Dec 2 2005, 06:02 AM
Just a couple of questions regarding cyber-replacements that have me slightly confused.
-Is there a reason why a cyberarm would have its own specific Body rating that's seperate from your own Body attribute if the rules don't go into specifically damaging a cyberlimb? I mean, if I have a Body rating of 5, but my cyberarm has a Body rating of 3 (the normal attribute), when I get shot in the arm do I really get 2 less dice to resist the same damage?
-Segueing to another point; why is the base attribute rating for Agility/Strength on a cyberlimb replacement a 3? So when a Troll loses an arm (with a minimum metavariant strength of 5, average being 8) and has it replaced, the arm is calibrated to the strength of an average human being? Is it also shorter than his other arm?
-Why do you need a cybertorso for more than 3 points of AGILITY augmentation to a cyberlimb? I can understand Strength (harkening back to the days of Man and Machine where you needed to reinforce your arm or get a cybertorso to increase your Strength to retarded levels), but Agility?
-Why are cyberskulls so hard to come by when they're so ridiculously pointless? Well, other than the "cool" factor of an obvious chrome cyberskull.... :D
I'm just curious what anyone else thought about this. :)
Dec 2 2005, 06:10 AM
Next time a player character takes deadly damage from a head wound (aimed shot, fall, Troll with a bat...) you can say their skull cracked and they need a cyber replacement or stay on life support for the rest of their life.
This goes over really well with mages and sams with less that 1 essence.
Dec 2 2005, 06:13 AM
limbs need a torso for over 4pts of enchancments because 7agility/body/str is beyond the norm for human limbs. (I'd assume to apply racial mods to cyber limbs cause it's silly otherwise)
why cyberskulls have such a high availability is beyond me.
Dec 2 2005, 08:31 AM
[All answers pertain to SR3, if you want to point out SR$ silliness, please indicate so in your post or post in the SR4 Forum.]
QUOTE (Seifer @ Dec 2 2005, 12:02 AM) |
-Is there a reason why a cyberarm would have its own specific Body rating that's seperate from your own Body attribute if the rules don't go into specifically damaging a cyberlimb? I mean, if I have a Body rating of 5, but my cyberarm has a Body rating of 3 (the normal attribute), when I get shot in the arm do I really get 2 less dice to resist the same damage? |
Cyberlimbs do not have Body ratings, but may have Armor ratings that could vary from overall Armor ratings for a called shot.
QUOTE (Seifer) |
-Segueing to another point; why is the base attribute rating for Agility/Strength on a cyberlimb replacement a 3? So when a Troll loses an arm (with a minimum metavariant strength of 5, average being and has it replaced, the arm is calibrated to the strength of an average human being? Is it also shorter than his other arm? |
According to M&M.33, cyberlimbs have a base Strength of 4 for humans and elves, 6 for dwarfs and orks, and 8 for trolls. So the rest of the questions are probably no concern as they are already worked into the replacement limb.
QUOTE (Seifer) |
-Why do you need a cybertorso for more than 3 points of AGILITY augmentation to a cyberlimb? I can understand Strength (harkening back to the days of Man and Machine where you needed to reinforce your arm or get a cybertorso to increase your Strength to retarded levels), but Agility? |
Liper's answer sounds reasonable.
QUOTE (Seifer) |
-Why are cyberskulls so hard to come by when they're so ridiculously pointless? Well, other than the "cool" factor of an obvious chrome cyberskull....  |
What do you mean by "hard to come by"? Availability 6/4days and SI1 make them available at chargen and readily available during play.
Dec 2 2005, 08:38 AM
tisoz, he's obviously talking about sr4, talking about sr3 is retarded, thank you drive through.
Dec 2 2005, 08:55 AM
QUOTE (Liper) |
tisoz, he's obviously talking about sr4, talking about sr3 is retarded, thank you drive through. |
Rrworw, rrwowrw, hissssss! *scratch, scratch*
Dec 2 2005, 09:13 AM
QUOTE (Liper @ Dec 2 2005, 02:38 AM) |
tisoz, he's obviously talking about sr4, talking about sr3 is retarded, thank you drive through. |
Yeah, but I wrote that long post trying to help him before I realized he was talking about those screwed up rules.

Which prompted my color coded line. People still post SR2 questions here, but they usually indicate that is the edition they want to discuss. I see there is still a SR4 forum, why not ask your SR4 questions there? This forum has been default SR3. If it has changed, I missed the notification. And if this is now SR4 by default, may we please have a dedicated SR3 forum?
And Liper, you typed your name wrong to give me so much lip, it should be Lip
per. Also, since you obviousely knew what he was asking about, why did you not direct him to
your thread where it has already been discussed?
Dec 2 2005, 10:03 AM
I think the availibility's so high not because of the product itself (it's nothing fancy; just a composite shell, I would imagine), but because it's likely very, very tricky to remove someone's brain and the base of their spine from the skull and put it in another one.
Dec 2 2005, 11:02 AM
I figured they peeled your skull off like an egg shell and assembled the cyber one around what was left..
Dec 2 2005, 12:29 PM
QUOTE (SpasticTeapot) |
I think the availibility's so high not because of the product itself (it's nothing fancy; just a composite shell, I would imagine), but because it's likely very, very tricky to remove someone's brain and the base of their spine from the skull and put it in another one. |
I'd imagine that a cyberskull is pieced together, not attached wholesale.
Dec 2 2005, 01:55 PM
Heh, this
is SR4 - I thought I was posting this in the SR4 thread, but I guess I was in the wrong forum when I hit "Create Topic."
Is there a way to move this?
By the way, Tisoz, thanks for the answers. I'm familiar with the way it works in SR3 (not as whacked, to say the least) - these were for SR4.
Dec 2 2005, 03:55 PM
QUOTE (tisoz) |
I figured they peeled your skull off like an egg shell and assembled the cyber one around what was left.. |
Yeah, and they have the technology to do that now without any noticable essence loss.
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
QUOTE (tisoz @ Dec 2 2005, 06:02 AM) | I figured they peeled your skull off like an egg shell and assembled the cyber one around what was left.. |
Yeah, and they have the technology to do that now without any noticable essence loss.
do they have to boil your head first?
Dec 2 2005, 04:13 PM
QUOTE (Aku) |
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Dec 2 2005, 10:55 AM) | QUOTE (tisoz @ Dec 2 2005, 06:02 AM) | I figured they peeled your skull off like an egg shell and assembled the cyber one around what was left.. |
Yeah, and they have the technology to do that now without any noticable essence loss.
do they have to boil your head first?
No, just a bone saw and some patience. It helps if they stretch the skin first so theyll have some extra to close with.
Dec 2 2005, 04:29 PM
Actually we are not sure whether or not it causes essence loss, as no one has enough replacement bits to die from essence loss, and no one has magic power to lose.
So really, we have no way of knowing whether or not it causes essence loss.
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