Jun 29 2006, 06:16 PM
I was always hesitant to use this gun in previous editions because of the included GV2, when GV4 was so much better and could be applied to any other SMG without problem. Well I actually never used SMGs in 3rd edition because they were inferior to ARs in every way, but I digress.
Now in 4th edition the Ingram still comes with that GV2, but I'd really like to take that out and put in a GV3 since SMGs are actually a viable weapon choice now. Is it possible?
Jun 29 2006, 06:25 PM
If I was your GM, I'd allow you to replace the GV2 with a GV4 at the cost of the GV4. Can't see any reason why not.
Jun 29 2006, 06:31 PM
The SMG was superior to the AR in prior editions of SR in terms of concealability, which is pretty true to real life. Submachineguns are really a niche weapon: if you've got the room to maneuver and aren't worried about hiding them in a vehicle or under a coat, you belong choosing a rifle for pretty much any situation you might encounter.
I don't have any problem with players upgrading existing pieces of hardware, but the GVIII takes up the barrel mount (which the GVII, being stock, does not do according to the rules). I would also not allow for any sort of refund on the GVII... it's part of the basic weapon design, whereas the GVIII is an aftermarket addon.
The rating of the gas vents would not combine.
A houserule that I use in my games is that a weapon cannot use a gas vent and a silencer/suppressor at the same time (because one is built to contain gas, the other works by venting it in specific directions). On weapons like the Ingram Smartgun, this works out with there being either ports in the top of the suppressor (which can be opened, making the weapon loud, but venting the gas to reduce recoil), or threads over the gas vent (which allow a suppressor to be screwed on, trapping the gas and eliminating the recoil compensation but suppressing the weapon). You may choose not to do this of course, and it'd be within the RAW, but I added it to my game as a dose of reality.
Zen Shooter01
Jun 29 2006, 07:11 PM
In real life, weapon manufacturers come up with a winning design - the Uzi, the AK-47, the M-16, the Glock, the HK USP, the Colt 1911, etc., etc. - and then put it on the market in a bunch of different models designed for different missions and/or markets.
So I would just rule that Ares makes a gas vent 4 model at a higher price.
Jun 29 2006, 07:20 PM
Is the higher price equal to the difference between a GVII and a GVIV, or is there some extra premium involved?
Jun 29 2006, 10:04 PM
QUOTE (Samoth) |
I was always hesitant to use this gun in previous editions because of the included GV2, when GV4 was so much better and could be applied to any other SMG without problem. Well I actually never used SMGs in 3rd edition because they were inferior to ARs in every way, but I digress.
Now in 4th edition the Ingram still comes with that GV2, but I'd really like to take that out and put in a GV3 since SMGs are actually a viable weapon choice now. Is it possible? |
Seeing as the GV is Integral (in addition to having an integral Sound Suppressor) I'd rule no on upgrading it without ruining the Suppression.
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