Oct 4 2006, 03:39 AM
Ok i was looking at the spirits and 4 of them re very man like, theres man, guidance, guardian, and task. So i got to thinking about a tradition that focussed on summon the spirits of the dead. Hougon kind of does it, but its more shamanistic in approach and I hate shamans. So I was thinking necromancer ala D&D wizard specialist, necromancer. Will+logic, blatantly stealing some D&D flavor text, not a possesion art though more focused on the spirits not the animated dead.
What do you think would make a good 5th spirit, I was thinking maybe beasts since they could be seen to have spririts as well, or maybe something that more symbolized a spirit. i don't know maybe air, or earth the source of all life or fire for the spark of life. which do you all think would fit best thematically for the 5th spirit type?
Ancient History
Oct 4 2006, 03:41 AM
Well, if it was a possession tradition, you could have task spirits and make corps cadavres while the others make zombies.
Oct 4 2006, 03:49 AM
ONe of the things I don't like about this version is this need to have five spirits in a tradition. Why not have two or three? Just assign the same spirit to several or only have one kind of spirit that will help with magic and another kind that only will attack or defend.
Oct 4 2006, 03:50 AM
Grave...Earth...? The only thing that jumps out at me.
Oct 4 2006, 03:54 AM
things jump out at your from the grave!?!?!?!
Run chummer! Run!
Oct 4 2006, 03:55 AM
That's why they call the game Shadownpun!
Oct 4 2006, 04:16 AM
yeah the earth connection to the grave seem like a good link I'll probably go with that, thanks.
Oct 4 2006, 06:46 AM
How about a magical tradition that lets you summon wraiths and shedem but not bind or control them? You just summon and then try and run faster then your enemies!
Oct 4 2006, 07:58 AM
I'd say beast spirits for that pet cemetary thing...
Though technically necromancy is already written up, since the Name means more or less Black Magic.
Oct 4 2006, 09:40 AM
Necromancy means mastery over the dead - not black magic
(Necronomicon means book of the names of the dead - it's an old phone book!)
Actually most magical traditions have a left handed path. Qillipothic magic is Kabalistic Black Magic. Satanism is the left handed path of christian theorgy. Neo Paganism is the left handed path of Paganism.
(just kidding!!!)
Technically you could have a right handed Necromancy path. Most DnD clerics are following it! They have mastery over the dead with the ability to Turn the Dead. Any rites that deal with the dead are necromancy - no matter the intent.
A tradition that follows ancestor spirits sort of counts as well.
Oct 4 2006, 04:35 PM
Source of the word is a corruption of Negro Mancy, black magic...
edit - I think the whole raisng the dead connection grew up because that was the worst thing anyone could think off, and the name got corrupted with that. I read this in a book on the matter, damned if I can remember where...
Oct 4 2006, 04:45 PM
QUOTE (Ophis) |
Source of the word is a corruption of Negro Mancy, black magic...
edit - I think the whole raisng the dead connection grew up because that was the worst thing anyone could think off, and the name got corrupted with that. I read this in a book on the matter, damned if I can remember where... |
No. The spelling of the word comes from confusions witth nygromauncy in the 16th century. But the word itself comes from the old Greek nekromanteia meanbing "ivination of the dead".
Oct 4 2006, 05:38 PM
necro= death. such as in tissue necrotisation (sp?) or necrotic tuissue, both common terms in Western pathology.
why not summon shedim, of course they'd pretty much go free everytime and attack you, but then when you die, they inhabit you so you'd truly be a nectromancer along the lines of a Lich.
Oct 4 2006, 05:49 PM
nah, if you're taken over by a msater shedim, you're taken over.You are gone, there's something else in your body. But what could be neat would be working out some sort of arrangement. Think "Time Share".
Oct 4 2006, 06:17 PM
But what could be neat would be working out some sort of arrangement. Think "Time Share". |
...or "Dream Pact".
Oct 4 2006, 06:25 PM
riiight.. pg 108 .. nice, I hand't looked as closely at those as I should have. Nice .
I wonder ... physical adept with wallrunning/gliding/ freefall/impstrength/great leap/danger sense, and a free spirit that takes the form of clothing and has powers of create wealth(extra strong 'webbing') and weakness:sonic...
Oct 4 2006, 10:20 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
QUOTE (Ophis @ Oct 4 2006, 11:35 AM) | Source of the word is a corruption of Negro Mancy, black magic...
edit - I think the whole raisng the dead connection grew up because that was the worst thing anyone could think off, and the name got corrupted with that. I read this in a book on the matter, damned if I can remember where... |
No. The spelling of the word comes from confusions witth nygromauncy in the 16th century. But the word itself comes from the old Greek nekromanteia meanbing "ivination of the dead".
Okay fair enough, thats a bit more info thany I'd run into. *Bows* I stand down then.
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