Oct 12 2006, 01:13 AM
I was looking over this section in my Street Magic the other day, and was looking for that handy dandy table that was in MiTS about the places, difficulty, that sort of thing, and just wasn't seeing it. Did I completely miss something or is it mot in the book anymore? How is the Quest Rating handled in 4th?
Slithery D
Oct 12 2006, 01:19 AM
SR4 metaplanar quests involve pure GM created scenes of whatever difficulty he deems appropriate. No more mechanical random rolls to random places for randomly determined damage. On the bright side, you can now take your friends along (sort of) so it's worthwhile for the GM to put some effort into designing the quest, and the reasons to perform quests have been cut back greatly now that you can't use them for karma free spells.
Oct 12 2006, 01:24 AM
I saw the part about including allies although I didn't really care for how it was implemented myself. I think that's one part I'll tweak. Nice to know that I awsn't completely blind.
As for the no set difficulty/setting, that opens things up a bit, although guidelines were a bit helpful. No reason I can't keep using them I suppose. I am glad about the spell thing. I know that was one thing that even I took advantage of. Eventually we just settled it out of game with die rolls because it happened so often, which never really seemed right to me (although I was doing it right along side everyone else). Thanks SD
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