Fellow DSFer Aaron has kindly offered to host the latest version. This new version adds the spells, powers, and qualties found in the Street Magic book. It also now allows you to specify which attribute is being augmented by the Attribute Boost adept power, and it gives a little more detail on each spell in the spell list.
I've also added somebody else's house rule Quality I liked from the SR4 forum, Extra Native Language. It is clearly marked as a House Rule, so don't try to slide this one unapproved past your GM, please.

There is also a new House Rule check box that adds another special Attribute. But I've not provided the rules for this yet. Once again this is based on some stuff I read on the SR4 forum, but actually fleshed out and put into working form. Unfortunately I'm not ready to make it public yet, still doing some live testing. So if you are interested, or even just curious, please check back in a month or so. Thanks.
P.S. I'd also like to thank another DSF poster, Black Mamba, for a very polite PM he sent me that gave me the required wakeup prod to update the data tables for Street Magic.