Oct 22 2006, 10:21 AM
Let's call this an experiment, I created an image board with the soul purpose of having a SR board which we can post our thoughts in character. Say you had an encounter of some sort, and you want to brag to give warning to the next poor bastard entering that area. of course that would be through
your character's POV. This was inspirated mainly by the NAN and companion guides. I figure keep it open for a week and if it becomes popular enough, it can be expanded with your suggestions. Also I left the "code" on the main site which lets you give it a more Shadowrunn feel to it. Right now there is one board to post on and that's general, and you can't post images on it, and there's another board coming which allows images (Files). I hope it doesn't seem like I'm advertising too much. I just want to contribute to SR community, but also wouldn't it be fun to post messages on the Shadowland "BBS" as the character you are currently playing?

Please tell me what you think.
SL James
Oct 22 2006, 12:11 PM
Been there, done that.As a matter of fact, it's been doing that for over 12 years.
mattness pl
Oct 22 2006, 12:17 PM
btw - SR James - could you write something more about you're site?
I know that's one of oldest SR sites in the net, I've been there - but I don't get the idea (poor English

Could you explain in short words, how it works like?
Oct 22 2006, 03:27 PM
QUOTE (Darkclaw) |
Let's call this an experiment, I created an image board with the soul purpose of having a SR board which we can post our thoughts in character. Say you had an encounter of some sort, and you want to brag to give warning to the next poor bastard entering that area. of course that would be through your character's POV. This was inspirated mainly by the NAN and companion guides. I figure keep it open for a week and if it becomes popular enough, it can be expanded with your suggestions. Also I left the "code" on the main site which lets you give it a more Shadowrunn feel to it. Right now there is one board to post on and that's general, and you can't post images on it, and there's another board coming which allows images (Files). I hope it doesn't seem like I'm advertising too much. I just want to contribute to SR community, but also wouldn't it be fun to post messages on the Shadowland "BBS" as the character you are currently playing? 
Please tell me what you think.
http://www.anonib.com/shadowland/index.php?b=1 |
Sorry about that. I deleted the board, no point in have two right?
Oct 22 2006, 03:40 PM
Darkclaw, no need to delete your board just because SL James thinks he has cornered the In Character market. He posts a link to Shadowland every time someone else has an idea about an IC board. Just in case people can't read his signature, I guess.
There's absolutely no reason that your board couldn't happily exist right alongside any other board. The internet is great about that. And if people like your site, they'll go to it and keep going back. If they don't, they won't. And like any other venture in life, no reason to feel bad if the latter is the case, you just try again and do a better job.
I certainly wouldn't let the fact that a website exists that has (purportedly, anyway) a function similar to the one I was making keep me from building a website.
Oct 23 2006, 01:27 AM
darn tootin' - i say knock yourself out, do what'cha want and let no one stand in your way...
just stay away from building character generators - that corner is marketed!
Oct 23 2006, 03:08 AM
Roger that. There ain't room in this town for the both of us...
Oct 23 2006, 05:42 PM
then it's a good thing i don't live in your town...a good thing for you!
Oct 23 2006, 05:53 PM
QUOTE (mattness pl) |
btw - SR James - could you write something more about you're site? I know that's one of oldest SR sites in the net, I've been there - but I don't get the idea (poor English frown.gif ).
Could you explain in short words, how it works like? TIA |
dunno if James got back to you, but i'll explain. basically, shadowland.org is a site for roleplaying. it basically works like a message board, with a thread for each location (and, generally, another thread for OOC and dice rolls at each location).
Oct 23 2006, 06:49 PM

I never tire of the smack talk
Oct 24 2006, 08:34 AM
I...uhm...what smack talk? MFB was just posting what SL is, the way someone very specifically asked him to. He didn't even use words like "awesome" or "best" or "ivory tower" or anything, in his description.
Oct 24 2006, 01:41 PM
Crit, look up five posts from this one.
Oct 24 2006, 01:48 PM
Does anyone still remember The True Façade (TTF)? Now there was a great in-character forum. There weren't just shadowrunners, but also regular people (more of them, actually), living and getting by in the Shadowrun universe. One of the great things was that the board was moderated by great people (Bethyaga, Brother Justice, Eliahad, all DSF/Bulldrek old-timers) who managed to help these great over-arcing storylines along. Wow, I wish that was still around...
Oct 24 2006, 02:02 PM
Wow, I wish that was still around... |
You, of all people, have the basics (and friends) in place to set it up once again. You could always try to create something similar.
Oct 24 2006, 02:34 PM
i would definitally be up for playing a non-runner character on an active IC board.
Oct 24 2006, 02:43 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (DV8 @ Oct 24 2006, 11:48 PM) | Wow, I wish that was still around... |
You, of all people, have the basics (and friends) in place to set it up once again. You could always try to create something similar. |
I could never do it without the help and creative genius of Brother Justice, whom I haven't spoken to in a little while. We were actually thinking of reviving it, even registered www.thetruefacade.com, but somehow it never got off the ground, mostly due to BJ's priorities shifting. I'll say it again, it's a shame.
Oct 25 2006, 05:28 AM
Okay, I can reactivate it. Would anyone at least check it out if it was?
But right now I need subboards to add to it. So if anyone has any ideas post them now. I plan to have three subboards General/OOC/ and fles which is a IC board but will abe the place to post file or file links to be more accurate. But we need more and the more SL content the better. I hope to add at least a Rigger, Native American, Mecenary, Magic, Seattle and Matrix (Deckers, not hackers) SBs. So if you want to add anything to it or something new like a section for Dragons, suggest it.
And one more thing to get out of the way. Eidolon and craigpierce, thank you for posting what you did. This board now has a chance.
Oct 25 2006, 11:29 AM
QUOTE (Darkclaw) |
Okay, I can reactivate it. Would anyone at least check it out if it was? |
To be honest, its success will all depend on how much time you put into it to draw in new visitors. You should be prepared to start a shitload of new threads, with new in-game things to discuss, ranging from the gutter to the glass towers, and from the magical to the mundane. New gadgets and gizmos in a product-review sort of page, which you could also extend to cyberware, soy-burger joints, trideo/sim-releases, nightclubs, restaurants and new bands. You could make a page discussing the exploits of a new and upcoming hacker...one who managed to hack the Boston Stock Exchange and turn all the stock-counts to pi for the duration of twelve seconds. You can discuss geo-political issues like race-relations in Japan and the Philipines, the new direction of Yamatetsu now that they have a meta-human at its head, or what the Vory are doing in California Freestate right now. Are they still busy doing the petroleum scam, or have they upgraded their portfolio to include the kidnapping of rich, Nipponese expatriats?
Well, you catch my drift. If you do, then you'll have my attention, for sure. If you don't, I'm afraid it'll bleed out quickly.
Oct 25 2006, 12:16 PM
QUOTE (Darkclaw) |
Matrix (Deckers, not hackers) |
So you plan this to be a SR3 board then, or is this one of those dinosaur holdovers from when people used decks and doesnt want to change?
Also, now that Technomancers are in SR4, you might have a few posting IC, or at least some Otaku if you are for sure making it SR3 only.
To make it easier, throw up a starter post with a starting time for the site. This way there will be no confusion over what time everyone is starting out from.
mattness pl
Oct 30 2006, 06:26 AM
QUOTE (mfb) |
QUOTE (mattness pl) | btw - SR James - could you write something more about you're site? I know that's one of oldest SR sites in the net, I've been there - but I don't get the idea (poor English frown.gif ).
Could you explain in short words, how it works like? TIA |
dunno if James got back to you, but i'll explain. basically, shadowland.org is a site for roleplaying. it basically works like a message board, with a thread for each location (and, generally, another thread for OOC and dice rolls at each location).
mfb, thanks for answer.
I was hoping, that James will post little guide, how to navigate & use shadowland (java engine is little distracting).
* * *
Hey, DV8, when you bring back the WR? New look is great, but I had really tough time looking for your vory article

(but Internet Archive is shadowrunner best friend).
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