I would go along the lines with the bigger the essence dip, the longer in - say days - it takes to heal...
Maybe 1 day for every .1 essense lost... meaning stuff like cybereyes and datajacks would be day surgery, requiring a checkup after 1 week to make sure the body is accepting the implant, that there's no infection, and any fine tuning to the mods be made.
Limbs or cyberwear implants would probalby be clinic/hospital stays of about 1 week or more depending on if you want an obvious limb or a synthetic one.. synthetic cyberlimbs take time as the docs need to make sure that skin tone and hair density matches your existing metabolism... Remember, you heal faster and better under medical care, so you don't want to get out too soon.. unless you dig obvious scarring... I would probably go a far as requiring a month or so of physio training for the patient (daily or weekly visits of 1-2 hours) to get used to the proper use and balance of the implant... but that's up to the GM.