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And I present:

"Smilin' Joe".



Body: 2      10 BP
Agility: 3  20 BP
Reaction: 3  20 BP
Strength: 2  10 BP
Charisma: 5  40 BP
Intuition: 3 20 BP
Logic: 2     10 BP
Willpower: 3 20 BP
Magic: 5     40 BP
Edge: 3      20 BP

Essence: 6
Initiative: 6
Initiative Passes:  1
Physical Damage Track: 9
Stun Damage Track: 10

Athletics Skill Group: 1            10 BP
Computer (Edit +2): 3 (5)           12 BP
Disguise (Latex Masks +2): 2 (4)    10 BP
Dodge 3 (Ranged +2): 3 (5)          14 BP
Influence Skill Group: 4 (6)        40 BP
Outdoors Skill Group: 1             10 BP
Palming: 2                          8 BP
Pistols (Hold-Outs +2): 3 (5)       14 BP
Unarmed Combat 1 (Frills +2): 1 (3) 6 BP

State of the Art Linguasofts (Sperethiel): 2 (4) (Free)
BTL Culture (Personafix Culture +2): 2 (4)
Upper Class Fads: 2 (4 BP)
Elven Celebrities: 2 (4 BP)

English: N
Sperethiel (Elf Poser Lingo +2): 2 (5 BP)

Addiction (Moderate, BTLs) (+10 BP)
Adept (5 BP)
Elf Poser (+5 BP)
First Impression (5 BP)
SINner (+5 BP)

Improved Ability (Influence Skill Group): 2
Kinesics: 5
Voice Control

GEAR AND LIFESTYLE (99,605 ¥) (40 BP)
High Lifestyle, 2 months 20,000 ¥
Starting Cash: 4d6+3x500 ¥
2 Cheap SIN's (Rating 1) for shuffle 2,000 ¥
1 Ace SIN (Rating 4) for use 4,000 ¥
Gold DocWagon Contract 25,000 ¥

Honda Spirit 10,000 ¥

"Talker Comm" Hermes Ikon w/ Response 4->5 Upgrade (7,000¥) plus extra: 26,000 ¥
+ Firewall 3 (600¥), System 5 (2,500¥): 3,100 ¥
+ Skinlink (50¥), Sim Module (100¥), Subvocal Microphone (50 ¥), Trodes (50 ¥): 250 ¥
+ Linguasoft 5: Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Spanish (15,000 ¥)
+ BTL's: 150 ¥
+ Edit 5: 500 ¥

Tag Eraser: 150¥

"Public Comm" Meta Link with Vector Xim 300¥

Actioneer Business Clothes, 1,500 ¥ 3,900 ¥
+ Fire Resistance 6 600 ¥
+ Nonconductivity 6 1,200 ¥
+ Shock Frills 200 ¥
+ + Fake License (Rating 4) for Shock Frills (400 ¥)

Raecor Sting (350 ¥) 1,370 ¥
+ Integrated Smartgun Capability (350 ¥)
+ Skinlink (50 ¥)
+ Spare Clips w/ Flechette Ammo x4 (220 ¥)
+ Fake License (Rating 4) for Sting (400 ¥)

Glasses (25 ¥) 1225 ¥
+ Low light (100 ¥), Smartlink (500 ¥), Flare Compensation (50 ¥), Vision Magnification (100 ¥)
+ Skinlink (50¥), Fake License (Rating 4) for Smartlink (400 ¥)

Earbuds (10 ¥) 460 ¥
+ Audio Enhancement 3 (300 ¥), Spatial Recognizer (100 ¥), Skinlink (50¥)

Handheld Sensor Package 200 ¥
+ Camera (100 ¥), Directional Microphone (50 ¥), Skinlink (50 ¥)

Latex Face Mask Kit x10 5,000 ¥

Arms Dealer C2/L3 5BP
BTL Dealer C2/L3 5BP
Blogger C2/L2 4 BP
Fixer C4/L3 7 BP
Does the "Improved Skill" power work on entire groups? I thought it was individual skills only.

Pg. 187 says not usable on skill groups, individual skills only.

What they said. You might want to look at "Kinesics" instead.
Geez, he's already got kinesics 5 at that... we'll, you're a damn good face... beyond that though...
Missed that.

Your adept powers only add up to 3.5 ?? Ability up = .25 x2 = .5, kinesics = .5 x5= 2.5, and voice control = .5. (.5+2.5+.5 = 3.5)

Your guy has no preception skill.

You would have (logic 2 + intuition 3) x3 free points for knoweldge/language skills which is 15 not 10.

I think you included your magic attribute into your normal 200pt attribute limit. Magic and resonance are special attributes and dont count towards the 200pt limit.

Did you want a holster or armslide for your hold out pistol ?

everything else looks ok...

emo samurai
For the "improved ability" for the skill group, that just means he has "improved ability" for all four skills, .25 power points per skill point. It adds up; that was just his way of shortening his character sheet.
QUOTE (emo samurai)
For the "improved ability" for the skill group, that just means he has "improved ability" for all four skills, .25 power points per skill point. It adds up; that was just his way of shortening his character sheet.

It's already a mile lone, what's 8 lines? wink.gif
Im confused. You have a private comm that is skinlinked. You have the glasses and earbuds skinlinked so they must go with the private comm. Which means you wont be able to recieve audio or images from your fellow runners??

Also if you have smartlink on your glasses you MUST have image link or it doesnt work.

If your glasses and earbuds are meant to allow you to recieve info then your public comm needs to be skinned or your glasses/earbuds should be wi-fi enabled. Right ?

Humans IIRC get +1 edge, you'd have 4 edge for 20BP, you have 3 listed.

I'd spend less BP on your charisma rolls and more on a greater variety of contacts.

I also thought it was funny that you have a high lifestyle, but such a crappy vehicle.
emo samurai is right about what I meant with my Improved Ability entry.

Smilin' Joe got his powers in college, which he promptly dropped out of. His rich parents think he's still in college, thanks to regular calls from the dean congratulating them on having such a talented young man - those are actually him using a cover identity. Such is the source of his funding, along with some banking chicanery to keep things covered on that front.

He's a little paranoid about being discovered, as a result - all of his stuff is skinlinked to keep it from getting hacked, especially because I'm darn nervous about someone kinking his linguasofts in to mistranslating him.

I'll have another version scooting through in a moment.
Does Joe forge his grade reports, too? Parents pump a lot of money into their kid's education, and they like to see their investment paying off. biggrin.gif
Crusher Bob
The body 2 is worrysome, as it covers the amootn of armor you can wear as well. This means that you can only have a max of 6 dice of damage resitance (armor 4 + body 2), if you bump your body to 3, you can gets 9 dice (body 3 + armor 6)
I wasn't aware of that rule. Thanks for the tip.

Yeah, once I figured out what I could do with kinesics, I got a little spoiled. I was tempted to max out one of my social skills to 6 and go for +3 from Improved Ability, but it struck me that it would just be too goofy. Besides, I could save so many BP by spreading them around and using Skill Groups instead of purchasing my primary skills point by point, I had to go for it.

The Adept Path is such a useful attribute - you get a LOT with those Power Points if you're clever!


Body: 3      20 BP
Agility: 3  20 BP
Reaction: 3  20 BP
Strength: 3  20 BP
Charisma: 5  40 BP
Intuition: 3 20 BP
Logic: 3     20 BP
Willpower: 3 20 BP
Magic: 5     40 BP
Edge: 4      20 BP

Essence: 6
Initiative: 6
Initiative Passes:  1
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 10

Computer (Edit +2): 2 (4)           10 BP
Dodge 2 (Ranged +2): 2 (4)          10 BP
Influence Skill Group: 4 (6)        40 BP
Perception (Hearing +2) 2:          10 BP
Pistols (Hold-Outs +2): 2 (4)       10 BP
Stealth Skill Group: 4              40 BP

18 for free
Fine Cuisine: 2 (4 FBP)
BTL Culture: 2 (4 FBP)
Upper Class Fads: 2 (4 FBP)
Elven Celebrities: 2 (4 FBP)

English: N
Sperethiel: 1 (2 BP)

Addiction (Moderate, BTLs) (+10 BP)
Adept (5 BP)
Elf Poser (+5 BP)
First Impression (5 BP)
SINner (+5 BP)

Improved Ability (Influence Skill Group): 2
Kinesics: 5
Voice Control

GEAR AND LIFESTYLE (74,630 ¥) (15 BP)
High Lifestyle, 1 month 10,000 ¥
Starting Cash: 4d6+3x500 ¥
2 Cheap SIN's (Rating 1) for shuffle 2,000 ¥
1 Ace SIN (Rating 4) for use 4,000 ¥

Mitsubishi Nightsky 20,000 ¥

"Talker Comm" Hermes Ikon w/ Response 4->5 Upgrade (7,000¥) plus extra: 26,000 ¥
+ Firewall 3 (600¥), System 5 (2,500¥): 3,100 ¥
+ Skinlink (50¥), Sim Module (100¥), Subvocal Microphone (50 ¥), Trodes (50 ¥): 250 ¥
+ Linguasoft 5: Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Spanish (15,000 ¥)
+ BTL's: 150 ¥
+ Edit 5: 500 ¥

Tag Eraser: 150¥

"Public Comm" Meta Link with Vector Xim 300¥

Actioneer Business Clothes, 1,500 ¥ 3,900 ¥
+ Fire Resistance 6 600 ¥
+ Nonconductivity 6 1,200 ¥
+ Shock Frills 200 ¥
+ + Fake License (Rating 4) for Shock Frills (400 ¥)

Raecor Sting (350 ¥) 1,370 ¥
+ Integrated Smartgun Capability (350 ¥)
+ Skinlink (50 ¥)
+ Spare Clips w/ Flechette Ammo x4 (220 ¥)
+ Fake License (Rating 4) for Sting (400 ¥)

Glasses (25 ¥) 1250 ¥
+ Low light (100 ¥), Smartlink (500 ¥), Flare Compensation (50 ¥), Vision Magnification (100 ¥), Image Link (25 ¥)
+ Skinlink (50¥), Fake License (Rating 4) for Smartlink (400 ¥)
Earbuds (10 ¥) 460 ¥
+ Audio Enhancement 3 (300 ¥), Spatial Recognizer (100 ¥), Skinlink (50¥)

Handheld Sensor Package 200 ¥
+ Camera (100 ¥), Directional Microphone (50 ¥), Skinlink (50 ¥)

Latex Face Mask Kit x10 5,000 ¥

B&E Gear

Arms Dealer C2/L3          5BP
BTL Dealer C2/L1           3BP
Blogger C2/L2              4BP
Fixer C4/L3                7BP
College President, C3/L3   6BP
I'm glad that you upgraded your car to fit your lifestyle...but you do realize that a Nightsky is a limousine right? Ideally you should have a Westwind, but that's a lot of BP, so maybe just a Comet for now.
-Your still only using 180bp of 200bp for physical and mental attributes. Which is fine if your saving your bp's for elsewhere. But you are allowed to use 200. Magic/edge/resonance dont count and are seperate.

-You still have no holster or slide for your gun so you must plan on holding it 24/7

-As an adapt your going to be pretty screwed as far as your IP's are concerned. You cant get wired reflexes. A magician is gonna tell you to go screw urself if you want him to sustain a spell on you. You should really look at the improved reflexes adept power. Thats gonna be a hell of a wait to build up the magic points to get it otherwise.

-I'd still like to hear you describe how you have your two comms and comm related items set up and for what purpose. Is one suppose to be an unhackable personal pan and the other your public comm? If so you dont have your gear set up right. Right now it doesnt look like you can receive any visual or audio from anyone or talk to anyone since its all tied to your stealth comm??

what happens if your public comm trys to send you information? You dont have trodes or a sim mod to have stuff overlay your senses. You dont have your glasses or earbuds or sub mic subscribed to your public comm right?

It looks like you plan on running your stealth comm in hidden mode 24/7 which barely makes you more secure than someone just running an active comm. If thats what you had planned then you dont need the glasses and earbuds because you could recieve info through your sim module and trodes. In which case your glasses and earbuds would be slaved to your public comm.

In a crowded bar someone would have a 15+ threshold to find you but in an alley or a building your breaking into it would only be a threshold of 4 to find your stealth comm.....
I wouldn’t bother with the linguesofts knowledge. Why would to take such a significant interest. Also I would change BTL Culture (Personafix Culture +2) to drug culture (BTL +2)

If you want to run public and private comlinks I recommend skin linking the private com and disabling its transmitter (needs physical switch on, completely unhackable) having contacts with skinlink Low light (100 ¥), Smartlink (500 ¥), Flare Compensation (50 ¥), Vision Magnification (100 ¥), you will also need to ad a skin link to your gun

having a separate set of non skin linked glasses with image link for your public network to display AR

Also I prefer nano past disguise, the latex takes to long to prepare.

Finally I probably wouldn’t get a good car, there to expensive and you don’t have anything making it difficult for you to take taxies everywhere you need to go (is included in lifestyle) if you want an escape vehicle get something with more speed than style

QUOTE (Edward)
If you want to run public and private comlinks I recommend . . . having contacts with skinlink Low light (100 ¥), Smartlink (500 ¥), Flare Compensation (50 ¥), Vision Magnification (100 ¥) . . .

For some reason, I was under the impression that vision enhancements add to the Availability of the base item. I don't have my BBB in front of me; in fact, I may be relying on a rule from a CharGen program -- i.e., a rule that might or might not be erroneous. But if I'm correct, Contacts are Availability 6, Smartlink is 4, and Low-light is 2... which puts you right at 12, the max for a starting character.

If I'm mistaken, someone please correct me.

QUOTE (Abbandon)
-Your still only using 180bp of 200bp for physical and mental attributes.  Which is fine if your saving your bp's for elsewhere.  But you are allowed to use 200.  Magic/edge/resonance dont count and are seperate.

I'm comfortable with my stats as they are, but thanks for the heads up.

QUOTE (Abbandon)
-You still have no holster or slide for your gun so you must plan on holding it 24/7

No worries. My Actioneer Business Suit has a concealed holster for extra hidability.

QUOTE (Abbandon)
-As an adapt your going to be pretty screwed as far as your IP's are concerned.  You cant get wired reflexes.  A magician is gonna tell you to go screw urself if you want him to sustain a spell on you.  You should really look at the improved reflexes adept power.  Thats gonna be a hell of a wait to build up the magic points to get it otherwise.

I'm not too worried about that - the Face in the core book has the same problem. I'm sure I'll hold together.

QUOTE (Abbandon)
-I'd still like to hear you describe how you have your two comms and comm related items set up and for what purpose.  Is one suppose to be an unhackable personal pan and the other your public comm?  If so you dont have your gear set up right.  Right now it doesnt look like you can receive any visual or audio from anyone or talk to anyone since its all tied to your stealth comm??

what happens if your public comm trys to send you information?  You dont have trodes or a sim mod to have stuff overlay your senses.  You dont have your glasses or earbuds or sub mic subscribed to your public comm right?

It looks like you plan on running your stealth comm in hidden mode 24/7 which barely makes you more secure than someone just running an active comm.  If thats what you had planned then you dont need the glasses and earbuds because you could recieve info through your sim module and trodes.  In which case your glasses and earbuds would be slaved to your public comm.

In a crowded bar someone would have a 15+ threshold to find you but in an alley or a building your breaking into it would only be a threshold of 4 to find your stealth comm.....

You're entirely correct. A wiser method would be a system like this:

Talker Comm w/ skinlink, deactivated wi-fi, sim module
- Skinlinked to contacts w/ Smartlink, Lowlight Vision
- Skinlinked to holdout pistol w/ Smartlink
- Skinlinked to trode-net for BTL and linguasoft

Public Comm w/ activated wi-fi, hidden mode
- Wi-fi'd to glasses with imagelink
- Wi-fi'd to earbuds with soundlink
- Wi-fi'd to AR gloves

Public, dirt-cheap comm, not wired to anything, public mode
- Sits around and quietly convinces the police that I'm not in hidden mode by nattering on about nonsense

I'd have to spend another BP on money, but it might be worth it.
Hmmm isnt it possable to overlay meatbody eyeballs with smartgun crosshairs through your sim module and trodes? In which case you dont need the contacts. I guess you dont wanna risk losing your trodes during a fight or something.
Call me a luddite, but I don't want anything that's plugged directly in to my brain open to meddling on a wireless network, period. My trodes stay on the skinlink - but you're probably right, I could wire those up to my sim module. Still, there's no real rules support for that, so it's best not to risk it.

I can probably afford another 5K ¥ or 10K ¥ of equipment. Any suggestions?
Maybe more programs for your comm and possibly an agent/IC for it
If you're concerned at all about IPs as Abbandon mentioned, pick up a couple doses of one of the IP enhancing drugs. You only need IP in a fight, and they last long enough to get you through a fight. If you rule that they stack, you could get pretty fast even, though I'd hate to see the will test afterwards to avoid being addicted.
But we are talking about your wi-fi disabled Talker comm.

As for extra equipment. A fatter pistol that you dont take to meetings and some good ammo. Maybe some autosofts for your vehicle so it will be more effective when being remote controlled.
QUOTE (Lagomorph)
If you're concerned at all about IPs as Abbandon mentioned, pick up a couple doses of one of the IP enhancing drugs. You only need IP in a fight, and they last long enough to get you through a fight. If you rule that they stack, you could get pretty fast even, though I'd hate to see the will test afterwards to avoid being addicted.

Is there any location in the core book for the PRICE of these combat drugs?
Price exists between the pages the GM is reading when you ask him the question unfortunately. Anywhere from 50 to 500 is what I've heard spouted out here and in our game.
Here's the latest version. It should be fine.

The skinlink connects my contacts, my guns, my trodes, and my linguasoft comm. My wireless PAN connects my glasses, my earbuds, my AR gloves, and my public comm. My AR gloves expose enough of my palms for skinlinking with the guns.

I'm considering dropping 10 BP of contacts for a boost to willpower.



Body: 3      20 BP
Agility: 3  20 BP
Reaction: 3  20 BP
Strength: 3  20 BP
Charisma: 5  40 BP
Intuition: 3 20 BP
Logic: 3     20 BP
Willpower: 3 20 BP
Magic: 5     40 BP
Edge: 4      20 BP

Essence: 6
Initiative: 6
Initiative Passes:  1
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 10

Computer (Edit +2): 2 (4)           10 BP
Dodge 2 (Ranged +2): 2 (4)          10 BP
Influence Skill Group: 4 (6)        40 BP
Perception (Hearing +2) 2:          10 BP
Pistols (Hold-Outs +2): 2 (4)       10 BP
Stealth Skill Group: 4              40 BP

18 for free
Fine Cuisine: 2 (4 FBP)
BTL Culture: 2 (4 FBP)
Upper Class Fads: 2 (4 FBP)
Elven Celebrities: 2 (4 FBP)

English: N
Sperethiel: 1 (2 FBP)

Addiction (Moderate, BTLs) (+10 BP)
Adept (5 BP)
Elf Poser (+5 BP)
First Impression (5 BP)
SINner (+5 BP)

Improved Ability (Influence Skill Group): 2
Kinesics: 5
Voice Control

GEAR AND LIFESTYLE (88970 ¥) (18 BP)

High Lifestyle, 2 months 20,000 ¥ CHECK
Starting Cash: 4d6+3x500 ¥
2 Cheap SIN's (Rating 1) for shuffle 2,000 ¥ CHECK
1 Ace SIN (Rating 4) for use 4,000 ¥ CHECK

Mitsubishi Nightsky (20,000 ¥) 21,800 ¥ CHECK
+ Autosoft 3: Clearsight, Defense, Maneuver (1,800 ¥)

=-=-= Electronics Subtotal: 34,660 ¥ =-=-=

"Talker Comm" Hermes Ikon w/ Response 4->5 Upgrade (7,000¥) plus extra: 26,000 ¥ CHECK
+ Firewall 3 (600¥), System 5 (2,500¥): 3,100 ¥
+ Skinlink (50¥), Sim Module (100¥), Subvocal Microphone (50 ¥), Trodes (50 ¥): 250 ¥
+ Linguasoft 5: Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Spanish (15,000 ¥)
+ BTL's: 150 ¥
+ Edit 5: 500 ¥
Contact Lenses (50 ¥) 1,000 ¥ CHECK
+ Smartlink (500 ¥), Skinlink (50 ¥)
+ Fake License (Rating 4) for Smartlink (400 ¥)

"Public Comm" Sony Emperor with Renraku Ichi 1,300¥ CHECK
===== Sensory Equipment: 1,010 ¥ CHECK
Glasses (25 ¥) 300 ¥
+ Low light (100 ¥), Flare Compensation (50 ¥), Vision Magnification (100 ¥), Image Link (25 ¥)
Earbuds (10 ¥) 460 ¥
+ Audio Enhancement 3 (300 ¥), Spatial Recognizer (100 ¥), Skinlink (50¥)
AR Gloves 250 ¥

Handheld Sensor Package 200 ¥ CHECK
+ Camera (100 ¥), Directional Microphone (50 ¥), Skinlink (50 ¥)

Latex Face Mask Kit x10 5,000 ¥ CHECK

Tag Eraser: 150¥

=-=-= Guns And Armor Subtotal: 6,510 ¥ =-=-=

Actioneer Business Clothes, (1,500 ¥) 3,900 ¥
+ Includes a concealed holster inside the jacket.
+ Fire Resistance 6 (600 ¥)
+ Nonconductivity 6 (1,200 ¥)
+ Shock Frills (200 ¥)
+ + Fake License (Rating 4) for Shock Frills (400 ¥)

Raecor Sting (350 ¥) 1,370 ¥
+ Integrated Smartgun Capability (350 ¥)
+ Skinlink (50 ¥)
+ Spare Clips w/ Flechette Ammo x4 (220 ¥)
+ Fake License (Rating 4) for Sting (400 ¥)

Hammerli 620S (650 ¥) 1,240 ¥
+ Skinlink (50 ¥)
+ Silencer (200 ¥)
+ Spare Clips w/ Stick-n-Shock x5 (265 ¥)
+ Concealable Holster (75 ¥)


Arms Dealer C2/L3  5BP
BTL Dealer C2/L2   4BP
Blogger C2/L3      5BP
College Dean C2/L3 5BP
Fixer C4/L4        8BP
Mr. Johnson C2/L3  5BP
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