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Full Version: Typical shadowrun payments?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I vaguely recall seeing a table or paragraph somewhere with typical suggested payoffs of most runs. Can someone point me in the right direction, or to the right book? My search skills are not returning any good leads.


EDIT: Durr, a different choice in search terms answered my question. Nevermind folks, ignore this thread and go about your day =)
Crusher Bob
When you can snatch a thread from my hand, Grasshopper, I can teach you no more.
There was one in Mr. Johnson’s little black book and another I think in SR companion.

They don’t mach the payments for published adventures and they don’t pay well enough to convince a money motivated runner to work as a runner rather than boost commuter cars and sell them to a chop shop at 10% market value.

When ever I've reffed players in Shadowrun, I usually take an average of the level of lifestyle all the characters are currenlty at and then typically have Johnsons pay for the job enough to either raise their lifestyle one rank for one month, or keep their current lifestyle for two. Typically the average is around "Low" to "Middle" so for all the players in the most cases one shot runs in my campaign pay anywhere from ¥5000 to ¥10K depending on the mission and the difficulty. Large campaigns that get drawn out over a long time can pay up to ¥100,000

Samaels Ghost
Which thread did you find?
In my game, it depended on the nature of the target, the nature of the run (as a rule, the more complex the run, the more nuyen, but some types [Like Wetwork when the target wasn't a known blood mage, toxic shaman, Humanis Policlubber, or incect shaman/spirit host] were always out no matter what.) the expected level of security (and we reserved the right to renegotiate payment with Mr. Johnson if he wasn't on the level with us in this, though we never took his word for it in the first case and did as complete astral and matrix scouting as we could).

The cheapest run we ever did was against a hombrew gang in Redmond, for something like nuyen.gif 700, and the upgraded loyalty of a few contacts that later saved the groups asses on more than one occaision. The most expensive single run involved bailing Damien Knight, Kyle Haefner, and Nadia Daviar out of a meeting gone sour during the Halley's Comet period when it was discovered that their Secret Service detail had been replaced by moles from the New Revolution. (Though in game, my group hadn't heard of them yet.) That one yielded about nuyen.gif 125,000 to each team member at the time. The group mostly retired after that one, then came Crash 2.0...
125,000 nuyen.gif , eh?

Mmmmm. I might have done it for free, provided I got a chance to play with her large brown nipples.... nyahnyah.gif

Seriously, fuck the payment. That's the kind of run that gets you Connection 6 contacts, if only at Loyalty 1 or 2. You can work Loyalty up - buying that kind of connection is more difficult.

The most expensive run I was ever asked to do was 10,000 nuyen.gif per team-member. But the DM was either an idiot or impatient - Mr. Johnson described it like every horror show and run-gone-wrong - going out to a research faccility that was owned by 'his company', after they had 'lost contact.' And we had to go now. As in, leave the meeting, get in the airplane.

We all told him to get bent and left. And then fired our Fixers for trying to give us the job in the first place. The group didn't last after that, it was an online game.
Hell I have had runes that we where payee 50k each for the run. The unfortunate thing is that in that campaign we haven’t yet failed to make a minimum of 50k each in grifting, the last run we could have had 2 milion each but decided the GM was making a mistake and limited ourselves to 400k, and the rest counted as cash for karma up to the limit of double session karma, this was before we knew session karma was 40.

I usually try and shell out between 5k and 25k per character, depending on the job. Campaign arcs run 6-8 sessions, pay is usually every 1.5-2 sessions, and pay tends to ramp up as the arc continues. After a few early runs, most characters earn somewhere in the 15k per job range, with bonuses for some situations.
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