I'm a new member here, but I didn't come empty handed.
I've made a little website which is supposed to act as a searchable database of every web material (programs, illustrations, handbooks, cheat sheet, fiction, scenarios, equipment and so on) available for Shadowrun : you can register to add your materials to the database and anybody can search, using a search system optimised for Shadowrun material.
It's currently still in development, so I'd like you to help me :
- With the organization of the website (tell me what you think of the guidelines, of the search engine, of the tags associated with the materials, etc.)
- With the layout (it's currently a little bit... bland)
- With the text (it's currently very simple and maybe a bit awkward)
- Test it.
You can add anything you want (as long as it follows the guideline) but if a big problem arise, I might empty the database so don't spend all day adding new entires if you mind doing it again after the tests.
Please observe the following rules during the tests :
- The website is hosted by the French "Shadowforums". If you start seeing errors like "too many connections" or "unable to connect" please report the problem and stop using the database until I fix it : I don't want to crash the entire server.
- Likewise if the database start acting strange, report the problems stop adding entries in it until I fix the bug.
- Feel free to try to exploit the system, but please report any security hole (or bugs) you may come across.
The database is accessible here
Thanks for your help