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Full Version: Help with an on-line project please.
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun

I am new to this forum as well as new to this edition of Shadowrun. I haven’t played since the first edition years ago. The art has definitely improved and I am going to be picking up the 4th edition book when I get home in a few days.

I have had a lot of time on my hands and decided to do a project for RPG’ers. I am looking to try to team up with another site to give gamers a new NPC a month to use in the backgrounds of their games. These could be contacts, NPC runners or even villains.

I write as a hobby and enjoy the creation process of developing a character and seeing what makes him/her tick. I thought I could do this in a way that not only fulfilled my desire to create but allow others to benefit from it as well.

I will be doing this for Shadowrun and probably Star Wars as well but I am starting off with Shadowrun.

The help I need is in converting the Characters history that I have written into a legitimate character in the game. Sometimes they will be powerful (other runners or villains) and sometimes they will be more mundane (some contacts) but I think many might find them useful in their games. It gives the characters a little immortality if others use them.

I have my first character done and was hoping one of you gamers (4th Edition) would spare the time to make this characters transition. I will of course credit you within the adobe sheet for your contribution.

After I have the first one done I will talk to some Shadowrun sites about making it a monthly article hosted on their site. If anyone knows a good site please feel free to post it.

If you are interested then please email me at and I will send you a pdf of the character to convert.

The finished piece will have a Character sheet, professionally done B&W original art piece and a history of the character. This first art piece is from emptyroomstudios who supplies professional quality work to many game designers.

I hope this is of interest to the community and hope to here from someone ready and knowledgeable enough to help me make this conversion into game character.

That sounds really cool. I'd love to help out by I'm pressed for time these days frown.gif
Thanks for the aknowledgement anyway.

I am showing the format fo the character. The stats are for the Weapons Specialist as a place holder for the moment. I think it looks pretty professional. The sheet, IMO, is alot like the official one for the Weapon Specialists.

Any opinions or suggestions are welcome.
It's very professional looking, good stuff.

Personally though, I don't like the blue colour theme. It's wrong somehow, I don't know. Might just be me though.
You may be right. It may be too bright for a Shadowrun sheet. I wish I could get ahold of the background,with nothing on it, that Wizkids used.

I will look for other possible backgrounds. If I come up with an alternative I will post a sample.

I didn't mention this but the samples are kept intentionally small. Its just to show the layout style.
I'd say take the background you're using now & shift the color scheme from blue to green. Shouldn't be too hard to get it relatively matching the SR4 theme.

And I'd be willing to give a hand with this...PM me some of what you've got to work with & I'll send back a sample, we can go from there.
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