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Full Version: Florida Shadowrunners
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Hey, all of you in Florida...and those that are interested in conventions in Florida, especially Central Florida...

two new pieces of news -

1) I have just heard that the FX Show is expanding to include gaming this year. This con will be January 9-11 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando Florida. As a result, I will be working to hold the new SRM campaign there - it will be one of the first places that the new campaign will debut! There will be other RPGs as well, including RPGA events, and hopefully some Classic BattleTech if my fellow Commandos show up. When i get more information, confirmation, and specifics of the event, i'll post it to the convention/events area - just wanted to give you guys a heads-up....

2) If you want to have your voice heard, try joining the sunquest_games yahoo group - their latest poll asks for the popularity of gaming systems, and SRM is included along with the RPGA settings...SRM is already one of the leading campaigns! (but few have voted att). Please consider joining this group - you'll get notification of gaming events hosted by SunQuest throughout the year - and you can vote for SRM in the poll!

Let's hope punchcards are not used for the poll. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. spin.gif
...and yes, i meant to post that 3x...for the delay effect
Ooo... Hanging chads!

::Fires Remington 990 dry into voting booth, reloads::

And I don't even live in America's Wang
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