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Full Version: The Vonyitch Manuscript: WTF is it?
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So, what is it? The first part appears to be on Awakened plants.

Magical journal, perhaps?

Is it written in Or'Zet or Sperethiel?

And what the zark is it?

And is this the first time someone referenced RL in relation to SR instead of the other way around?
Sandoval Smith
My vote is someone oh way back when, for reasons lost, decided to invent an Encyclopedia Fantastica, maybe just as an elaborate joke, or hoax, "This is the tome that can be traced to the great Orlando of Atlantis, written in that lost country's indecipherable script." Since the text was made up without any meaning, that explains why it has defeated attempts to translate it.

I've read that there actually is a syntax to it, and that mathematical analysis or word frequency, character recurrence, etc. suggests it is a language, or at least has the form of one, which could also suggest a cypher of some kind. I'm not qualified to comment on the qualifications of those who've said so, but it's certainly been hotly debated.

Anyhow, sorry to dissapoint the original poster, but the Voynich manuscript has already made it into Shadowrun cannon. There's a reference to it in (I think) Loose Alliances. As I recall, the Vatican has an actual translation.
QUOTE (knasser)
Anyhow, sorry to dissapoint the original poster, but the Voynich manuscript has already made it into Shadowrun cannon. There's a reference to it in (I think) Loose Alliances. As I recall, the Vatican has an actual translation.

Yup, I slipped a couple of other "mystery items" like the Manuscript into the Vigilia writeup, you might like to follow up on those too.
yeah, there was defintely some interesting things in that after looking in to it. When's the next treasure hunt Synner? biggrin.gif
Just in case there's stuff in it that you guys might find interesting:
yeah, but that's the short one. See if you can hunt down that thread (I think LA) I dug up all that info on the other papers/scrolls/books Synner mentioned. There were some very interesting ones in there. One that coincided to the popes and when the world should end according to some early prophecies (can't recall off the top of my head). Good stuff all. I'd do it, but I'm "working" right now. wink.gif
I personally wish that they would'nt just turn it into a silly, irrelevant plot object.

For example:

1. Immortal Elves probbably know languages other people don't, and the vast number of idioms found within. (Try talking to someone from 1850 in English.)

2. Two Words: Dragon Writing.

3. Perhaps it shares lettering with Sperethiel and/or Or'Zet? It could be a cyphered message from some past bigwig to another past bigwig.

4. You know, one might assume that there's a little piece of paper explaining what Horrors might do to, say, plants. Major fun ensues.

5. Get Harlequin involved. He's an omnipotent, immortal CLOWN, for crying out loud. (Also, he likes Led Zepplin.) He might want the information to surrepticiously become availible; after all, though he has stated (yes, I've read most of AH's site) that he'd rather people learn things themselves over time, the whole Mana Spike thing has made that a non-option.
Well, if you're talking about today's theories...

1) It's one giant hoax. Seriously. Some guy got bored, figured he could make a quick buck (600 ducats was a good deal of cash back then), and came up with this.
2) It's a recipe book. Maybe not cookbook, but chemical recipes and such.
3) It's some guy's acid trip.
4) It's an actual attempt to log things that are/were around.

Nobody's certain, because all attempts to decipher it have been met with failure of one kind or another.

That's basically what it boils down to. I've got two books on it, and both say pretty much the same thing; nobody knows what it is, and everyone thinks we'll never know.
About today's theory. Some fans of the Cthulhu Mythos also link this scroll to possible ancient writings of some sort, possibly related to apocalypse or doomsday, whichever you prefer.

A direct SR relation would be: this is a book about the next step of insect summoning: horror summon.
Either way it's pretty cool.

I like the dragon writing theory but i'm biased.
Addendum to my post:

The time period in which the book is thought to have first appeared was around the Italian Renaissance period. Lots of religious hoaxes were appearing then as well.

Food for thought.

Ed: Me speel gud!
For example the Shroud of Turin.
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