each task is removed through this type of task though. GM adjudication would be required to determine whether it takes one service, two services, or is simply not doable.
Nov 28 2005, 09:59 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) | could tap the elemental from behind... |
Just make sure you buy the elemental dinner first... and maybe flowers...
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