In my game, it depended on the nature of the target, the nature of the run (as a rule, the more complex the run, the more nuyen, but some types [Like Wetwork when the target wasn't a known blood mage, toxic shaman, Humanis Policlubber, or incect shaman/spirit host] were always out no matter what.) the expected level of security (and we reserved the right to renegotiate payment with Mr. Johnson if he wasn't on the level with us in this, though we never took his word for it in the first case and did as complete astral and matrix scouting as we could).
The cheapest run we ever did was against a hombrew gang in Redmond, for something like
700, and the upgraded loyalty of a few contacts that later saved the groups asses on more than one occaision. The most expensive single run involved bailing Damien Knight, Kyle Haefner, and Nadia Daviar out of a meeting gone sour during the Halley's Comet period when it was discovered that their Secret Service detail had been replaced by moles from the New Revolution. (Though in game, my group hadn't heard of them yet.) That one yielded about
125,000 to each team member at the time. The group mostly retired after that one, then came Crash 2.0...