Sep 11 2006, 10:21 AM
In the german Fanpro-Forum a user stated that Lofwyr and Denairastas (also known as "the Outcast") were the same dragon.
Does anyone know if this might be true? I always thought them to be different lizards...
Sep 11 2006, 10:23 AM
They are different dragons, I'm damn sure about it. Lofwyr isn't mentioned in ED soucebooks, except a short paragraph in Theran Empire iirc.
Ancient History
Sep 11 2006, 11:36 AM
Different dragons.
Sep 11 2006, 11:55 AM
I would never dare to doubt what the most knowledgeable AH says, but: Why?
Sep 11 2006, 12:04 PM
Lofwyr was 'Goldensnout' or something like that, wasn't he?
Sep 11 2006, 12:09 PM
His name apparently was "Gold Master". But that does not mean, that Denairastas is not just another alias for him...
Ancient History
Sep 11 2006, 12:15 PM
Lofwyr was referred to as Alamais' brother and lived in what were called the Western Kingdoms by the elves of the Blood Wood. He was not a member of the Council of Barsaive. Denairastas was a member of the council until he was kicked out, but he never left Barsaive, basing instead his operations around Iopos, which is in the north-western corner of Barsaive.
Sep 11 2006, 01:57 PM
You sure know alot, like maybe a great dragon might. Perhaps AH is another alias or Lofwyr?
Chrome Shadow
Sep 11 2006, 06:44 PM
I wasn't born yet...
Sep 11 2006, 10:30 PM
So AH where is Denairastas?
My thoughts are either Calzoerca(sort of right area and some elf released him is mentioned the text maybe to screw Loffie), dead, or something to do with CATCo as the who seraphim set up is reminiscent of the holders of trust(not sure on that one meself just an idea I heard).
Ancient History
Sep 11 2006, 11:57 PM
Calozerca is too young, in the wrong area, and in any case the details of his emergence point more closely to a tie with Verjigorm.
I dunno where Denairastas is. There have been no active indications of his presence, so if he is still around he is keeping a low profile.
Sep 12 2006, 09:06 AM
*runs off to read up more*
mmm corrupt dragons...
Sep 12 2006, 09:16 AM
And who was / where was Dvilgaynon?
Sep 12 2006, 10:11 AM
A dragon from Cathay who aided the orks of Cara Fahd to re-built their nation.
Sep 12 2006, 10:50 AM
Demonseed Elite
Sep 12 2006, 01:49 PM
Dvilgaynon was also the most knowledgeable dragon in terms of dragon magic rituals. She was asked to journey to Barsaive from Cathay by the Barsaivian dragons in order to assist with a ritual to seal off the city of Vivane during the war with Thera. The ritual, while successful, had the unintentional side effect of attracting the attention of a Horror Cloud which enveloped the city and slaughtered its citizens.
SL James
Sep 12 2006, 02:06 PM
Sep 12 2006, 02:21 PM
"Shit happens."
Please don't ask what cheesy ideas Living Room Games had for the city in "Barsaive in Chaos"...
MK Ultra
Sep 12 2006, 07:22 PM
What cheesy ideas Living Room Games had for the city in "Barsaive in Chaos"?
Sep 12 2006, 08:53 PM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
I dunno where Denairastas is. There have been no active indications of his presence, so if he is still around he is keeping a low profile. |
I always figured he was the power behind the Black Lodge, since the most senior guy in canon mentioned so far was the Penultimate Master and the whole having to use a spell book thing. But that's more just on personal instinct/taste than on any canon evidence.
MK Ultra
Sep 13 2006, 08:51 AM
I guess he´s not. Might be possible that he´s into the Apep Consortium (everyone 'evil' is into them).
I figured he might stay out of sight and try to establish a new family-line.
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